39 research outputs found

    Peranan Masyarakat Adat TOBARU Dalam Penyelengaraan Pembangunan Di Kecamatai Ibu Utara Kabupaten Halmahera Barat

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    National development has been, is and will be expected to improve the well-being and prosperity of society. In the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 shape paragraph IV summarized the purpose of the Republic of Indonesia is development. As for the formulation of the problem in this paper is how Tobaru custom community role in maintenance of rural development in the District of North Head West Halmahera District? Referring to the formulation of the problems set forth above, then the object of the study was "to find out how Tobaru indigenous role in the maintenance of rural development in the District of North Head West Halmahera District. North Capital District is geographically located on land that lies to the west of the island of Halmahera in the position of territory extending from the east to the western area of ​​about 1234.5 km2. Based on data analysis results which have been presented in the previous section, then some conclusions can be drawn, as follows: Tobaru role in the maintenance of indigenous rural development in the District of North Head unrealized optimally. refer to the results of the findings in this study, then the things that have sought solutions / troubleshooting tips are as follows: To optimize TOBARU role in the maintenance of indigenous rural development, particularly in the District of North Head

    Peranan Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah dalam Penyusunan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Daerah Kabupaten Halmahera Barat

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    This study aims to determine the role of the Regional Planning Board in the preparation of medium-term development plan West Halmahera. To answer the research problem, then apply the descriptive method with qualitative approach, then seven (7) the informant set as a reference in the collection of data or information by interviewing one by one starting from the element of Regional Development Planning Board as many as five people, and two people from the Budget Team Local government (TAPD), then the data was analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques interactive model of Miles and Hubernann.Based on the research results indicate that the role of BAPPEDA Halmahera can be seen from (1) Preparation of a preliminary draft RPJMD. (2) Preparation of a draft strategic plan on education. (3) The drafting of RPJMD. (4) Council planning (Musrenbang) medium term. (5) Preparation of the final draft RPJMD. (6) Determination of local regulation on RPJMDReferring to some of the findings in this study, it is necessary to provide some suggestions as solutions to problems in this study, as follows: (1) Implementation of the good and the right of each stage of the preparation RPJMD (2) an increase in the number of qualified human resources and improve the quality existing human resources as well

    Dampak Kebijakan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia Pegawai Negeri Sipil Dilingungan Pemerintah Kecamatan Siau Timur Kabupaten Kepulauan Sitaro (suatu Studi di Kantor Kecamatan Siau Timur)

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    This study is based on the results of the initial observation that the performance of employeesgovernment environments Eastern District of Siau indicated relatively low. This condition is presumablyrelated to the implementation of policies not optimal development of human resources quality civil servantsin the region. Thus, this study aims to: (1) Examine the impact of the quality of human resource developmentpolicy environment of government civil servants Eastern District of Siau Island District Sitaro. (2) to analyzedifferences in the performance of employees government environments Eastern District of Siau IslandDistrict Sitaro between before and after participating in education and training (Training).This research applies descriptive and quantitative approach combined with a qualitative approach, thesample of respondents purposively set as many as 44 employees. After analyzing the data collected byapplying the product moment correlation technique and simple linear resgresi.The results of data analysis showed that (1). The average implementation of the development policy ofhuman resource quality of civil servants and the gains of government employees districts Siau Timur, bothare in the category of "medium" or not achieve optimal results. (2) Policy development of quality humanresources dilingkingan government civil servants Eastern District of Siau positive and significant impact onemployee performance improvement.The conclusions that can be drawn from this research is that an employee who has been following thedevelopment program through education and training (training) showed a much higher performance thanbefore following the employee development program. Advice can be given is conveyed to the government ofRegency Sitaro for more intensive follow-include civil servants, either at the district or sub-district / villagein educational activities and training, and much needed concrete efforts of the local government districtSitaro in the form of rotation, transfer, training in the workplace and others

    Pengaruh Reformasi Struktur Birokrasi terhadap Kinerja Organisasi pada Sekretariat Daerah Kota Manado

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    This research aims to know the influence of the reform of the Organization's performance against bureaucratic structures in the Secretariat of the regional city of manado. This research using quantitative methods. The respondents in this study amounted to 99 employees at the Secretariat of the regional city of manado. Data collection instruments and techniques used are questionnaire and assisted with interviews and observation. Analytical techniques used for hypothesis testing is the analysis of the correlation of product moment and linear regression with aided by data processing computer program SPSS version 20. The results of data analysis in this research indicate: (1) strong linkages among variables reform bureaucratic structure with organizational performance the Secretariat of Manado City area namely the correlation coefficient was obtained (r) of 0.611 and the coefficient of determination (r2), obtained of 0.373. (2) this can be explained further that the influence of the reform of the Organization's performance against the bureaucratic structure of the Secretariat of the regional city of Manado of 37.3%, while the rest of 62.7% determined by other factors not examined in this study. (3) the results showed that the average performance of organization reform post-war bureaucratic structure acquired for 45.82 or in pengkuran of ideal scale 0.9164 or 91.64%, while the performance of the organization prior to the implementation of the reform of the structure of the bureaucracy, only of 39.96 or in Hiiumaa ideal measurements acquired for 0.7992 or 79.92%, making it a very real differences occur, i.e. around 11.72%

