28 research outputs found


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    1 We made surveys on behavior about mental illness and tuberculosis in Japan by means of the same questionare. 2 These surveys consist of both past one and new one. The objects of this survey are population of Kansai Area ; 1) general population of rural and urban area, 2) examinee of short-stay dock of hospital, 3) students. 3 Allowable marks about mental illness are lower than those of tuberculosis among general population, as well as short-stay inpatient and students. 4 Allowable marks of student are higher than those of short-stay inpatient. 5 Allowable marks of men are higher than those of women. 6 Allowable marks of medical and health students are the highest among student groups. 7 Allowable marks of key-persons are higher than those of general residents

    Accidents among junior and senior high school students (On the relation between the occurrence of dislocations and sprains, and several etiological factors)

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    日本学校健康会京都府支部に, 中学校および高等学校(全日制)から報告された災害報告書を調査資料として, 昭和59年度中に発生した災害で, 死亡事故を除く11574件の傷害について, ①傷害の種類, ②受傷部位, ③発生場所, ④発生時状況, ⑤性の各要因を調査し, 学校管理下における中学生および高校生の脱臼捻挫の発生状況を検討した。 1) 傷害発生数に占める脱臼捻挫の割合は, 中学校では男子が20.0%, 女子が36.1%, 高等学校では男女それぞれ27.9%, 43.8%で, 中, 高等学校とも女子の方が高い値を示した。 2) 各受傷部位における傷害発生数に占める脱臼捻挫の割合は, 中, 高等学校男女とも下肢が最も高い値を示し, 中学校男子以外の3集団では50%以上を示した。各発生場所では, 中, 高等学校の男女とも体育館が最も高い値を示し, 各発生時状況では, 体育授業時が最も高い値を示した。 3) 対数線形分析の結果, 学校種別の対数線形モデルには, 5つの単要因効果項の他に, 中学校では10項の二因子交互項と6項の三因子交互作用項が, 高等学校では9項と5項の二因子, 三因子交互作用項がそれぞれ採用された。すなわち, 中, 高等学校とも, 脱臼捻挫の割合は受傷部位, 発生場所, 発生時状況および性によつて相違するが, さらに, 各発生場所の脱臼捻挫の割合の相違の様相は, 受傷部位および発生時状況によつて, さらにまた, 中学校では各受傷部位の脱臼捻挫の割合の相違の様相は発生時状況によつて相違していることが認められた。 4) 脱臼捻挫の発生比が最も大きい場合は, 中学校では, 登下校時に下肢に発生する場合で, 高等学校では, 校舎内で下肢に発生する場合であった。中学校, 高等学校とも, 脱臼捻挫の発生比上位5位までの条件には, 下肢要因が関連する場合が多く認められた。 5) 期待頻度が最も大きい場合は, 中学校ではクラブ活動中に下肢に発生する場合, 高等学校では体育館でのクラブ活動中に発生する場合であった。There were 11574 accidental injuries which occurred among junior and senior high school students in Kyoto Prefecture during the period from April 1984 to March 1985. In order to get a clue for the prevention of school injuries, the relation between the occurrence of dislocations and sprains, and five etiological factors (injury type, region of body injured, accident location, conditions at five of accident, and sexes) was analyzed by the supposed log-linear model. Of all the injuries, the proportions of dislocations and sprains in junior and senior high school students accounted for 25.7% and 33.8%, respectively, and were greater among girls than boys. The distributions of those by region of body injured were considerably great on the leg among both junior and senior high school students. The well fitted log-linear model contained all of the five effects and included several two and three factor interactions for junior and senior high school students. This result suggested that the relation between the occurrence of dislocations and sprains, and accident location was different by region of body injured and by conditions at five of accident in every school group. Forthermore, it is suggested from the model that the ratio of occurrence of dislocations and sprains (number of dislocations and sprains / number of all other injuries) was especially great for leg injuries occurred on the way to or back from school among junior high school students, and for leg injuries occurred inside school building among high school students

    Accidents among primary school children (On the relation between the occurrence of dislocations and sprains, and several etiological factors)

