24 research outputs found

    Analyse effectiviteit van het akkervogelbeheer in Provincie Groningen : Evaluatierapport

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    De Werkgroep Grauwe Kiekendief en zijn oprichter Ben Koks zijn belangrijke pioniers geweest in het agrarische natuurbeheer. In de loop van de jaren hebben zij – in samenwerking met verschillende universiteiten – onafhankelijk, degelijk en vooral kritisch onderzoek geëntameerd, waarbij niet al van te voren vaststond dat genomen maatregelen wel zouden werken. Dit rapport vat veel van dit belangrijke werk same

    Synchronous timing of return to breeding sites in a long-distance migratory seabird with ocean-scale variation in migration schedules

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    Background Migratory birds generally have tightly scheduled annual cycles, in which delays can have carry-over effects on the timing of later events, ultimately impacting reproductive output. Whether temporal carry-over effects are more pronounced among migrations over larger distances, with tighter schedules, is a largely unexplored question. Methods We tracked individual Arctic Skuas Stercorarius parasiticus, a long-distance migratory seabird, from eight breeding populations between Greenland and Siberia using light-level geolocators. We tested whether migration schedules among breeding populations differ as a function of their use of seven widely divergent wintering areas across the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean. Results Breeding at higher latitudes led not only to later reproduction and migration, but also faster spring migration and shorter time between return to the breeding area and clutch initiation. Wintering area was consistent within individuals among years; and more distant areas were associated with more time spent on migration and less time in the wintering areas. Skuas adjusted the period spent in the wintering area, regardless of migration distance, which buffered the variation in timing of autumn migration. Choice of wintering area had only minor effects on timing of return at the breeding area and timing of breeding and these effects were not consistent between breeding populations. Conclusion The lack of a consistent effect of wintering area on timing of return between breeding areas indicates that individuals synchronize their arrival with others in their population despite extensive individual differences in migration strategies

    Prediction of bird-day carrying capacity on a staging site: a test of depletion models

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    1. The carrying capacity of a site for migratory water birds, expressed in bird-days, can be of particular conservation value. Several attempts have been made to model this carrying capacity using ideal free distribution models such as, for instance, depletion models, in which the distribution is fully determined by exploitative competition. 2. In the tests of depletion models carried out so far, no alternative models were compared; rather, one specific model was tested. We tested whether bird-days were more in accordance with birds depleting the food resource (a1) until a critical food density which just enabled survival or (a2) until a threshold food density which renders the site as profitable as an alternative site; and birds (b1) satisfying their daily requirements or (b2) maximizing daily intake. 3. We studied Bewick's swans feeding on below-ground tubers of fennel pondweed in one part of an autumn staging site. In most years between 1995 and 2005, we measured tuber biomass densities around September, November and March, and counted swans daily during their stopover in October. 4. The best fit between observed and predicted bird-days was obtained by assuming that the swans were maximizing their daily intake and depleting the tubers until a threshold biomass density (which yielded the same energetic return as the alternative food source after accounting for a small part of the initial tuber biomass being out of reach of the swans). Also in line with daily intake maximization, the daily feeding time did not differ from 10 h day1, the value predicted for Bewick's swans b 5. Our results suggests that the applicable model to calculate carrying capacity may depend strongly on whether birds use a site to stopover or to winter, because it determines whether the birds are more likely to use a threshold or critical food density, and to behave as energy maximizers or satisficers.

    The influence of social interactions on the foraging path of Bewick’s Swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii

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    The efficiency in which high-density food patches are found is determined by the way foragers move between patches. In this study we explore the effect of social interactions on the foraging path, in particular the distance moved between patches. We studied Bewick’s Swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii that foraged on belowground tubers of Fennel Pondweed Potamogeton pectinatus. We accurately mapped the foraging path of individual swans and determined the distances between visited patches. 24% of inter-patch movements are associated with social interactions. When a swan retreats from a patch because it is chased away by another swan, it moves a significantly larger distance to a patch than if the movement is not associated with a social interaction. Such longer movements are thought to reduce the rate at which high-density patches are encountered, and thus the energy gain rate a swan can achieve. We observed a strong social hierarchy in which families are dominant over pairs and singletons, and pairs are dominant over singletons, which represents a producer–scrounger model. Singletons were most frequently observed to retreat from patches and are consequently thought to achieve the lowest gain rates, and also as a result exhibit the slowest speed of movement between patches. However singletons might partly compensate for more frequent retreats from patches by moving larger distances to arrive at the front edge of a flock where they encounter unexploited resources.

