16 research outputs found

    Epidemiologic characteristics of amniotic band sequence with limb malformations without body wall defect: data from the Polish Registry of Congenital Malformations

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    Abstract Amniotic Band Sequence (ABS) is a rare disruptive condition, with a variable spectrum of congenital defects caused by fibrous bands emerging as a result of amniotic rupture in the first trimester of gestation. Several factors, such as young parental age, primigravidity, febrile maternal illness, and drug use in the first trimester, were postulated to have substantial influence on ABS prevalence rate. We aimed our study to determine the prevalence of ABS with limb defects, but no body wall affectation, in a Polish population. We also examined the influence of different parental, gestational and environmental factors on the ABS prevalence value, and assessed the rate of gestational complications associated with this disorder. Among 1 706 639 births surveilled between 1998 and 2005, 36 liveborn infants with ABS-L were reported to the Polish Registry of Congenital Malformations, giving a global prevalence for a Polish population of 1 per 47 619 livebirths. We found that young maternal age, young paternal age, and primigravidity significantly increase the risk of ABS-L, when their effect was analyzed independently. However, because of a close relationship of these variables, we analyzed their mutually adjusted effect using conditional logistic regression models, and found that young maternal age proved the strongest risk factor for ABS-L (p = 0.0508). The condition was also more prevalent in infants with low birthweight (OR = 5.71; p < 0.0001). Since gestational complications are often relevant to maternal age and birth order, we introduced an adjustment for these variables, and found that respiratory tract infections and vaginal bleeding/spotting convey approximately fourfold increased risk of ABS-L (OR = 3.72/p = 0.0058 and OR = 3.70/p = 0.0014 respectively)

    Clinical expression of Holt-Oram syndrome on the basis of own clinical experience considering prenatal diagnosis

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    Objectives: Holt-Oram syndrome manifests with defects of upper limbs, pectoral girdle and cardiovascular system. The aim of this paper was to present complex clinical picture of the syndrome and its variable expression on the example of the family diagnosed genetically on the neonatal ward, after proband’s prenatal examination. Maretial and methods: Nine family members were tested for TBX5 gene mutation. Results: Four of family members were diagnosed with Holt-Oram syndrome and five had correct genetic test results. The diagnosis allowed to identify a genetic risk family and enabled to provide them with genetic counselling. Conclusions: Diagnosis of Holt-Oram syndrome is possible as early as in prenatal period and it can be verified by genetic tests

    Social participation and logistical elements of cemetery waste biofraction management

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    In the 21st century, waste is a growing problem and must be considered one of the essential elements of creating conditions for sustainable development. The article pays special attention to the biofraction of cemetery waste, and interviews with cemetery visitors made a possible determination of its place among other wastes produced in the cemetery. The willingness of cemetery visitors to participate in the logistics of the cemetery waste management system was also tested. The article also presents selected elements of cemetery waste management logistics. The system should consist of several subsystems. Subsystems of waste minimisation "at the source" and waste segregation, disposal, and secondary management were considered crucial. In addition to the logistics mentioned above, subsystems were proposed to include innovation in cemeteries, the biotechnology of composting/vermicomposting of the biofraction, and segregation on-site by those cleaning their graves. The cemetery biofraction represents a waste suitable for on-site management, increasing the potential for environmental, social, and economic savings. The issues under consideration are part of the problem of integrating the cemetery biofraction into the green recycling system in force in Europe. Logistics for management of other cemetery wastes (plastic, metal, glass, and paper), which require subsystems involving their long-distance transportation, should be limited at the level of purchase by cemetery users. From civic participation in the control of logistical improvements, the entire cemetery waste management system will gradually evolve

    The Influence of Drainage Devices and Post-Bog Soil Changes on Water Retention in Drained Lower Supraśl River

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    Water shortages occurring in the natural environment are the result of progressing climate changes, including the decreasing amount of atmospheric precipitation. In Poland, during the vegetation periods, droughts occur every 4-5 years, which causes losses in the field production and in forest communities. Reducing the negative effects of drought is possible by retention of water within a catchment. This method of improving the water balance has been included in the provisions of the Water Framework Directive and Water Law. On the meliorated valley objects, there are melioration devices that enable regulation of the moisture content, including irrigation during periods of drought. Drainage ditches can also retain water in the early spring periods with high flows in rivers. The studies carried out on the Lower Supraśl river site showed that about 40% of drainage devices used for water damming (dams and ramps), as well as for water distribution (feeders and detailed ditches) are not technically efficient and do not fulfil the function of moisture content regulation. Fibrous-muck soils occurring on this object, due to the lack of rainfall and irrigation, reduced the water retention capacity by approximately 30%. Modernization and reconstruction of drainage devices on valley objects will enable increasing the retention within individual catchments


