86 research outputs found


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    取得学位 : 博士(医学), 学位授与番号 : 医博甲第1366号,学位授与年月日:平成11年3月25日,学位授与年:199

    Androgen and prostate cancer: the role of primary androgen deprivation therapy in localized prostate cancer

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系Background: The basic mechanisms and clinical efficacy of primary androgen deprivation therapy (PADT), especially combined androgen blockade (CAB) for localized or locally advanced prostate cancer (PCa) have been outlined. An important point relates to which patients are suitable candidates for PADT. Methods: A retrospective review of the efficacy of PADT in 628 patients with localized or locally advanced PCa treated with PADT at seven institutions in Japan was carried out. Results: It was found that more than 30% of low- or intermediate-risk localized PCa patients could have their disease controlled over the long-term by PADT alone. Short-term or intermittent PADT could not be recommended because of the possibility of character change in the cancer cells as a result of incomplete androgen ablation. Conclusion: Algorithms are proposed for the treatment of localized PCa not only in low- and intermediate-risk groups, but also in the high-risk group. Future research directions are indicated. © 2008 WPMH GmbH

    Primary combined androgen blockade in localized disease and its mechanism

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系In spite of clinical practice guidelines such as NCI-PDQ - in which primary androgen deprivation therapy (PADT) is not recommended as the primary treatment for localized prostate cancer - many patients have been treated with PADT. One of the reasons is that urologists themselves permit patients\u27 desire because they know the effectiveness of PADT for some patients in their experiences. In this review we demonstrate basic mechanisms and the clinical efficacy of primary combined androgen blockade (PCAB) for localized or locally advanced prostate cancer. Then we discuss which patients are candidates for PCAB, and show that more than 30% of low- or intermediate-risk localized prostate cancers could be controlled in the long term with only PCAB. Short-term or intermittent PADT could not be recommended because of the possibilities of changing the character of the cancer cells by incomplete androgen ablation. We propose algorithms for the treatment of localized prostate cancer not only in low- and intermediate-risk groups but also in the high-risk group. © 2008

    Therapies for castration-resistant prostate cancer in a new era: The indication of vintage hormonal therapy, chemotherapy and the new medicines

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    When advanced prostate cancer recurred during hormonal therapy and became the castration-resistant prostate cancer, "vintage hormonal therapy," such as antiandrogen alternating therapy or estrogen-related hormonal therapy, was widely carried out in Japan until 2013. This vintage hormonal therapy controlled the progression of castration-resistant prostate cancer. When castration-resistant prostate cancer relapses during these therapies, chemotherapy using docetaxel has been carried out subsequently. Since new hormonal therapies using abiraterone acetate and enzalutamide, which improve the prognosis of castration-resistant prostate cancer, became available in Japan from 2014, therapeutic options for castration-resistant prostate cancer have increased. Furthermore, the improvement of the further prognosis is promising by using cabazitaxel for docetaxel-resistant castration-resistant prostate cancer and radium-223 for castration-resistant prostate cancer with bone metastasis. An increase in therapeutic options gives rise to many questions, including best timing to use them and the indication. Furthermore, physicians have to consider the treatment for the recurrence after having carried out chemotherapy. We want to argue the difference in hormonal therapy between Japan and Western countries, and problems when carrying out new treatments, and the importance of imaging in the present review article. © 2017 The Japanese Urological Association.Embargo Period 12 month

    Effectiveness and adverse effects of hormonal therapy for prostate cancer: Japanese experience and perspective

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    Recently, novel anti-androgens and inhibitors of androgen biosynthesis have been developed through the elucidation of mechanisms of castration resistance of prostate cancer. We believe that these new developments will improve hormonal therapy. On the other hand, there has been an increase in criticism of hormonal therapy, because hormonal therapy is supposed to induce adverse effects such as cardiovascular disease. In this review, we have introduced the Japanese experience of hormonal therapy, because we believe that there may be ethnic differences between Caucasians and Asian people in the efficacy and adverse effects of hormonal therapy. First, we showed that primary hormonal therapy can achieve long-term control of localized prostate cancer in some cases and that quality of life of patients receiving hormonal therapy is rather better than previously thought. Neoadjuvant and adjuvant hormonal therapy in cases undergoing radical prostatectomy or radiotherapy are very useful for high-risk or locally advanced prostate cancer. Further clinical trials are required to confirm the efficacy of neoadjuvant or adjuvant hormonal therapy. We showed that the death from cardiovascular diseases in Japanese patients receiving hormonal therapy was not higher than that in the general population. However, efforts should be made to decrease the adverse effects of hormonal therapy, because life-style change may increase the susceptibility to adverse effects by hormonal therapy even in Japan. Managements of endocrine and metabolic dysfunction, such as diabetes mellitus, are essential. New hormonal compounds such as selective androgen receptor modulators capable of specifically targeting prostate cancer are expected to be developed. © 2012 AJA, SIMM & SJTU. All rights reserved

    Differential diagnosis between bacterial infection and neoplastic fever in patients with advanced urological cancer: The role of procalcitonin

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    It is difficult to determine the cause of high fever in patients with advanced cancer, because they tend to have both neoplastic fever and concomitant bacterial infections with elevated white blood cells and C-reactive protein levels. Procalcitonin has been reported to be a valuable marker for bacterial infections in a wide range of clinical scenarios. However, there have been no studies regarding the usefulness of procalcitonin to differentiate between febrile episodes caused by bacterial infections and neoplastic fever in patients with advanced urological cancer. In the present study, 37 febrile episodes were retrospectively analyzed. Although there were no differences in white blood cell number, C-reactive protein level or body temperature between bacterial infections and non-bacterial infections, procalcitonin levels were significantly higher in the former than the latter. Our findings suggest that measurement of procalcitonin might be valuable to determine the cause of febrile episodes in patients with advanced urological cancer, and can help clinicians to make appropriate decisions for treatment. © 2013 The Japanese Urological Association

    Risedronate prevents persistent bone loss in prostate cancer patients treated with androgen deprivation therapy: Results of a 2-year follow-up study

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    Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for prostate cancer (PCa) causes bone loss. Although we reported previously that risedronate significantly recovers bone mineral density (BMD) for up to 12 months, there have been no reports with longer follow-up periods to date. This study extended our earlier series extending the follow-up period to 24 months. Eligible patients had histologically confirmed PCa without lumbar spine metastasis and underwent ADT. Lumbar spine BMD, urinary deoxypyridinoline (uDPD) and serum bone alkaline phosphatase were measured at 6, 12 and 24 months. Among the total of 96 patients, we analyzed 26 and 18 patients in risedronate administration and control groups, respectively. BMD relative to the young adult mean ratio, uDPD and serum bone alkaline phosphatase of the risedronate administration group recovered significantly after 24 months compared with the control group (P0.0001, P0.0001, and P0.0001, respectively). Transient blurred vision, malaise and vertigo were observed in 1 patient each among the 46 patients treated with risedronate within 28 days after first administration. Oral administration of risedronate is safe and effective for the recovery of ADT-induced bone loss in PCa patients even at 24 months after commencement of treatment. © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved