33 research outputs found

    Online Sorting via Searching and Selection

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    In this paper, we present a framework based on a simple data structure and parameterized algorithms for the problems of finding items in an unsorted list of linearly ordered items based on their rank (selection) or value (search). As a side-effect of answering these online selection and search queries, we progressively sort the list. Our algorithms are based on Hoare's Quickselect, and are parameterized based on the pivot selection method. For example, if we choose the pivot as the last item in a subinterval, our framework yields algorithms that will answer q<=n unique selection and/or search queries in a total of O(n log q) average time. After q=\Omega(n) queries the list is sorted. Each repeated selection query takes constant time, and each repeated search query takes O(log n) time. The two query types can be interleaved freely. By plugging different pivot selection methods into our framework, these results can, for example, become randomized expected time or deterministic worst-case time. Our methods are easy to implement, and we show they perform well in practice

    A 3D iPSC-differentiation model identifies interleukin-3 as a regulator of early human hematopoietic specification

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    Hematopoietic development is spatiotemporally tightly regulated by defined cell-intrinsic and extrinsic modifiers. The role of cytokines has been intensively studied in adult hematopoiesis; however, their role in embryonic hematopoietic specification remains largely unexplored. Here, we used induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology and established a 3-dimensional, organoid-like differentiation system (hemanoid) maintaining the structural cellular integrity to evaluate the effect of cytokines on embryonic hematopoietic development. We show, that defined stages of early human hematopoietic development were recapitulated within the generated hemanoids. We identified KDR+/CD34high/CD144+/CD43-/CD45- hemato-endothelial progenitor cells (HEPs) forming organized, vasculature-like structures and giving rise to CD34low/CD144-/CD43+/CD45+ hematopoietic progenitor cells. We demonstrate that the endothelial to hematopoietic transition of HEPs is dependent on the presence of interleukin 3 (IL-3). Inhibition of IL-3 signalling blocked hematopoietic differentiation and arrested the cells in the HEP stage. Thus, our data suggest an important role for IL-3 in early human hematopoiesis by supporting the endothelial to hematopoietic transition of hemato-endothelial progenitor cells and highlight the potential of a hemanoid-based model to study human hematopoietic development

    1-methylnicotinamide and its structural analog 1,4-dimethylpyridine for the prevention of cancer metastasis

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    Background: 1-methylnicotinamide (1-MNA), an endogenous metabolite of nicotinamide, has recently gained interest due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic activities linked to the COX-2/PGI2 pathway. Given the previously reported anti-metastatic activity of prostacyclin (PGI2), we aimed to assess the effects of 1-MNA and its structurally related analog, 1,4-dimethylpyridine (1,4-DMP), in the prevention of cancer metastasis. Methods: All the studies on the anti-tumor and anti-metastatic activity of 1-MNA and 1,4-DMP were conducted using the model of murine mammary gland cancer (4T1) transplanted either orthotopically or intravenously into female BALB/c mouse. Additionally, the effect of the investigated molecules on cancer cell-induced angiogenesis was estimated using the matrigel plug assay utilizing 4T1 cells as a source of pro-angiogenic factors. Results: Neither 1-MNA nor 1,4-DMP, when given in a monotherapy of metastatic cancer, influenced the growth of 4T1 primary tumors transplanted orthotopically; however, both compounds tended to inhibit 4T1 metastases formation in lungs of mice that were orthotopically or intravenously inoculated with 4T1 or 4T1-luc2-tdTomato cells, respectively. Additionally, while 1-MNA enhanced tumor vasculature formation and markedly increased PGI2 generation, 1,4-DMP did not have such an effect. The anti-metastatic activity of 1-MNA and 1,4-DMP was further confirmed when both agents were applied with a cytostatic drug in a combined treatment of 4T1 murine mammary gland cancer what resulted in up to 80 % diminution of lung metastases formation. Conclusions: The results of the studies presented below indicate that 1-MNA and its structural analog 1,4-DMP prevent metastasis and might be beneficially implemented into the treatment of metastatic breast cancer to ensure a comprehensive strategy of metastasis control

    A Wt1-Controlled Chromatin Switching Mechanism Underpins Tissue-Specific Wnt4 Activation and Repression

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    SummaryWt1 regulates the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in the epicardium and the reverse process (MET) in kidney mesenchyme. The mechanisms underlying these reciprocal functions are unknown. Here, we show in both embryos and cultured cells that Wt1 regulates Wnt4 expression dichotomously. In kidney cells, Wt1 recruits Cbp and p300 as coactivators; in epicardial cells it enlists Basp1 as a corepressor. Surprisingly, in both tissues, Wt1 loss reciprocally switches the chromatin architecture of the entire Ctcf-bounded Wnt4 locus, but not the flanking regions; we term this mode of action “chromatin flip-flop.” Ctcf and cohesin are dispensable for Wt1-mediated chromatin flip-flop but essential for maintaining the insulating boundaries. This work demonstrates that a developmental regulator coordinates chromatin boundaries with the transcriptional competence of the flanked region. These findings also have implications for hierarchical transcriptional regulation in development and disease

    Inhibition of Sox2-dependent activation of Shh in the ventral diencephalon by Tbx3 is required for formation of the neurohypophysis