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Publik terhadap Kinerja Organisasi (Studi pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara)

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    This study originated from the results of the pre-survey which found that the performance of the organization in the Department of Population and Civil Registration Minahasa sicapai Tengga yet optimal. This is presumably related to the quality of public services is still relatively low. Thus, this study aims to determine and quantify the effect of Organizational Performance against Public Service in the Department of Population and Civil Registration Southeast Minahasa Regency. Descriptive and quantitative approach applied to problem solving. Samples drawn by purposive sampling of respondents as many as 36 employees / service personnel, then spread Questionnaire (a questionnaire) and the results are analyzed by applying the techniques of regression and correlation analysis product moment.The research results presented as follows:The result of identification of variables showed that in general, both the variable quality of public services as well as organizational performance variables Department of Population and Civil Registration Southeast Minahasa Regency are in the category of 'high'. However, there are two dimensions of quality of public services have not achieved optimal, the empathy dimension and the dimension of direct evidence. This is due to the relative weakness of supervision conducted leadership.The quality of public services and very significant positive effect on organizational performance. Both variables have a linear patterned functional relationship and are contributive. If the improved quality of public services, it will boost the performance of the organization, particularly in the Department of Population and Civil Registration Southeast Minahasa Regency.Thus, it can be concluded that the proposed research hypotheses have been tested empirically enforceability as well as to justify the theory underlying terori. It is recommended that local governments streamline supervision attached, as well as training programs to improve the quality of public services and organizational performance

    Pengaruh Pengawasan Pimpinan terhadap Peningkatan Prestasi Kerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Kabupaten Fakfak Provinsi Papua Barat

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    This study was conducted based on the results prasurvei that civil servants in performing basictasks and functions indicated yet to reach optimum performance. This is presumably related to theimplementation of policy leadership. Thus, the study aims to "Assessing the impact of policy leadership onwork performance of employees at the Department of Public Works Fak-fak West Papua province. Thisresearch applies descriptive method with quantitative approach. Purposive sample of respondents assignedas many as 73 employees, and data collection techniques distributed questionnaires to obtain primary data,secondary data obtained using the documentation techniques. All data and information obtained throughsurveys and direct observation techniques. After the data is collected, then analyzed by using percentageanalysis (frequency table), followed by product moment correlation analysis and simple linear regression.The results showed that: Mean supervisory leadership and job performance of employees at the Departmentof Public Works Fak-fak, according to the results of research are in the category of "medium" or medium.Supervision leadership has positive and highly significant or significant effect on work performance ofemployees at the Department of Public Works Fak-fak West Papua province. Thus, it can be concluded thatthe supervisory leadership with employee work performance related contributory. If the leadership is moreflexible supervision, it will improve the work performance of employees, particularly at the Department ofPublic Works Fak-fak West Papua Province. To improve the work performance of employees, it issuggested that the leadership gives authority to employees in taking the initiative and operational decisionsto carry out their tasks so that work performance will increase even more

    Kepemimpinan dalam Birokrasi Pelayanan Perizinan USAha (suatu Studi pada Kantor Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu Kabupaten Minahasa Utara)

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    As a means of clear government bureaucracy may not be neutral on the influencegovernment.will but this does not mean that the bureaucracy does not independence.preciselybecause of his duties as a government that works for the interests of this community then in need ofindependence bureaucracy.therein lies the art of bureaucracy it self in repositioning it self.Independence of the bureaucracy can be explained by the influence of governmentneutralit,although the bureaucracy it self is a tool for the government.The criterion is the extent towhich the bureaucracy can be in favor of the community and serve the (publik service).Thus thelack of neutrality mentioned.bureaucracy still have the independence fungsional,yes it is serve theinterests of society as a function of the overall.bureaucracy puts him self more as a public servantthat the servant of the state or at least there is to address the phenomenon of the bureaucraticphenomenon it is necessary to do substantial changes to “anatomy” bureaucracy publik inindonesia so as to realize the bureaucracy that is able to adapt with changes in the strategicenvironment is so fast.moreover,for a district in the city of regional autonomy which requires themidependently to regulate and manage the household alone in the midst of global compettion andincreasing public awareness of the true role of the state bureaucracy ,namely the governmentbureacracy that is alwasys ready to provide quality service to the publik