27 research outputs found
Recombinant Wild-Type and Edmonston Strain Measles Viruses Bearing Heterologous H Proteins: Role of H Protein in Cell Fusion and Host Cell Specificity
Wild-type measles virus (MV) isolated from B95a cells has a restricted host cell specificity and hardly replicates in Vero cells, whereas the laboratory strain Edmonston (Ed) replicates in a variety of cell types including Vero cells. To investigate the role of H protein in the differential MV host cell specificity and cell fusion activity, H proteins of wild-type MV (IC-B) and Ed were coexpressed with the F protein in Vero cells. Cell-cell fusion occurred in Vero cells when Ed H protein, but not IC-B H protein, was expressed. To analyze the role of H protein in the context of viral infection, a recombinant IC-B virus bearing Ed H protein (IC/Ed-H) and a recombinant Ed virus bearing IC-B H protein (Ed/IC-H) were generated from cloned cDNAs. IC/Ed-H replicated efficiently in Vero cells and induced small syncytia in Vero cells, indicating that Ed H protein conferred replication ability in Vero cells on IC/Ed-H. On the other hand, Ed/IC-H also replicated well in Vero cells and induced small syncytia, although parental Ed induced large syncytia in Vero cells. These results indicated that an MV protein(s) other than H protein was likely involved in determining cell fusion and host cell specificity of MV in the case of our recombinants. SLAM (CDw150), a recently identified cellular receptor for wild-type MV, was not expressed in Vero cells, and a monoclonal antibody against CD46, a cellular receptor for Ed, did not block replication or syncytium formation of Ed/IC-H in Vero cells. It is therefore suggested that Ed/IC-H entered Vero cells through another cellular receptor
金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系2005年3月20日に発生した福岡県西方沖地震による上水道ライフラインの被害を報告する. 震度6弱が記録された福岡市では耐震強度の高いダクタイル鉄管の普及率が高かったこともあり, 埋設管の構造被害は最小限に止まった. 海岸埋立て地で局所的に生じた液状化による地盤変形に対しても, いわゆる耐震継手が効果を発揮して被害が生じなかった. これらの事例を報告し, 今後の教訓を明らかにする.The present study is focusing on the damage to water supply system in the 2005 Fukuoka-ken Seiho-oki Earthquake. An outline of the damage to water supply system at Fukuoka City is given. The relation between the damage to water supply pipe and ground deformation was investigated