62 research outputs found

    Application-Oriented Benchmarking of Quantum Generative Learning Using QUARK

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    Benchmarking of quantum machine learning (QML) algorithms is challenging due to the complexity and variability of QML systems, e.g., regarding model ansatzes, data sets, training techniques, and hyper-parameters selection. The QUantum computing Application benchmaRK (QUARK) framework simplifies and standardizes benchmarking studies for quantum computing applications. Here, we propose several extensions of QUARK to include the ability to evaluate the training and deployment of quantum generative models. We describe the updated software architecture and illustrate its flexibility through several example applications: (1) We trained different quantum generative models using several circuit ansatzes, data sets, and data transformations. (2) We evaluated our models on GPU and real quantum hardware. (3) We assessed the generalization capabilities of our generative models using a broad set of metrics that capture, e.g., the novelty and validity of the generated data.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Glioblastoma-induced attraction of endogenous neural precursor cells is associated with improved survival

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    Neural precursor cells contribute to adult neurogenesis and to limited attempts of brain repair after injury. Here we report that in a murine experimental glioblastoma model, endogenous neural precursors migrate from the subventricular zone toward the tumor and surround it. The association of endogenous precursors with syngenic tumor grafts was observed, after injecting red fluorescent protein-labeled G261 cells into the caudate-putamen of transgenic mice, which express green fluorescent protein under a promoter for nestin (nestin-GFP). Fourteen days after inoculation, the nestin-GFP cells surrounded the tumors in several cell layers and expressed markers of early noncommitted and committed precursors. Nestin-GFP cells were further identified by a characteristic membrane current pattern as recorded in acute brain slices. 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine labeling and dye tracing experiments revealed that the tumor-associated precursors originated from the subventricular zone. Moreover, in cultured explants from the subventricular zone, the neural precursors showed extensive tropism for glioblastomas. Tumor-induced endogenous precursor cell accumulation decreased with age of the recipient; this correlated with increased tumor size and shorter survival times in aged mice. Coinjection of glioblastoma cells with neural precursors improved the survival time of old mice to a level similar to that in young mice. Coculture experiments showed that neural precursors suppressed the rapid increase in tumor cell number, which is characteristic of glioblastoma, and induced glioblastoma cell apoptosis. Our results indicate that tumor cells attract endogenous precursor cells; the presence of precursor cells is antitumorigenic; and this cellular interaction decreases with aging

    Strahlenbelastung des Operatuers unter perkutaner Vertebroplastie

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    The spinal cord - motor cortex co-culture model: inducing cortical outgrowth

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    Clostridium botulinum peptide - C3bot - promotes outgrowth of motor cortical fibres into spinal cord ex vivo

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    Migration of monocytes in lesioned mice after intracerebral injection

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