430 research outputs found

    A nonlinear high temperature fracture mechanics basis for strainrange partitioning

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    A direct link was established between Strainrange Partitioning (SRP) and high temperature fracture mechanics by deriving the general SRP inelastic strain range versus cyclic life relationships from high temperature, nonlinear, fracture mechanics considerations. The derived SRP life relationships are in reasonable agreement based on the experience of the SRP behavior of many high temperature alloys. In addition, fracture mechanics has served as a basis for derivation of the Ductility-Normalized SRP life equations, as well as for examination of SRP relations that are applicable to thermal fatigue life prediction. Areas of additional links between nonlinear fracture mechanics and SRP were identified for future exploration. These include effects of multiaxiality as well as low strain, nominally elastic, long life creep fatigue interaction

    In-Situ Mechanical Testing of Nano-Component in TEM

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    Ab initio study of spin-spiral noncollinear magnetism in a free-standing Fe(110) monolayer under in-plane strain

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    We investigate the magnetic phase transition from collinear ferromagnetic (FM) ordering to noncollinear spin-spiral (SS) ordering in an Fe(110) monolayer under in-plane strain by performing fully unconstrained first-principles spin-density-functional calculations. The FM Fe(110) monolayer undergoes a FM-SS phase transition on the application of in-plane compression, whereas the application of tension keeps the system FM. The stability and wavelength of the excited SS state are further increased by compressive strains, especially along [ī10]. The FM-SS transition in the isotropically strained monolayer is dominated by competing exchange interactions between the ferromagnetically coupled first neighbor and the antiferromagnetically coupled second neighbor; the third neighbor also contributes to the transition under anisotropic strain. In addition, we demonstrate the stabilization mechanism of SS noncollinear magnetism from the electronic band structures: The noncollinear SS state is stabilized by a remarkable interband repulsion between the majority and minority spins, which occurs under in-plane compressio

    Criterion of mechanical instabilities for dislocation structures

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    To understand the nature of mechanical instabilities of dislocation structures, which plays a central role, for example, in determining the plastic behavior and fatigue in crystalline metals, it is essential to investigate a critical condition in which a dislocation structure collapses. A criterion for the mechanical instability of arbitrary dislocation structures is proposed in this paper. According to the criterion, the mechanical instability can be described by the positiveness of the minimum eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix, which is composed by the second-order differential of potential energy of the system with respect to the dislocation coordinates. In addition, the collapse mode can be simultaneously determined by the eigenvector of the minimum eigenvalue. We applied the proposed criterion to the veins and dislocation walls under external loading, and it successfully describes the onset of instabilities and the corresponding collapse modes, regardless of the difference in structures and sizes. This success in the criterion paves the way to address the mechanical instability issues on more complex dislocation structures

    Hierarchical ferroelectric and ferrotoroidic polarizations coexistent in nano-metamaterials

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    Tailoring materials to obtain unique, or significantly enhanced material properties through rationally designed structures rather than chemical constituents is principle of metamaterial concept, which leads to the realization of remarkable optical and mechanical properties. Inspired by the recent progress in electromagnetic and mechanical metamaterials, here we introduce the concept of ferroelectric nano-metamaterials, and demonstrate through an experiment in silico with hierarchical nanostructures of ferroelectrics using sophisticated real-space phase-field techniques. This new concept enables variety of unusual and complex yet controllable domain patterns to be achieved, where the coexistence between hierarchical ferroelectric and ferrotoroidic polarizations establishes a new benchmark for exploration of complexity in spontaneous polarization ordering. The concept opens a novel route to effectively tailor domain configurations through the control of internal structure, facilitating access to stabilization and control of complex domain patterns that provide high potential for novel functionalities. A key design parameter to achieve such complex patterns is explored based on the parity of junctions that connect constituent nanostructures. We further highlight the variety of additional functionalities that are potentially obtained from ferroelectric nano-metamaterials, and provide promising perspectives for novel multifunctional devices. This study proposes an entirely new discipline of ferroelectric nano-metamaterials, further driving advances in metamaterials research

    Experimental characterization at nanoscale of single crystal silicon fracture toughness

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    The work reviews some preliminary recent micromechanical tests aimed at the evaluation of the fracture toughness of silicon. Pre-cracked nano specimens and alternatively notched nano specimens combined with the theory of critical distances (TCD) are compared. The results show that the fracture toughness of silicon is approximately 1 MPam0.5, regardless of the procedure involved (i.e., pre-cracked samples or TCD). This value agrees with macro counterpart, i.e., 0.75-1.08 MPa෷m0.5, and therefore the KIC is independent of the size and crystal orientation. However, by employing the TCD, the accurate control of the final crack tip which is currently very challenging, is overcome by using notched specimens. Additionally, the results give information about the crack propagation at the nanoscale. It seems that although the specimen axis deviates from the (011), the crack propagates along the cleavage plane (011) and the process develops very fast by breaking covalent bond at the crack tip. A brief discussion on beyond the breakdown of continuum theory and challenges toward nanometer scale fracture mechanics concludes the pape

    Experimental characterization at nanoscale of single crystal silicon fracture toughness

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    The work reviews some preliminary recent micromechanical tests aimed at the evaluation of the fracture toughness of silicon. Pre-cracked nano specimens and alternatively notched nano specimens combined with the theory of critical distances (TCD) are compared. The results show that the fracture toughness of silicon is approximately 1 MPa·m0.5, regardless of the procedure involved (i.e., pre-cracked samples or TCD). This value agrees with macro counterpart, i.e., 0.75-1.08 MPa·m0.5, and therefore the KIC is independent of the size and crystal orientation. However, by employing the TCD, the accurate control of the final crack tip which is currently very challenging, is overcome by using notched specimens. Additionally, the results give information about the crack propagation at the nanoscale. It seems that although the specimen axis deviates from the (011), the crack propagates along the cleavage plane (011) and the process develops very fast by breaking covalent bond at the crack tip. A brief discussion on beyond the breakdown of continuum theory and challenges toward nanometer scale fracture mechanics concludes the paper

    Significance of common variants on human chromosome 8q24 in relation to the risk of prostate cancer in native Japanese men

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Common variants on human chromosome 8q24, rs1447295 (C/A) and rs6983267 (T/G), have been recently linked to the prevalence of prostate cancer in European and American populations. Here, we evaluated whether the single-nucleotide polymorphisms rs1447295 and rs6983267 were associated with the risk of sporadic prostate cancer as well as latent prostate cancer in a native Japanese population.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We analyzed genomic DNA samples from 391 sporadic prostate cancer patients, 323 controls who had died from causes unrelated to cancer and 112 Japanese men who were diagnosed as having latent prostate cancer based on autopsy results. The polymorphisms were determined by allelic discrimination using a fluorescent-based TaqMan assay. The A allele of rs1447295 was significantly associated with the risk of sporadic prostate cancer (<it>p </it>= 0.04; age-adjusted OR, 1.34), while the G allele of rs6983267 showed a trend towards being a high-risk allele (<it>p </it>= 0.06; age-adjusted OR, 1.27). No significant difference between these two polymorphisms and the risk of latent prostate cancer was observed in the present Japanese population.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Known variants on human chromosome 8q24 may be risk factors for sporadic prostate cancer in native Japanese men.</p