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    日本学校健康会京都府支部に小学校から報告された災害報告書を調査資料として, 昭和59年度中に発生した傷害のうち, 夏季, 冬季, 春季の長期休暇中, 土曜日, 日曜日, 登下校時の発生を除く11210件の傷害について, ①傷害の種類, ②受傷部位, ③発生場所, ④発生時状況, ⑤発生時刻を調査し, 学校管理下における脱臼捻挫の発生状況について検討した。 1) 傷害の発生件数, 脱臼捻挫の発生件数およびその発生割合は, 男女とも高学年になるにつれて増大する傾向を示していた。 2) 低学年男女, 高学年男女の4集団とも, 下肢の脱臼捻挫百分率は35%以上を示した。また, いずれの集団とも体育時の脱臼捻挫発生百分率は, 体育以外の授業時, 特別活動時, 休憩時より高かった。 3) 対数線形分析の結果, 4集団とも脱臼捻挫の発生は受傷部位, 発生場所によって異なり, さらに, 脱臼捻挫の発生と受傷部位との問の関連は発生場所によって相違していた。また, 低学年男子, 高学年男女の3集団では, 脱臼捻挫の発生と発生場所との間の関連が発生時状況によって相違していた。 4) 脱臼捻挫発生比の最も大きい条件は, 低学年男子では校外で休憩時に発生した場合, 低学年女子では体育館以外の校舎内で下肢に発生した場合, 高学年男女では休憩時に下肢に発生した場合で, 発生比の上位には, すべての集団とも下肢, 校外, あるいは休憩要因が関連する場合が多く認められた。 5) 発生期待度数が最も大きい条件は, 低学年男子, 高学年男女の3集団では校舎外で上肢に発生した場合で, 低学年女子では校舎外で下肢に発生した場合であった。11210 accidental injuries occurred among primary school children in Kyoto Prefecture during the period from April 1984 to March 1985 were investigated, and the relation between the occurrence of dislocations and sprains, and five etiological factors (kinds of injuries, regions of body injured, places, occasions and time of the day when accident occurred) was analyzed by the supposed log-linear model. The number of the occurrence of dislocations and sprains, and the total number of accidental injuries were greater among boys and girls as the school grades increased. The proportions of dislocations and sprains were higher among children in upper grades than those in lower grades. The distribution of those by regions of body injured was considerably great on the leg among both boys and girls. In each of four sex-grade groups (boys and girls in the first to third grade, and in the fourth to sixth grade) the well fitted log-linear model contained the five main effects and several interactions caused by two factors and three factors. This result suggests that the frequencies of occurrence of dislocations and sprains were different by regions of body injured and by places in every sex-grade group, and also that the relation between the occurrence of dislocations and sprains, and the regions of body injured was different by places where the accidents occurred. Furthermore, the result above indicates that the dislocations and sprains ratio (number of dislocations and sprains / number of all other injuries) was great in the case of injuries which occurred outside the school precinct among boys in the lower grades and injuries on leg which occurred inside school bulding among girls in the lower grades, and those on leg which ocuurred during recess among boys and girls in the higher grades

    Oral food intake versus fasting on postoperative pancreatic fistula after distal pancreatectomy a multi-institutional randomized controlled trial

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    The usefulness of enteral nutrition via a nasointestinal tube for patients who develop postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) after miscellaneous pancreatectomy procedures has been reported. However, no clear evidence regarding whether oral intake is beneficial or harmful during management of POPF after distal pancreatectomy (DP) is currently available. To investigate the effects of oral food intake on the healing process of POPF after DP. Multi-institutional randomized controlled trial in Nagoya University Hospital and 4 affiliated hospitals. Patients who developed POPF were randomly assigned to the dietary intake (DI) group (n=15) or the fasted group (no dietary intake [NDI] group) (n=15). The primary endpoint was the length of drain placement. No significant differences were found in the length of drain placement between the DI and NDI groups (12 [6-58] and 12 [7-112] days, respectively; P=0.786). POPF progressed to a clinically relevant status (grade B/C) in 5 patients in the DI group and 4 patients in the NDI group (P=0.690). POPF-related intra-abdominal hemorrhage was found in 1 patient in the NDI group but in no patients in the DI group (P=0.309). There were no significant differences in POPF-related intra-abdominal hemorrhage, the incidence of other complications, or the length of the postoperative hospital stay between the 2 groups. Food intake did not aggravate POPF and did not prolong drain placement or hospital stay after DP. There may be no need to avoid oral DI in patients with POPF