11 research outputs found

    Antioksidan Vitamin dan Kerusakan Otot pada Aktivitas Fisik Studi Eksperimen pada Mahasiswa JPOK-FKIP UNS Surakarta

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    Vitamin antioxidants administration toward muscle damage on exercise. An experimental study in students of FKIP–JPOK Sebelas Maret UniversityBackground: Exercise has dual effects, which not only enhance health status and performance but also results in muscular damage. The aim of this study is to determine when the administration of vitamin antioxidants is more effective in reducing the muscular damage.Methods: An experimental quantitative study with a 2x2 factorial research design was used in this study. Forty of total students in third semester of JPOK-FKIP Sebelas Maret University were randomly selected to become the experimental subjects and divided equally into four groups. First and second groups performed exercise with strenuous sub maximal intensity (SSI, running 2x800 m) and took the vitamin antioxidants (30 mg vitamin A, 200 mg vitamin C, 50 mg vitamin E, 15 mg Zn and 25 mcg Se) before runningfor first group and after running for second group respectively. Prior to perform prolonged sub maximal intensity (PSI, running 1500 m) third group took the same antioxidants while fourth group took the antioxidant after doing PSI. 48 hours later, MDA plasma levels were determined by using TBARS in order to measure the muscular damage. T-test was use for analyzing all collected data.Results: There is different effect on muscle damage when vitamin antioxidants were taken before and after exercise (obs.T 3.70> tb.T 1.68), which vitamin antioxidants were taken after exercise has a better muscle damage (MDA 200.60><222.38).Conclusions: The administration of vitamin antioxidants after exercise has a better muscle damage

    Kebijakan Pemerintah Tentang Penyediaan Fasilitas Olahraga Pendidikan di SMP Se-kabupaten Demak (Analisis Tentang Prosedur, Pemerataan, Ketersediaan, dan Ketercukupan Fasilitas Olahraga Pendidikan)

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    Kebijakan pemerintah merupakan produk USAha yang dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhanrakyat. Implementasi kebijakan setiap daerah berbeda-beda menyesuaikan kebutuhannnya. Salah satukebijakan pemerintah adalah penyediaan fasilitas olahraga pendidikan di SMP. Sehingga diperlukansebuah analisis mengenai kebijakan tersebut. Tujuannya untuk evaluasi kebijakan yang sudah ada danmembuat kebijakan baru yang lebih efektif dan tepat sasaran.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kebijakan pemerintah tentang prosedur, pemerataan,ketersediaan, dan ketercukupan fasilitas olahraga di SMP di Kabupaten Demak. Penelitian ini dilakukan diKabupaten Demak. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Subyek penelitian adalah kebijakanpemerintah tentang penyediaan fasilitas olahraga pendidikan. Sumber data berupa dokumen peraturandaerah tentang olahraga pendidikan dan informan dengan menggunakan teknik snowball sampling. Teknikpengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu mengkaji dokumen dan arsip (contentanalysis), wawancara mendalam (in-depth interviewing) dan observasi (observation).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Prosedur, Pemerataan, Ketersediaan, dan Ketercukupan FasilitasOlahraga Pendidikan di SMP se-Kabupaten Demak belum terprogram dengan baik. Peran pemerintahbelum terlihat dengan jelas dalam penyediaan fasilitas olahraga pendidikan di Kabupaten Demak. Prosedurpenyediaan fasilitas olahraga pendidikan di Kabupaten Demak belum berjalan dengan baik. Pemerataanpenyediaan fasilitas olahraga pendidikan di SMP belum merata ke seluruh sekolah. Ketersediaan fasilitasbelum merata pada semua SMP di Kabupaten Demak. Ketersediaan fasilitas olahraga belum memenuhikebutuhan olahraga pendidikan. Ketercukupan fasilitas olahraga belum maksimal. Sehingga berdampakpada kegiatan belajar mengajar maupun prestasi olahraga pendidikan

    Faktor Kondisi Fisik Dominan Penentu Prestasi Bermain Tenis Meja (Analisis Faktor Fleksibilitas Pergelangan Tangan, Fleksibilitas Pinggul, Waktu Reaksi, Koordinasi Mata Tangan, Kelincahan , dan Power Otot Lengan pada Mahasiswa Pembinaan Prestasi Tenis Mej

