27 research outputs found

    Optimal designs for comparing curves

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    We consider the optimal design problem for a comparison of two regression curves, which is used to establish the similarity between the dose response relationships of two groups. An optimal pair of designs minimizes the width of the confidence band for the difference between the two regression functions. Optimal design theory (equivalence theorems, efficiency bounds) is developed for this non standard design problem and for some commonly used dose response models optimal designs are found explicitly. The results are illustrated in several examples modeling dose response relationships. It is demonstrated that the optimal pair of designs for the comparison of the regression curves is not the pair of the optimal designs for the individual models. In particular it is shown that the use of the optimal designs proposed in this paper instead of commonly used "non-optimal" designs yields a reduction of the width of the confidence band by more than 50%.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure

    Complete classes of designs for nonlinear regression models and principal representations of moment spaces

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    In a recent paper Yang and Stufken [Ann. Statist. 40 (2012a) 1665-1685] gave sufficient conditions for complete classes of designs for nonlinear regression models. In this note we demonstrate that there is an alternative way to validate this result. Our main argument utilizes the fact that boundary points of moment spaces generated by Chebyshev systems possess unique representations.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AOS1108 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Bayesian optimal designs for dose-response curves with common parameters

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    The issue of determining not only an adequate dose but also a dosing frequency of a drug arises frequently in Phase II clinical trials. This results in the comparison of models which have some parameters in common. Planning such studies based on Bayesian optimal designs offers robustness to our conclusions since these designs, unlike locally optimal designs, are efficient even if the parameters are misspecified. In this paper we develop approximate design theory for Bayesian D-optimality for nonlinear regression models with common parameters and investigate the cases of common location or common location and scale parameters separately. Analytical characterisations of saturated Bayesian D-optimal designs are derived for frequently used dose-response models and the advantages of our results are illustrated via a numerical investigation

    Model Selection versus Model Averaging in Dose Finding Studies

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    Phase II dose finding studies in clinical drug development are typically conducted to adequately characterize the dose response relationship of a new drug. An important decision is then on the choice of a suitable dose response function to support dose selection for the subsequent Phase III studies. In this paper we compare different approaches for model selection and model averaging using mathematical properties as well as simulations. Accordingly, we review and illustrate asymptotic properties of model selection criteria and investigate their behavior when changing the sample size but keeping the effect size constant. In a large scale simulation study we investigate how the various approaches perform in realistically chosen settings. Finally, the different methods are illustrated with a recently conducted Phase II dosefinding study in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Comment: Keywords and Phrases: Model selection; model averaging; clinical trials; simulation stud

    Optimal designs for enzyme inhibition kinetic models

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    In this paper we present a new method for determining optimal designs for enzyme inhibition kinetic models, which are used to model the influence of the concentration of a substrate and an inhibition on the velocity of a reaction. The approach uses a nonlinear transformation of the vector of predictors such that the model in the new coordinates is given by an incomplete response surface model. Although there exist no explicit solutions of the optimal design problem for incomplete response surface models so far, the corresponding design problem in the new coordinates is substantially more transparent, such that explicit or numerical solutions can be determined more easily. The designs for the original problem can finally be found by an inverse transformation of the optimal designs determined for the response surface model. We illustrate the method determining explicit solutions for the DD-optimal design and for the optimal design problem for estimating the individual coefficients in a non-competitive enzyme inhibition kinetic model

    Optimal designs for active controlled dose finding trials with efficacy-toxicity outcomes

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    Nonlinear regression models addressing both efficacy and toxicity outcomes are increasingly used in dose-finding trials, such as in pharmaceutical drug development. However, research on related experimental design problems for corresponding active controlled trials is still scarce. In this paper we derive optimal designs to estimate efficacy and toxicity in an active controlled clinical dose finding trial when the bivariate continuous outcomes are modeled either by polynomials up to degree 2, the Michaelis- Menten model, the Emax model, or a combination thereof. We determine upper bounds on the number of different doses levels required for the optimal design and provide conditions under which the boundary points of the design space are included in the optimal design. We also provide an analytical description of the minimally supported DD-optimal designs and show that they do not depend on the correlation between the bivariate outcomes. We illustrate the proposed methods with numerical examples and demonstrate the advantages of the DD-optimal design for a trial, which has recently been considered in the literature.Comment: Keywords and Phrases: Active controlled trials, dose finding, optimal design, admissible design, Emax model, Equivalence theorem, Particle swarm optimization, Tchebycheff syste