10 research outputs found

    Functional Differentiation of Mouse Visual Cortical Areas Depends upon Early Binocular Experience

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    The mammalian visual cortex contains multiple retinotopically defined areas that process distinct features of the visual scene. Little is known about what guides the functional differentiation of visual cortical areas during development. Recent studies in mice have revealed that visual input from the two eyes provides spatiotemporally distinct signals to primary visual cortex (V1), such that contralateral eye-dominated V1 neurons respond to higher spatial frequencies than ipsilateral eye-dominated neurons. To test whether binocular visual input drives the differentiation of visual cortical areas, we used two-photon calcium imaging to characterize the effects of juvenile monocular deprivation (MD) on the responses of neurons in V1 and two higher visual areas, LM (lateromedial) and PM (posteromedial). In adult mice of either sex, we find that MD prevents the emergence of distinct spatiotemporal tuning in V1, LM, and PM. We also find that, within each of these areas, MD reorganizes the distinct spatiotemporal tuning properties driven by the two eyes. Moreover, we find a relationship between speed tuning and ocular dominance in all three areas that MD preferentially disrupts in V1, but not in LM or PM. Together, these results reveal that balanced binocular vision during development is essential for driving the functional differentiation of visual cortical areas. The higher visual areas of mouse visual cortex may provide a useful platform for investigating the experience-dependent mechanisms that set up the specialized processing within neocortical areas during postnatal development.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Little is known about the factors guiding the emergence of functionally distinct areas in the brain. Using in vivo Ca2+ imaging, we recorded visually evoked activity from cells in V1 and higher visual areas LM (lateromedial) and PM (posteromedial) of mice. Neurons in these areas normally display distinct spatiotemporal tuning properties. We found that depriving one eye of normal input during development prevents the functional differentiation of visual areas. Deprivation did not disrupt the degree of speed tuning, a property thought to emerge in higher visual areas. Thus, some properties of visual cortical neurons are shaped by binocular experience, while others are resistant. Our study uncovers the fundamental role of binocular experience in the formation of distinct areas in visual cortex

    Contralateral Bias of High Spatial Frequency Tuning and Cardinal Direction Selectivity in Mouse Visual Cortex

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    Binocular mechanisms for visual processing are thought to enhance spatial acuity by combining matched input from the two eyes. Studies in the primary visual cortex of carnivores and primates have confirmed that eye-specific neuronal response properties are largely matched. In recent years, the mouse has emerged as a prominent model for binocular visual processing, yet little is known about the spatial frequency tuning of binocular responses in mouse visual cortex. Using calcium imaging in awake mice of both sexes, we show that the spatial frequency preference of cortical responses to the contralateral eye is ∼35% higher than responses to the ipsilateral eye. Furthermore, we find that neurons in binocular visual cortex that respond only to the contralateral eye are tuned to higher spatial frequencies. Binocular neurons that are well matched in spatial frequency preference are also matched in orientation preference. In contrast, we observe that binocularly mismatched cells are more mismatched in orientation tuning. Furthermore, we find that contralateral responses are more direction-selective than ipsilateral responses and are strongly biased to the cardinal directions. The contralateral bias of high spatial frequency tuning was found in both awake and anesthetized recordings. The distinct properties of contralateral cortical responses may reflect the functional segregation of direction-selective, high spatial frequency-preferring neurons in earlier stages of the central visual pathway. Moreover, these results suggest that the development of binocularity and visual acuity may engage distinct circuits in the mouse visual system.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Seeing through two eyes is thought to improve visual acuity by enhancing sensitivity to fine edges. Using calcium imaging of cellular responses in awake mice, we find surprising asymmetries in the spatial processing of eye-specific visual input in binocular primary visual cortex. The contralateral visual pathway is tuned to higher spatial frequencies than the ipsilateral pathway. At the highest spatial frequencies, the contralateral pathway strongly prefers to respond to visual stimuli along the cardinal (horizontal and vertical) axes. These results suggest that monocular, and not binocular, mechanisms set the limit of spatial acuity in mice. Furthermore, they suggest that the development of visual acuity and binocularity in mice involves different circuits