15 research outputs found

    Axon Guidance: Growth Cones Make an Unexpected Turn

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    AbstractAxonal growth cones can turn in response to minute concentration differences in extracellular guidance cues. Surprising new work suggests that these cues might steer the growth cone by inducing rapid local changes in protein levels

    Systematic Identification of Genes that Regulate Neuronal Wiring in the Drosophila Visual System

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    Forward genetic screens in model organisms are an attractive means to identify those genes involved in any complex biological process, including neural circuit assembly. Although mutagenesis screens are readily performed to saturation, gene identification rarely is, being limited by the considerable effort generally required for positional cloning. Here, we apply a systematic positional cloning strategy to identify many of the genes required for neuronal wiring in the Drosophila visual system. From a large-scale forward genetic screen selecting for visual system wiring defects with a normal retinal pattern, we recovered 122 mutations in 42 genetic loci. For 6 of these loci, the underlying genetic lesions were previously identified using traditional methods. Using SNP-based mapping approaches, we have now identified 30 additional genes. Neuronal phenotypes have not previously been reported for 20 of these genes, and no mutant phenotype has been previously described for 5 genes. The genes encode a variety of proteins implicated in cellular processes such as gene regulation, cytoskeletal dynamics, axonal transport, and cell signalling. We conducted a comprehensive phenotypic analysis of 35 genes, scoring wiring defects according to 33 criteria. This work demonstrates the feasibility of combining large-scale gene identification with large-scale mutagenesis in Drosophila, and provides a comprehensive overview of the molecular mechanisms that regulate visual system wiring

    Scavenger receptor endocytosis controls apical membrane morphogenesis in the Drosophila airways

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    The acquisition of distinct branch sizes and shapes is a central aspect in tubular organ morphogenesis and function. In the Drosophila airway tree, the interplay of apical extracellular matrix (ECM) components with the underlying membrane and cytoskeleton controls tube elongation, but the link between ECM composition with apical membrane morphogenesis and tube size regulation is elusive. Here, we characterized Emp (epithelial membrane protein), a Drosophila CD36 homolog belonging to the scavenger receptor class B protein family. emp mutant embryos fail to internalize the luminal chitin deacetylases Serp and Verm at the final stages of airway maturation and die at hatching with liquid filled airways. Emp localizes in apical epithelial membranes and shows cargo selectivity for LDLr-domain containing proteins. emp mutants also display over elongated tracheal tubes with increased levels of the apical proteins Crb, DE-cad, and phosphorylated Src (p-Src). We show that Emp associates with and organizes the βH-Spectrin cytoskeleton and is itself confined by apical F-actin bundles. Overexpression or loss of its cargo protein Serp lead to abnormal apical accumulations of Emp and perturbations in p-Src levels. We propose that during morphogenesis, Emp senses and responds to luminal cargo levels by initiating apical membrane endocytosis along the longitudinal tube axis and thereby restricts airway elongation

    COPI vesicle transport is a common requirement for tube expansion in Drosophila.

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    BACKGROUND: Tube expansion defects like stenoses and atresias cause devastating human diseases. Luminal expansion during organogenesis begins to be elucidated in several systems but we still lack a mechanistic view of the process in many organs. The Drosophila tracheal respiratory system provides an amenable model to study tube size regulation. In the trachea, COPII anterograde transport of luminal proteins is required for extracellular matrix assembly and the concurrent tube expansion. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We identified and analyzed Drosophila COPI retrograde transport mutants with narrow tracheal tubes. gammaCOP mutants fail to efficiently secrete luminal components and assemble the luminal chitinous matrix during tracheal tube expansion. Likewise, tube extension is defective in salivary glands, where it also coincides with a failure in the luminal deposition and assembly of a distinct, transient intraluminal matrix. Drosophila gammaCOP colocalizes with cis-Golgi markers and in gammaCOP mutant embryos the ER and Golgi structures are severely disrupted. Analysis of gammaCOP and Sar1 double mutants suggests that bidirectional ER-Golgi traffic maintains the ER and Golgi compartments and is required for secretion and assembly of luminal matrixes during tube expansion. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results demonstrate the function of COPI components in organ morphogenesis and highlight the common role of apical secretion and assembly of transient organotypic matrices in tube expansion. Intraluminal matrices have been detected in the notochord of ascidians and zebrafish COPI mutants show defects in notochord expansion. Thus, the programmed deposition and growth of distinct luminal molds may provide distending forces during tube expansion in diverse organs

    Sequential Pulses of Apical Epithelial Secretion and Endocytosis Drive Airway Maturation in Drosophila

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    SummaryThe development of air-filled respiratory organs is crucial for survival at birth. We used a combination of live imaging and genetic analysis to dissect respiratory organ maturation in the embryonic Drosophila trachea. We found that tracheal tube maturation entails three precise epithelial transitions. Initially, a secretion burst deposits proteins into the lumen. Solid luminal material is then rapidly cleared from the tubes, and shortly thereafter liquid is removed. To elucidate the cellular mechanisms behind these transitions, we identified gas-filling-deficient mutants showing narrow or protein-clogged tubes. These mutations either disrupt endoplasmatic reticulum-to-Golgi vesicle transport or endocytosis. First, Sar1 is required for protein secretion, luminal matrix assembly, and diametric tube expansion. Subsequently, a sharp pulse of Rab5-dependent endocytic activity rapidly internalizes and clears luminal contents. The coordination of luminal matrix secretion and endocytosis may be a general mechanism in tubular organ morphogenesis and maturation

    Ephrin-A2 reverse signaling negatively regulates neural progenitor proliferation and neurogenesis

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    The number of cells in an organ is regulated by mitogens and trophic factors that impinge on intrinsic determinants of proliferation and apoptosis. We here report the identification of an additional mechanism to control cell number in the brain: EphA7 induces ephrin-A2 reverse signaling, which negatively regulates neural progenitor cell proliferation. Cells in the neural stem cell niche in the adult brain proliferate more and have a shorter cell cycle in mice lacking ephrin-A2. The increased progenitor proliferation is accompanied by a higher number of cells in the olfactory bulb. Disrupting the interaction between ephrin-A2 and EphA7 in the adult brain of wild-type mice disinhibits proliferation and results in increased neurogenesis. The identification of ephrin-A2 and EphA7 as negative regulators of progenitor cell proliferation reveals a novel mechanism to control cell numbers in the brain