15 research outputs found

    Severe Thyrotoxicosis Secondary to Povidone-Iodine from Peritoneal Dialysis

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    A 73-year-old male on home peritoneal dialysis (PD) with recent diagnosis of atrial fibrillation presented with fatigue and dyspnea. Hyperthyroidism was diagnosed with TSH 100 pmol/L. He had no personal or family history of thyroid disease. There had been no exposures to CT contrast, amiodarone, or iodine. Technetium thyroid scan showed diffusely decreased uptake. He was discharged with a presumptive diagnosis of thyroiditis. Three weeks later, he had deteriorated clinically. Possible iodine sources were again reviewed, and it was determined that povidone-iodine solution was used with each PD cycle. Methimazole 25 mg daily was initiated; however, he had difficulty tolerating the medication and continued to clinically deteriorate. He was readmitted to hospital where methimazole was restarted at 20 mg bid with high dose prednisone 25 mg and daily plasma exchange (PLEX) therapy. Biochemical improvement was observed with FT4 dropping to 48.5 pmol/L by day 10, but FT4 rebounded to 67.8 pmol/L after PLEX was discontinued. PLEX was restarted and thyroidectomy was performed. Pathology revealed nodular hyperplasia with no evidence of thyroiditis. Preoperative plasma iodine levels were greater than 5 times the upper limit of normal range. We hypothesize that the patient had underlying autonomous thyroid hormone production exacerbated by exogenous iodine exposure from a previously unreported PD-related source


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    Sobre el pago del socorro concedido a doña Catalina de Burgo

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    Fecha del documento: 1663-03-09. 2 páginasCédula real a don Juan de Góngora en que se ordena se pague a doña Catalina de Burgo y se carguen en el asiento en Flandes de su hermano, el capitán don Edmundo de Burgo, los cien ducados de que se le ha hecho merced en 1662. Doña Catalina ha representado que en la secretaría de la Presidencia de Hacienda no se le paga esta cantidad con pretexto de que no tiene fenecimiento de cuentas. El rey exige que aun así se le satisfaga este pago, dándose aviso a Flandes. (Ver registro anterior)Proyecto Proyección Política y Social de la Comunidad Irlandesa en la Monarquía hispánica y en la América Colonial de la Edad Moderna(siglos XVI-XVIII) (HAR2009-11339 - subprograma HIST) del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad en colaboración con el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Embajada de Irlanda en Madrid, National University of Ireland (NUI) Maynooth, University College Dublin y Trinity College DublinFelipe IVJuan de Góngora, Presidente del Consejo de HaciendaNo100 ducadosNoN

    MANAGEMENT OF ENDOCRINE DISEASE: Visual Morbidity in Patients with Pituitary Adenoma.

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    Visual dysfunction is an important element in the morbidity encountered in patients with pituitary adenoma leading to functional impairment and compromised quality of life. It consists of many parameters (even in the absence of reported symptomatology) as a result of tumour growth in proximity to structures critical for vision (anterior visual pathway, cranial nerves within cavernous sinuses), and as an adverse consequence of therapeutic interventions. Adenoma resection leads to high rates of visual improvement and possibly continues beyond a year post-surgery but the exact timing of maximum effect requires elucidation. Retinal nerve fibre layer measurement may be a reliable, objective parameter predicting favourable visual outcomes, although its prognostic value when pathological, needs to be confirmed. For compromised vision after pituitary apoplexy, early surgical decompression remains usual practice until evidence-based guidance becomes available. The risk of radiation-induced visual toxicity is mainly influenced by total and per fraction dose of radiation and treatment modality. Careful selection of cases and of radiotherapy technique/planning are of major importance in minimising this risk. Dopamine agonists lead to visual recovery in a considerable number of prolactinoma patients. Visual morbidity should be considered a vital indicator in the metrics of quality of service/care in pituitary disease making regular, full ophthalmic examination an essential component of modern management of pituitary pathology at all time points of patient pathway. Well-designed studies minimising effects of bias and using tools and scoring systems reliably reflecting visual status will provide robust evidence on valid prognostication and patient stratification guiding clinical decision making

    Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis presenting as acute pleuritic chest pain: a case report

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    Abstract Background Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is a rare and serious manifestation of chronic kidney inflammation that can be life-threatening if not recognized and treated appropriately, often with antibiotics and surgery. Affected patients are most commonly females in their fifth or sixth decade of life with a background of obstructive uropathy, nephrolithiasis, or recurrent urinary tract infections who present with vague nonspecific symptoms. Case presentation A 43-year-old woman of Russian ethnicity with a history of nephrolithiasis presented to our emergency department with new left-sided pleuritic chest pain amid a 6-week history of constitutional symptoms including fevers, night sweats, and 7 kg of weight loss. Workup for acute coronary syndrome and pulmonary embolism in our emergency department was negative. Given that she was clinically unwell, she was admitted to internal medicine to expedite workup for the cause of her symptoms. A broad differential diagnosis for various infectious, inflammatory/autoimmune, and neoplastic processes was considered. Based on classic radiographic and histopathologic findings, she was ultimately diagnosed with xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis of her left kidney, which was a direct consequence of chronic inflammation. This inflammation exhibited spread to local tissues and across her left hemidiaphragm, resulting in a unilateral pleural effusion which explained her chest discomfort. She was treated with antibiotics administered intravenously and urgent total nephrectomy with a good functional outcome. Conclusions Our case illustrates an uncommon but clinically important do-not-miss diagnosis that underlies a common clinical presentation of pleuritic chest pain. The case underscores the importance of maintaining a broad differential diagnosis and organized approach when treating patients with undifferentiated clinical presentations

    Visual Outcomes in Pituitary Apoplexy

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    The aim of the study was to review the visual outcomes of patients undergoing either conservative or surgical management of pituitary apoplexy at a tertiary referral centre

    Use of perioperative telotristat in a patient with carcinoid heart disease

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    Carcinoid heart disease is a rare complication of carcinoid syndrome, resulting in right-sided valvular heart disease and subsequent heart failure due to long-term exposure to vasoactive substances. The management of this condition is complex, often requiring surgical intervention. Current perioperative regimens entail the use of prophylactic somatostatin analogs to prevent carcinoid crisis; however, regimens vary widely among practitioners and evidence supporting their efficacy in this clinical setting is mixed. This case report describes the perioperative management of a 65-year-old man with carcinoid heart disease requiring tricuspid and pulmonary valve replacement surgery. As an adjunct to somatostatin analog therapy, the novel tyrosine hydroxylase inhibitor, telotristat, was initiated preoperatively. This combination resulted in normalization of preoperative urinary 5-HIAA levels. The patient successfully underwent tricuspid and pulmonic valve replacement without evidence of carcinoid crisis. This clinical case is the first published documenting the use of telotristat in the perioperative period in a patient with carcinoid syndrome and carcinoid heart disease and was associated with a good long-term outcome despite the high-risk nature of the case