284 research outputs found

    Another tempo distortion: analyzing controlled fertility by age-specific marital fertility rate

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    The rise in marital fertility in East Asian societies with very low fertility has been reported through analyses using the age-specific marital fertility rate (AMFR). Though the measure is often considered related to the average number of children married women have (CMF), we demonstrated that such an interpretation is often erroneous (AMFR problem) and valid only under limited conditions in more or less controlled fertility, a fact that has been known by some researchers. We conducted numerical simulations based on a simple mathematical model. Holding completed marital fertility (CMF) constant, tempo changes in the age-specific marriage rate and in the duration-specific marital fertility produce a parallel and opposite change in the AMFR, respectively. Note that the former is in the opposite direction of demographic translation. This means that a change in the AMFR caused by such tempo changes may cancel the change in the CMF thus leading to an erroneous interpretation. We should be careful in using the AMFR when the age at marriage or the tempo in duration-specific marital fertility changes or differs notably. Hence, the observed rise in the AMFR should be interpreted after subtracting the enormous effect by such tempo changes so as to avoid exaggeration of the marriage rate decline and negligence of marital fertility decline. This problem may even apply to some developing countries or Western societies.

    Note on points and symplecta in the metasymplectic geometry

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    Turbulence structure in bottom layer of a tidal estuary

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    River hydrodynamicsTurbulent open channel flow and transport phenomen

    A Calculation on Pressure Dependence of Spin Wave Energy of Invar Alloys

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    Under the assumption that the change in volume of the system affects both the band width and molecular field coefficient but the shape of the density-of-states curve remains unaffected, a formula for the pressure dependence of exchange stiffness D is derived. For a system of two dimensional free electrons with step-type density-of-states curve, calculations on D and its pressure dependence dD/dp are performed with reasonable values of parameters. Calculated results well reproduce the observed composition dependence of the reduced values of D and dD/dp for fee Fe-Ni alloy system, while the calculated absolute values themselves are smaller by about an order of magnitude than the observed ones.Article信州大学理学部紀要 9(1): 43-53(1974)departmental bulletin pape

    Stilfrage in der Tonkunst

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    Contrast of Sound (II)

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    Über die Pigmentwanderung der Pigmentzellen der Froschnetzhaut (II. Mitteilung.) Über die Adrenalinwirkung auf die Pigmentwanderung der Froschnetzhaut

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    Verfasser untersuchte die Adrenalinwirkung auf die Pigmentwanderung der Froschnetzhaut und kam zu folgenden Resultaten:- 1) Salzsaures Adrenalin bringt die Netzhautpigmentzellen zur vollständigen Hellstellung, während es die Hautmelanophoren zur Kontraktion führt. Die Wirkungsweise ist örtlich. 2) Salzsäurefreies Adrenalin führt ebenfalls die Pigmentzellen zur Hellstellung, aber diese Wirkung steht jener ein wenig nach. 3) Der Säuregrad von salzsaurem Adrenalin bewirkt bei den Netzhautpigmentzellen ebenfalls vollkommene Hellstellung. 4) Bezüglich des Zusammenhanges zwischen Nebennieren und Netzhautpigmentzellen wurde nichts Spezifisches bemerkt