63 research outputs found

    Scapular winging: anatomical review, diagnosis, and treatments

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    Scapular winging is a rare debilitating condition that leads to limited functional activity of the upper extremity. It is the result of numerous causes, including traumatic, iatrogenic, and idiopathic processes that most often result in nerve injury and paralysis of either the serratus anterior, trapezius, or rhomboid muscles. Diagnosis is easily made upon visible inspection of the scapula, with serratus anterior paralysis resulting in medial winging of the scapula. This is in contrast to the lateral winging generated by trapezius and rhomboid paralysis. Most cases of serratus anterior paralysis spontaneously resolve within 24 months, while conservative treatment of trapezius paralysis is less effective. A conservative course of treatment is usually followed for rhomboid paralysis. To allow time for spontaneous recovery, a 6–24 month course of conservative treatment is often recommended, after which if there is no recovery, patients become candidates for corrective surgery

    MAPK immunoreactivity in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat testis

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the alterations of two mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK)s, extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) and c-Jun NH2 terminal kinase (JNK), in the testes of male rats with experimental diabetes.METHODS: Twenty males Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into a control group (n=8) and a diabetes group (administration of 40 mg/kg/day streptozotocin (STZ) for five sequential days, n=12). After six weeks, testicular biopsy samples were obtained for light microscopy and immunohistochemical methods.RESULTS: The PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) index was significantly decreased in the diabetes group (p=0.004) when compared to the control group. Both total (t)-ERK and phosphor (p)-ERK immunoreactivities were significantly decreased in the diabetes group (p=0.004, p<0.001, respectively). The t-JNK immunoreactivity was unchanged in both groups (p=0.125), while p-JNK immunoreactivity was significantly increased in the diabetic group (p=0.002).CONCLUSIONS: The decrease of androgen levels in the course of diabetes may contribute to the decrease of the immunoreactivities of t-ERK and p-ERK. JNK may be activated due to the changes in various cytokines and chemochines that participate in the oxidative stress process of diabetes. Therefore, testicular apoptosis may occur and lead to infertility associated with diabetes. © 2014 Society for Neuroscience. All rights reserved

    Cross-talk between ribosome biogenesis, translation, and mTOR in CD133+4/CD44+prostate cancer stem cells

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    Acikgoz, Eda/0000-0002-6772-3081WOS: 000491662000001PubMed: 31630355Objective To investigate the gene expression profile of CSCs and to explore the key pathways and specific molecular signatures involved in the characteristic of CSCs. Materials and methods CD133+ /CD44+ CSCs and bulk population (non-CSCs) were isolated from DU-145 cells using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). We used Illumina HumanHT-12 v4 Expression to investigate gene expression profiling of CSCs and non-CSCs. Protein-protein interaction (PPI) network analysis was performed using the STRING database. Biomarkers selected based on gene expression profiling were visually analyzed using immunofluorescence staining method. An image analysis program, ImageJ (R), was used for the analysis of fluorescence intensity. Results in microarray analysis, we found that many ribosomal proteins and translation initiation factors that constitute the mTOR complex were highly expressed. PPI analysis using the 33 genes demonstrated that there was a close interaction between ribosome biogenesis, translation, and mTOR signaling. the fluorescence amount of mTOR and MLST8 were higher in CSCs compared to non-CSCs. Conclusions the increase in a number of genes associated with ribosome biogenesis, translation, and mTOR signaling may be important to evaluate prognosis and determine treatment approach for prostate cancer (PCa). A better understanding of the molecular pathways associated with CSCs may be promising to develop targeted therapies to prolong survival in PCa