19 research outputs found

    Moment operators of the Cartesian margins of the phase space observables

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    The theory of operator integrals is used to determine the moment operators of the Cartesian margins of the phase space observables generated by the mixtures of the number states. The moments of the xx-margin are polynomials of the position operator and those of the yy-margin are polynomials of the momentum operator.Comment: 14 page

    Maximal violation of Bell inequalities by position measurements

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    We show that it is possible to find maximal violations of the CHSH-Bell inequality using only position measurements on a pair of entangled non-relativistic free particles. The device settings required in the CHSH inequality are done by choosing one of two times at which position is measured. For different assignments of the "+" outcome to positions, namely to an interval, to a half line, or to a periodic set, we determine violations of the inequalities, and states where they are attained. These results have consequences for the hidden variable theories of Bohm and Nelson, in which the two-time correlations between distant particle trajectories have a joint distribution, and hence cannot violate any Bell inequality.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Semispectral measures as convolutions and their moment operators

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    The moment operators of a semispectral measure having the structure of the convolution of a positive measure and a semispectral measure are studied, with paying attention to the natural domains of these unbounded operators. The results are then applied to conveniently determine the moment operators of the Cartesian margins of the phase space observables.Comment: 7 page

    On the moment limit of quantum observables, with an application to the balanced homodyne detection

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    We consider the moment operators of the observable (i.e. a semispectral measure or POM) associated with the balanced homodyne detection statistics, with paying attention to the correct domains of these unbounded operators. We show that the high amplitude limit, when performed on the moment operators, actually determines uniquely the entire statistics of a rotated quadrature amplitude of the signal field, thereby verifying the usual assumption that the homodyne detection achieves a measurement of that observable. We also consider, in a general setting, the possibility of constructing a measurement of a single quantum observable from a sequence of observables by taking the limit on the level of moment operators of these observables. In this context, we show that under some natural conditions (each of which is satisfied by the homodyne detector example), the existence of the moment limits ensures that the underlying probability measures converge weakly to the probability measure of the limiting observable. The moment approach naturally requires that the observables be determined by their moment operator sequences (which does not automatically happen), and it turns out, in particular, that this is the case for the balanced homodyne detector.Comment: 22 pages, no figure

    Quantization and noiseless measurements

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    In accordance with the fact that quantum measurements are described in terms of positive operator measures (POMs), we consider certain aspects of a quantization scheme in which a classical variable f:R2→Rf:\R^2\to \R is associated with a unique positive operator measure (POM) EfE^f, which is not necessarily projection valued. The motivation for such a scheme comes from the well-known fact that due to the noise in a quantum measurement, the resulting outcome distribution is given by a POM and cannot, in general, be described in terms of a traditional observable, a selfadjoint operator. Accordingly, we notice that the noiseless measurements are the ones which are determined by a selfadjoint operator. The POM EfE^f in our quantization is defined through its moment operators, which are required to be of the form Γ(fk)\Gamma(f^k), k∈Nk\in \N, with Γ\Gamma a fixed map from classical variables to Hilbert space operators. In particular, we consider the quantization of classical \emph{questions}, that is, functions f:R2→Rf:\R^2\to\R taking only values 0 and 1. We compare two concrete realizations of the map Γ\Gamma in view of their ability to produce noiseless measurements: one being the Weyl map, and the other defined by using phase space probability distributions.Comment: 15 pages, submitted to Journal of Physics

    Exact Energy-Time Uncertainty Relation for Arrival Time by Absorption

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    We prove an uncertainty relation for energy and arrival time, where the arrival of a particle at a detector is modeled by an absorbing term added to the Hamiltonian. In this well-known scheme the probability for the particle's arrival at the counter is identified with the loss of normalization for an initial wave packet. Under the sole assumption that the absorbing term vanishes on the initial wave function, we show that ΔTΔE≄pℏ/2\Delta T \Delta E \geq \sqrt p \hbar/2 and ΔE≄1.37pℏ \Delta E\geq 1.37\sqrt p\hbar, where ee denotes the mean arrival time, and pp is the probability for the particle to be eventually absorbed. Nearly minimal uncertainty can be achieved in a two-level system, and we propose a trapped ion experiment to realize this situation.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Position and momentum tomography

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    We illustrate the use of the statistical method of moments for determining the position and momentum distributions of a quantum object from the statistics of a single measurement. The method is used for three different, though related, models; the sequential measurement model, the Arthurs-Kelly model and the eight-port homodyne detection model. In each case, the method of moments gives the position and momentum distribution for a large class of initial states, the relevant condition being the exponential boundedness of the distributions.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Symmetric informationally complete positive operator valued measure and probability representation of quantum mechanics

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    Symmetric informationally complete positive operator valued measures (SIC-POVMs) are studied within the framework of the probability representation of quantum mechanics. A SIC-POVM is shown to be a special case of the probability representation. The problem of SIC-POVM existence is formulated in terms of symbols of operators associated with a star-product quantization scheme. We show that SIC-POVMs (if they do exist) must obey general rules of the star product, and, starting from this fact, we derive new relations on SIC-projectors. The case of qubits is considered in detail, in particular, the relation between the SIC probability representation and other probability representations is established, the connection with mutually unbiased bases is discussed, and comments to the Lie algebraic structure of SIC-POVMs are presented.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, partially presented at the Workshop "Nonlinearity and Coherence in Classical and Quantum Systems" held at the University "Federico II" in Naples, Italy on December 4, 2009 in honor of Prof. Margarita A. Man'ko in connection with her 70th birthday, minor misprints are corrected in the second versio