    The use of a flexible patch leaving rule under exploitative competition: a field test with swans

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    Learning animals are predicted to use a flexible patch-leaving threshold (PLT) while foraging in a depletable environment under exploitative competition. This prediction was tested in flock-feeding Bewick's swans (Cygnus columbianus bewickii) depleting hidden tubers of fennel pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus) in a two-dimensional, continuous environment. The swans' patch residence time was measured by combining recordings of the foraging behaviour and movement paths. The tuber biomass density was measured before and after the period of exploitation, using the presumable foraging window of the swans as the scale of measurement. Swan foraging was simulated in order to predict the effects of flexible and fixed PLTs, respectively, on the patch residence time and the spatial heterogeneity of the tuber biomass density. Flexible PLTs were predicted to lead to short and decreasing patch residence times and a decrease in the coefficient of variation in tuber biomass densities, whereas the reverse was generally the case for fixed PLTs. Observed patch residence times did not decrease with time and were intermediate between those predicted for swans with flexible and fixed PLTs. Furthermore, an increase of the coefficient of variation in the tuber biomass density was observed. Given the observed giving-up biomass densities the most likely model was one with swans with a fixed rather than a flexible PLT. These results point at factors that may affect the spacing behaviour or constrain the use of a flexible PLT in swans.

    Movement of foraging Tundra Swans explained by spatial pattern in cryptic food densities

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    We tested whether Tundra Swans use information on the spatial distribution of cryptic food items (belowground Sago pondweed tubers) to shape their movement paths. In a continuous environment, swans create their own food patches by digging craters, which they exploit in several feeding bouts. Series of short (1 m). Tuber biomass densities showed a positive spatial auto-correlation at a short distance (25 g/m2) and to a more distant patch (at 7–8 m) if the food density in the current patch had been low (3 m) from a low-density patch and a short distance

    Prior knowledge about spatial pattern affects patch assessment rather than movement between patches in tactile-feeding Mallard

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    1. Heterogeneity in food abundance allows a forager to concentrate foraging effort in patches that are rich in food. This might be problematic when food is cryptic, as the content of patches is unknown prior to foraging. In such case knowledge about the spatial pattern in the distribution of food might be beneficial as this enables a forager to estimate the content of surrounding patches. A forager can benefit from this pre-harvest information about the food distribution by regulating time in patches and/or movement between patches. 2. We conducted an experiment with mallard Anas platyrhynchos foraging in environments with random, regular, and clumped spatial configurations of full and empty patches. An assessment model was used to predict the time in patches for different spatial distributions, in which a mallard is predicted to remain in a patch until its potential intake rate drops to the average intake rate that can be achieved in the environment. A movement model was used to predict lengths of interpatch movements for 3. Consistent with predictions, in the clumped distribution mallard spent less time in an empty patch when the previously visited neighbouring patch had been empty than when it had been full. This effect was not observed for the random distribution. This shows that mallard use pre-harvest information on spatial pattern to improve patch assessment. Patch assessment could not be evaluated for the regular distribution. 4. Movements that started in an empty patch were longer than movements that started in a full patch. Contrary to model predictions this effect was observed for all spatial distributions, rather than for the clumped distribution only. In this experiment mallard did not regulate movement in relation to pattern. 5. An explanation for the result that pre-harvest information on spatial pattern affected patch assessment rather than movement is that mallard move to the nearest patch where the expected intake rate is higher than the critical value, rather than to the patch where the highest intake rate is expected.

    Intake rate at different scaled heterogeneous food distributions explained by the ability of tactile-foraging mallard to concentrate foraging effort within profitable areas

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    The ability to respond to spatial heterogeneity in food abundance depends on the scale of the food distribution and the foraging scale of the forager. The aim of this study is to illustrate that a foraging scale exists, and that at larger scaled food distributions foragers benefit from the ability to subdivide a continuous (non-discrete) heterogeneous environment into profitable and non-profitable areas. We recorded search patterns of mallards Anas plathyrhynchos foraging in shallow water on cryptic prey items (millet seeds), distributed at different scales. A small magnet attached to the lower mandible allowed us to record in great detail the position and movements of the bill tip within a feeding tray underlain by magnet sensors. Instantaneous intake rate was determined in a subsequent experiment. We successfully determined the foraging scale (about 2×2 cm), defined as the scale above which foragers do respond (coarse scaled distribution) and below which foragers do not respond (fine scaled distribution) to spatial heterogeneity, by concentrating foraging effort within areas of high food density. A response resulted in a significantly higher intake rate, compared to a homogeneous distribution with an equal overall density. Unlike systematic search cell revisitation was common in trials, and at coarse scaled food distributions even slightly (but significantly) more frequently observed than predicted for random search. Mallards respond to food capture by restricting displacement (area restricted search) at food distributions that are considered to be clumped for the forager (large scaled coarse distributions). We argue that partitioning the environment at the foraging scale in itself could be a mechanism to concentrate foraging efforts within profitable areas, because mallard were able to respond to heterogeneity at coarse scaled food distributions even when non-clumped (i.e. without conducting area restricted search)