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    Permainan tenis meja membutuhkan kelengkapan kondisi fisik agar mampu mendapatkan prestasi lebih tinggi disamping penguasaan teknik dan strategi. Komponen kondisi fisik antara lain, kekuatan, daya tahan, daya ledak otot, kecepatan, koordinasi, fleksibilitas, kelincahan, keseimbangan, ketepatan, dan reaksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuidiantara faktor fisik fleksibilitas pergelangan tangan, fleksibilitas pinggul, waktu reaksi, koordinasi mata tangan, kelincahan, dan power otot lengan, manakah yang dominan menentukan prestasi bermain tenis meja pada mahasiswa putra pembinaan prestasi tenis meja.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan rancangan analisis faktor, yaitu analisis faktor konfirmatori. Populasi penelitian ini yaitu mahasiswa pembinaan prestasi UNS. Sampel sebanyak 16mahasiswa diperoleh melalui teknik purposive random sampling. Data yang digunakan diambil melalui serangkaian test terhadap variabel bebas dan terikat. Metode pengujian penelitian ini menggunakan analisis faktor konfirmatori dengan bantuan program SPSS 19 dan amos 21.Hasil pengujian hipotesis penelitian terbukti bahwa keseluruhan faktor kondisi fisik mempunyai pengaruh dan hubungan yang signifikan terhadap prestasi bermain tenis meja. Faktor kondisi fisik tersebut antara lain fleksibilitas pergelangan tangan, fleksibilitas pinggul, waktu reaksi, koordinasi mata tangan, kelincahan dan power otot lengan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di atas, diambil kesimpulan bahwa Faktor dominan dari keenam faktor kondisi Fisik yang mendukung prestasi bermain tenis meja mahasiswa berturut-turut adalah :kelincahan dengan nilai korelasi 0,428, fleksibilitas pinggul dengan nilai korelasi 0,220, koordinasi mata tangan dengan nilai korelasi sebesar 0,165, Waktu reaksi dengan nilai korelasi sebesar 0,149, Fleksibilitas pergelangan tangan dengan nilai korelasi sebesar 0,123 danPower otot lengan sebesar 0,118.

    Faktor Fisik Dominan Penentu Kemampuan Apnea pada Selam (Study Korelasi Panjang Tungkai, Lingkar Dada, Kekuatan Otot Tungkai, Kapasitas Paru, Volume Oksigen Maksimal dan Fleksibilitas Togok pada Atlet Selam di Provinsi Jogjakarta)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: diantara variabel panjang tungkai, lingkar dada, kekuatan otot tungkai, kapasitas paru, volume oksigen maksimal dan fleksibilitas Togok, yang manakah dominan mempengaruhi kemampuan apnea pada selam. Penelitian ini termasuk “korelasi” yang terdiri dari variabel bebas yaitu panjang tungkai, lingkar dada, kekuatan otot tungkai, kapasitas paru, volume oksigen maksimal dan fleksibilitas Togok, dan variabel terikat yaitu kemampuan apnea pada selam. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah atlet selam putra Propinsi Jogjakarta sejumlah 25 orang. Data diperoleh dari tes setiap variabel bebas dan termasuk variabel terikat, kemudian dinalisis menggunakan instrument komputer program dengan SPSS dan Amos.Pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif, menggunakan rancangan Analisis Faktor Konfirmatori (Emzir, 2008: 48). Analisis faktor adalah salah satu metode statistik multivariat yang mencoba menerangkan hubungan antara sejumlah Perubahan-Perubahan yang saling independen antara satu dengan yang lain sehingga bisa dibuat satu atau lebih kumpulan Perubahan yang lebih sedikit dari jumlah Perubahan awal. Analisis faktor digunakan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor dominan dalam menjelaskan suatu masalah (http://www.slideshare.net/ganuraga/analisis-faktor).Metode satistik multivariat banyak digunakan. Salah satu multivariat digunakan dalam bidang olahraga untuk mengukur variabel dominan anthropometri dan fisik dalam kemampuan apnea selam dimana variabelnya yaitu (enam variabel bebas dan satu variabel terikat) yang telah dikumpulkan akan diolah dan dianalisa menggunakan Program Statistik Komputerisasi dengan sistem SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) Versi 22 dan menggunakan AMOS 18. Statistik multivariat membutuhkan banyak perhitungan matematis yang tidak memungkinkan dilakukan secara manual. Dengan banyak metode multivariat lain seperti analisis faktor konfirmatori yang tingkat kompleksnya dapat melebihi metode regresi berganda maka dilakukan penghitungan menggunakan SPSS dan AMOS (Santoso, 2012: 58