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    Tbx2 and Tbx3 are two highly related members of the T-box transcription factor gene family that regulate patterning and differentiation of a number of tissue rudiments in the mouse. Both genes are partially co-expressed in the ventral diencephalon and the infundibulum; however, a functional requirement in murine pituitary development has not been reported. Here, we show by genetic lineage tracing that Tbx2(+) cells constitute the precursor population of the neurohypophysis. However, Tbx2 is dispensable for neurohypophysis development as revealed by normal formation of this organ in Tbx2-deficient mice. By contrast, loss of Tbx3 from the ventral diencephalon results in a failure to establish the Tbx2(+) domain in this region, and a lack of evagination of the infundibulum and formation of the neurohypophysis. Rathke's pouch is severely hypoplastic, exhibits defects in dorsoventral patterning, and degenerates after E12.5. In Tbx3-deficient embryos, the ventral diencephalon is hyperproliferative and displays an abnormal cellular architecture, probably resulting from a failure to repress transcription of Shh. We further show that Tbx3 and Tbx2 repress Shh by sequestering the SRY box-containing transcription factor Sox2 away from a Shh forebrain enhancer (SBE2), thus preventing its activation. These data suggest that Tbx3 is required in the ventral diencephalon to establish a Shh(-) domain to allow formation of the infundibulu

    Rare heterozygous GDF6 variants in patients with renal anomalies

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    Although over 50 genes are known to cause renal malformation if mutated, the underlying genetic basis, most easily identified in syndromic cases, remains unsolved in most patients. In search of novel causative genes, whole-exome sequencing in a patient with renal, i.e., crossed fused renal ectopia, and extrarenal, i.e., skeletal, eye, and ear, malformations yielded a rare heterozygous variant in the GDF6 gene encoding growth differentiation factor 6, a member of the BMP family of ligands. Previously, GDF6 variants were reported to cause pleiotropic defects including skeletal, e.g., vertebral, carpal, tarsal fusions, and ocular, e.g., microphthalmia and coloboma, phenotypes. To assess the role of GDF6 in the pathogenesis of renal malformation, we performed targeted sequencing in 193 further patients identifying rare GDF6 variants in two cases with kidney hypodysplasia and extrarenal manifestations. During development, gdf6 was expressed in the pronephric tubule of Xenopus laevis, and Gdf6 expression was observed in the ureteric tree of the murine kidney by RNA in situ hybridization. CRISPR/Cas9-derived knockout of Gdf6 attenuated migration of murine IMCD3 cells, an effect rescued by expression of wild-type but not mutant GDF6, indicating affected variant function regarding a fundamental developmental process. Knockdown of gdf6 in Xenopus laevis resulted in impaired pronephros development. Altogether, we identified rare heterozygous GDF6 variants in 1.6% of all renal anomaly patients and 5.4% of renal anomaly patients additionally manifesting skeletal, ocular, or auricular abnormalities, adding renal hypodysplasia and fusion to the phenotype spectrum of GDF6 variant carriers and suggesting an involvement of GDF6 in nephrogenesis

    Tbx2 and Tbx3 Act Downstream of Shh to Maintain Canonical Wnt Signaling during Branching Morphogenesis of the Murine Lung

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    Numerous signals drive the proliferative expansion of the distal endoderm and the underlying mesenchyme during lung branching morphogenesis, but little is known about how these signals are integrated. Here, we show by analysis of conditional double mutants that the two T-box transcription factor genes Tbx2 and Tbx3 act together in the lung mesenchyme to maintain branching morphogenesis. Expression of both genes depends on epithelially derived Shh signaling, with additional modulation by Bmp, Wnt, and Tgfβ signaling. Genetic rescue experiments reveal that Tbx2 and Tbx3 function downstream of Shh to maintain pro-proliferative mesenchymal Wnt signaling, in part by direct repression of the Wnt antagonists Frzb and Shisa3. In combination with our previous finding that Tbx2 and Tbx3 repress the cell-cycle inhibitors Cdkn1a and Cdkn1b, we conclude that Tbx2 and Tbx3 maintain proliferation of the lung mesenchyme by way of at least two molecular mechanisms: regulating cell-cycle regulation and integrating the activity of multiple signaling pathway

    Rare heterozygous GDF6 variants in patients with renal anomalies.

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    Although over 50 genes are known to cause renal malformation if mutated, the underlying genetic basis, most easily identified in syndromic cases, remains unsolved in most patients. In search of novel causative genes, whole-exome sequencing in a patient with renal, i.e., crossed fused renal ectopia, and extrarenal, i.e., skeletal, eye, and ear, malformations yielded a rare heterozygous variant in the GDF6 gene encoding growth differentiation factor 6, a member of the BMP family of ligands. Previously, GDF6 variants were reported to cause pleiotropic defects including skeletal, e.g., vertebral, carpal, tarsal fusions, and ocular, e.g., microphthalmia and coloboma, phenotypes. To assess the role of GDF6 in the pathogenesis of renal malformation, we performed targeted sequencing in 193 further patients identifying rare GDF6 variants in two cases with kidney hypodysplasia and extrarenal manifestations. During development, gdf6 was expressed in the pronephric tubule of Xenopus laevis, and Gdf6 expression was observed in the ureteric tree of the murine kidney by RNA in situ hybridization. CRISPR/Cas9-derived knockout of Gdf6 attenuated migration of murine IMCD3 cells, an effect rescued by expression of wild-type but not mutant GDF6, indicating affected variant function regarding a fundamental developmental process. Knockdown of gdf6 in Xenopus laevis resulted in impaired pronephros development. Altogether, we identified rare heterozygous GDF6 variants in 1.6% of all renal anomaly patients and 5.4% of renal anomaly patients additionally manifesting skeletal, ocular, or auricular abnormalities, adding renal hypodysplasia and fusion to the phenotype spectrum of GDF6 variant carriers and suggesting an involvement of GDF6 in nephrogenesis