16 research outputs found

    Embedded arrays of vertically aligned carbon nanotube carpets and methods for making them

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    According to some embodiments, the present invention provides a system and method for supporting a carbon nanotube array that involve an entangled carbon nanotube mat integral with the array, where the mat is embedded in an embedding material. The embedding material may be depositable on a carbon nanotube. A depositable material may be metallic or nonmetallic. The embedding material may be an adhesive material. The adhesive material may optionally be mixed with a metal powder. The embedding material may be supported by a substrate or self-supportive. The embedding material may be conductive or nonconductive. The system and method provide superior mechanical and, when applicable, electrical, contact between the carbon nanotubes in the array and the embedding material. The optional use of a conductive material for the embedding material provides a mechanism useful for integration of carbon nanotube arrays into electronic devices

    Method for separating single-wall carbon nanotubes and compositions thereof

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    The invention relates to a process for sorting and separating a mixture of (n, m) type single-wall carbon nanotubes according to (n, m) type. A mixture of (n, m) type single-wall carbon nanotubes is suspended such that the single-wall carbon nanotubes are individually dispersed. The nanotube suspension can be done in a surfactant-water solution and the surfactant surrounding the nanotubes keeps the nanotube isolated and from aggregating with other nanotubes. The nanotube suspension is acidified to protonate a fraction of the nanotubes. An electric field is applied and the protonated nanotubes migrate in the electric fields at different rates dependent on their (n, m) type. Fractions of nanotubes are collected at different fractionation times. The process of protonation, applying an electric field, and fractionation is repeated at increasingly higher pH to separated the (n, m) nanotube mixture into individual (n, m) nanotube fractions. The separation enables new electronic devices requiring selected (n, m) nanotube types

    Bulk Cutting of Carbon Nanotubes Using Electron Beam Irradiation

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    According to some embodiments, the present invention provides a method for attaining short carbon nanotubes utilizing electron beam irradiation, for example, of a carbon nanotube sample. The sample may be pretreated, for example by oxonation. The pretreatment may introduce defects to the sidewalls of the nanotubes. The method is shown to produces nanotubes with a distribution of lengths, with the majority of lengths shorter than 100 tun. Further, the median length of the nanotubes is between about 20 nm and about 100 nm

    Selective functionalization of carbon nanotubes

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    The present invention is directed toward methods of selectively functionalizing carbon nanotubes of a specific type or range of types, based on their electronic properties, using diazonium chemistry. The present invention is also directed toward methods of separating carbon nanotubes into populations of specific types or range(s) of types via selective functionalization and electrophoresis, and also to the novel compositions generated by such separations

    Methods for selective functionalization and separation of carbon nanotubes

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    The present invention is directed toward methods of selectively functionalizing carbon nanotubes of a specific type or range of types, based on their electronic properties, using diazonium chemistry. The present invention is also directed toward methods of separating carbon nanotubes into populations of specific types or range(s) of types via selective functionalization and electrophoresis, and also to the novel compositions generated by such separations

    Macroscopic Neat Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Fibers

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    The first-ever well-aligned continuous macroscopic neat single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) fibers were produced using conventional spinning techniques. Neat SWNT fibers, containing no surfactant or polymer, were made by spinning dispersions of SWNTs in 102% sulfuric acid into different coagulants. The critical role of sulfuric acid in dispersing and aligning SWNTs during fiber formation has been explored. Characterization shows alignment greater than any other macroscopic neat SWNT material reported to-date while providing insight into the fundamental hierarchy and nature of SWNT fiber formation. Electrical, thermal, and mechanical measurements indicate that neat SWNT fibers hold tremendous potential for future applications

    Human Cytomegalovirus IE1 Protein Elicits a Type II Interferon-Like Host Cell Response That Depends on Activated STAT1 but Not Interferon-Ξ³

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    Human cytomegalovirus (hCMV) is a highly prevalent pathogen that, upon primary infection, establishes life-long persistence in all infected individuals. Acute hCMV infections cause a variety of diseases in humans with developmental or acquired immune deficits. In addition, persistent hCMV infection may contribute to various chronic disease conditions even in immunologically normal people. The pathogenesis of hCMV disease has been frequently linked to inflammatory host immune responses triggered by virus-infected cells. Moreover, hCMV infection activates numerous host genes many of which encode pro-inflammatory proteins. However, little is known about the relative contributions of individual viral gene products to these changes in cellular transcription. We systematically analyzed the effects of the hCMV 72-kDa immediate-early 1 (IE1) protein, a major transcriptional activator and antagonist of type I interferon (IFN) signaling, on the human transcriptome. Following expression under conditions closely mimicking the situation during productive infection, IE1 elicits a global type II IFN-like host cell response. This response is dominated by the selective up-regulation of immune stimulatory genes normally controlled by IFN-Ξ³ and includes the synthesis and secretion of pro-inflammatory chemokines. IE1-mediated induction of IFN-stimulated genes strictly depends on tyrosine-phosphorylated signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) and correlates with the nuclear accumulation and sequence-specific binding of STAT1 to IFN-Ξ³-responsive promoters. However, neither synthesis nor secretion of IFN-Ξ³ or other IFNs seems to be required for the IE1-dependent effects on cellular gene expression. Our results demonstrate that a single hCMV protein can trigger a pro-inflammatory host transcriptional response via an unexpected STAT1-dependent but IFN-independent mechanism and identify IE1 as a candidate determinant of hCMV pathogenicity

    Strongly bound carbon nanotube arrays directly grown on substrates and methods for production thereof

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    The present disclosure describes carbon nanotube arrays having carbon nanotubes grown directly on a substrate and methods for making such carbon nanotube arrays. In various embodiments, the carbon nanotubes may be covalently bonded to the substrate by nanotube carbon-substrate covalent bonds. The present carbon nanotube arrays may be grown on substrates that are not typically conducive to carbon nanotube growth by conventional carbon nanotube growth methods. For example, the carbon nanotube arrays of the present disclosure may be grown on carbon substrates including carbon foil, carbon fibers and diamond. Methods for growing carbon nanotubes include a) providing a substrate, b) depositing a catalyst layer on the substrate, c) depositing an insulating layer on the catalyst layer, and d) growing carbon nanotubes on the substrate. Various uses for the carbon nanotube arrays are contemplated herein including, for example, electronic device and polymer composite applications

    Carbon nanotube diameter selection by pretreatment of metal catalysts on surfaces

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    A new and useful nanotube growth substrate conditioning processes is herein disclosed that allows the growth of vertical arrays of carbon nanotubes where the average diameter of the nanotubes can be selected and/or controlled as compared to the prior art