5 research outputs found
Hergebruik van (open) data:Herijking van de balans tussen openbaarmaking en IE-bescherming
De belangstelling voor toegang tot en hergebruik van overheidsinformatie of onderliggende overheidsdata is het laatste decennium explosief gestegen. Tegelijk kan het belang van openbaarmaking van overheidsinformatie in conflict komen met andere belangen, zoals dat van IE-bescherming van derden. Dit artikel analyseert hoe de balans tussen beide belangen kan worden gevonden in een datatijdperk en stelt in dat verband een minder binaire benadering voor waarbij recht gedaan kan worden aan zowel openbaarmaking als IE-bescherming
Draft genomes of gammaproteobacterial methanotrophs isolated from terrestrial ecosystems
Genome sequences of Methylobacter luteus, Methylobacter whittenburyi, Methylosarcina fibrata, Methylomicrobium agile, and Methylovulum miyakonense were generated. The strains represent aerobic methanotrophs typically isolated from various terrestrial ecosystems
Hergebruik van (open) data: Herijking van de balans tussen openbaarmaking en IE-bescherming
De belangstelling voor toegang tot en hergebruik van overheidsinformatie of onderliggende overheidsdata is het laatste decennium explosief gestegen. Tegelijk kan het belang van openbaarmaking van overheidsinformatie in conflict komen met andere belangen, zoals dat van IE-bescherming van derden. Dit artikel analyseert hoe de balans tussen beide belangen kan worden gevonden in een datatijdperk en stelt in dat verband een minder binaire benadering voor waarbij recht gedaan kan worden aan zowel openbaarmaking als IE-bescherming
Single Channel Kinetics of a Glutamate Receptor
The glutamate receptor-channel of locust muscle membrane was studied using the patch-clamp technique. Muscles were pretreated with concanavalin A to block receptor-channel desensitization, thus facilitating analysis of receptor-channel gating kinetics. Single channel kinetics were analyzed to aid in identification of the molecular basis of channel gating. Channel dwell-time distributions and dwell-time autocorrelation functions were calculated from single channel data recorded in the presence of 10(-4) M glutamate. Analysis of the dwell time distributions in terms of mixtures of exponential functions revealed there to be at least three open states of the receptor-channel and at least four closed states. Autocorrelation function analysis showed there to be at least three pathways linking the open states with the closed. This results in a minimal scheme for gating of the glutamate receptor-channel, which is suggestive of allosteric models of receptor-channel gating
Frequency matching of vocalizations to inner-ear sensitivity along an altitudinal gradient in the coqui frog
Acoustic communication involves both the generation and the detection of a signal. In the coqui frog (Eleutherodactylus coqui ), it is known that the spectral contents of its calls systematically change with altitude above sea level. Here, distortion product otoacoustic emissions are used to assess the frequency range over which the inner ear is sensitive. It is found that both the spectral contents of the calls and the innerear sensitivity change in a similar fashion along an altitudinal gradient. As a result, the call frequencies and the auditory tuning are closely matched at all altitudes. We suggest that the animal's body size determines the frequency particulars of the call apparatus and the inner ear