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    This study aims to (1) Figure out the existence of woodball sports organization in the province of Central Java. (2) Determine the efforts in the development of sports woodball conducted in IWbA Central Java Pengprov. (3) Find out of the status of human resources in Central Java Pengprov to develop sports woodball. (4) Knowing facilities and infrastructure owned by Central Java Pengprov. (5) Find out the source of funds by Central Java Pengpov’s excavation. (6) Knowing coaching achievements of woodball sports applied in Central Java Pengprov. This research was conducted in Indonesia Woodball Association (IWbA) and IWbA Central Java Pengprov. The method used was descriptive qualitative research with woodball Sports Development in Central Java province as subject of the research. Sources of data in the form of two data; first, interviews and records of the organization, human resources, infrastructure, funding and coaching achievements of the IWbA and administrators IWbA province of Central Java and the second data was from informants, they both were gained by using snowball sampling technique. Data collection techniques used in this research were examining the documents and archives (content analysis), in-depth interviews (in-depth interviewing) and observations (observation). The results showed that (1) Indonesia woodball association and IWbA Central Java Pengprov had an important role in the process of woodball sport development. (2) IWbA Central Java Pengprov had made various efforts to develop the sport woodball with socialization, training and coaching for coaches and athletes. (3) Human resources in Central Java IWbA Pengprov ranging from administrators, coaches and athletes also have the good potential and quality. This is shown by the interest, talent and the many accomplishments achieved by athletes’ woodball in Central Java province. (4) Facilities and infrastructure owned by Pengprov Central Java were in accordance with the quality and quantity in the set. However, the use of the sports facilities, Pengprov IWbA Central Java still needed to work with several parties due to its less private facilities. (5) Excavation of funding sources were obtained from KONI and PB IWbA. So far, the government had not participated in the development of sport woodball particularly in the areas of funding. (6) Pengprov IWbA Central Java did not maximize in fostering achievement. Limitations of funding resulted, several achievements coaching program had not done well, such as the lack of a training center athletes and junior athlete’s recruitment.  Article visualizations


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    Sport Development in a region cannot be measured only based on one indicator of medal achievement in multi-event competition, but can be done by measuring open space, human resource (HR) and the public participation in doing sport activities. Although it’s a simple thing, but it will give the right information about long term development clearly, especially in sport sector which is more relatable with other development sectors. The purpose of this research was investigating the index of open space, the index of HR and the index of public participation. Technique of sampling in the research used Stratified random sampling with cluster sampling and the amount of the sample is 270 people. The research used evaluation method. The technique of collecting Data used observation, questioner, and document. The result of the research showed the amount of the index of open space was 0,711, the index of HR was 0.0010, and the index of public participation was 0,237. The conclusion of this research is Wonogiri Regency have enough open space for sport but has few HR of sport. This describes that the Wonogiri still in great need of human resources involved in sport will be able to develop and promote the potential of sport in Wonogiri. Meanwhile, the public participation in Wonogiri Regency in doing sport is very less; there are only 0,237 people in Wonogiri Regency who participate in sport, minimum three times a week, although they are provided good enough open space. It means that sports development Wonogiri is far from developed. Many things need to be considered and addressed by the government to promote sports development in Wonogiri.   Article visualizations


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    The purpose of study is to find out the dominant factors of biomotor and psychomotor determining tennis groundstroke forehand ability. The research methods were using a quantitative approach and confirmatory factor analysis design. The data collection was processed and analyzed by using Statistical Program Computerized system with SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) Version 23 and try-out Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and Bartlett's Test. The population in this study was 40 students of coaching achievement tennis FKIP UNS Surakarta. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. Data collection techniques applied the test and measurement. The results of study as follows: biomotor and psychomotor factors that determine the tennis ability of forehand groundstrokes on having components value factor ≥ │0,5│ is: grip strength with the factors  component value of (0.84), flexibility with the factors component value of (0.34),  limb muscle power by the factors  component value of (0.82),  speed with the factors component value of (0.91), cardiovascular endurance the factors component value of (0.79),  hand-eye coordination with the factors component value of (0.50), agility with the factors component value of  (0.79). The conclusion of study as follows: biomotor and psychomotor were the most dominant factors determining the forehand groundstrokes ability. Biomotor factors are the speed with the value (0.91) and psychomotor factors are the agility with the value (0.79).  Article visualizations


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    This research aims to know the achievement development of archery sport in Perpani Klaten. Up to now, Klaten is known as a storehouse of talented archer who dominate archery branch in the national championship and started competing in international championships such as the Sea Games and OPEN. From some of the achievements of Archery athletes, Klaten is not as bright as supporting factors the training of the athletes. There are still weaknesses that have not been considered by the local government in Perpani Klaten in coaching achievement. This research is qualitative and descriptive and is using a qualitative approach, observation, analysis of document and interview. Data sources in this research are the board of KONI, board of Perpani, coaches, and athletes in archery Klaten regency. The result of this research is associated with the development of perpani Klaten achievement that includes organizational structure, funding, coaching accomplishments, and infrastructure. Method which has been used in the execution of achievement Perpani Klaten has been very good but there are still weaknesses that need to be repaired and enhanced in getting achievement. Based on this research, research concluded that: the development of archery achievement in Perpani klaten is been very good. It can be seen from the organizational structure, funding, coaching achievements, as well as the infrastructure that has been investigated.  Article visualizations