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    The area of Polish landscape is very diverse in land structure and landscape, with predominance of agricultural landscapes. Agricultural landscape is characterized by intensive land development for the needs of agricultural production and a significant share of seminatural elements. In many rural areas agro-ecosystem are characterized by the dominance of monoculture in crops. Farms of breeding pigs and cattle are present in western part of Polish landscape. Along with economic benefits - the dynamic development of conventional agriculture causes, however, changes in the environment. Establishes of EU Common Agricultural Policy and the Rural Development Programmes (RDP) aimed at slowing down (retardation) adverse changes in rural areas environment. Retardation provides a basis for soil and water environment protection against the ongoing degradation and biodiversity protection at different levels. It supports also adopted in 2011 by the European Commission Strategy for Biological Diversity "Greening the crop" and detailed package of rural-environment-climate programs and promotion of biodiversity keeping in areas with high natural values. The paper presents actions in landscape and biodiversity protection


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    In this paper, there were shown the physico-chemical properties of post-boggy soil in the result of conducted melioration in the meadow object of Suraśl Górna. The researches were done in the period of 1987-2001 in two habitats: moist soil-moisture complex (PSMC-B) and drying moist soil-moisture complex (PSMC-C). In the moist habitat, the level of ground water was in the depth of 30-98 cm from the land surface and fed the root layer of soil. In the drying moist habitat, the ground water was below the depth of 100 cm in the vegetation season and was periodically inaccessible for the meadow plants. Unfavourable water conditions in drying moist habitat have caused the condensation of peat mass and the decrease of water capacity of soil. In time, the progressive changes of physical and water properties effected negatively the natural values in post-boggy ecosystems. The changes of water properties caused the disappearance of many flora species, often classified as rare or protected species for example Epipatis palustris (L.) Crantz. The retardation of unfavourable changes can be achieved by the depth regulation of ground water laying and proper (especially medium intensive) meadow exploitation of these ecosystems


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    The changes of the properties of physical-water post-bog soils on the drainage object meadow Upper Supraśl were analyzed in the work. Investigations were carried out in 1987–2013 on two meadow sites : the moist complex humid (PKWG-B) and the moist complex dry (PKWG-C). In the moist complex humid ground water moves in the range 30–98 cm of the surface and fed root soil layer. In the moist complex dry in the vegetation season the ground water was at a depth bellow 100 cm and its wasn’t available for meadow plants. Unfavorable water conditions in dry site (periodical and lasting longer lacks of the water soil) they caused increased of the bulk density and decrease of the full capacity of the water soil

    Plant communities in drainage ditches – conditions, characteristics and environmental functions

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    Ditches and drainage canals are an important element in the post-bog meadows. Their basic function is to regulate air-water relations in ecosystems, mainly in agrocenoses. The environmental functions of ditches and canals consist of maintaining a large diversity of flora and fauna species due to high humidity of these ecosystems. The study of plant communities in the ditches in the post-bog meadows habitat of the Supraśl Dolna valley structure in 2010–2020 was carried out. There were 23–27 species of plants in the ditches. Species diversity did not change significantly during this period, while changes in individual species’ coverage and viability were found. The species were classified into two rush communities: reed rush (Phragmitetum australis) and rush (Phalaridetum arundinaceae). As a result of the lack of maintenance of the ditches, an invasive species of flapped barbed (Echinocystis lobata) was found. The natural valorization carried out by the Oświt method showed that plant communities in the drainage ditches are in the lowest valorization classes


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    It this paper the evaluation of drainage devices which are working at agricultural land of Podlaskie province and at drainage object of Lower Supraśl Valley was made. Their functions in production of vegetable biomass and in natural environmental protection was indicated. Detailed ditches drainage fulfill an important role in water balance in agricultural areas and result adjusting drainage weir in dehydration and irrigation. Meliorative devices were described and evaluated on a large (1153 ha) object of Supraśl Valley. The object has an important economic function (irrigation meadow and pasture) and natural functions (maintaining the diversity of typical flora) of post-bog meadow. Ditches do not assure proper (suitable) moistening on this object of the length of 125,6 km, because they are shallow, silted with slime and they lack proper bottom decreases. 75% of water damming up were working correctly, but the remaining did not grant their function. Drainage culvert enabling communication were proficient in 80%. Lack of their systematic conservation is the reason of low proficiency of detailed drainage devices, it result from lack of regulations in this range