213 research outputs found

    Evidence that fold-change, and not absolute level, of β-catenin dictates Wnt signaling

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    In response to Wnt stimulation, β-catenin accumulates and activates target genes. Using modeling and experimental analysis, we found that the level of β-catenin is sensitive to perturbations in the pathway, such that cellular variation would be expected to alter the signaling outcome. One unusual parameter was robust: the fold-change in β-catenin level (post-Wnt/pre-Wnt). In Xenopus, dorsal-anterior development and target gene expression are robust to perturbations that alter the final level but leave the fold-change intact. These suggest, first, that despite cellular noise, the cell responds reliably to Wnt stimulation by maintaining a robust fold-change in β-catenin. Second, the transcriptional machinery downstream of the Wnt pathway does not simply read the β-catenin level after Wnt stimulation but computes fold-changes in β-catenin. Analogous to Weber's Law in sensory physiology, some gene transcription networks must respond to fold-changes in signals, rather than absolute levels, which may buffer stochastic, genetic, and environmental variation

    The surface contraction waves of Xenopus eggs reflect the metachronous cell-cycle state of the cytoplasm

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    AbstractActivated Xenopus laevis eggs undergo a series of surface contractions in response to cell-cycle progression but fall to cleave unless the sperm centrosome is present. These surface contraction waves (SCWs) begin at the animal pole and progress around the egg, occur every cell cycle and precede cleavage [1–3]. The SCWs are biphasic, comprising a relaxation phase (SCWa) and a contraction phase (SCWb). To investigate how these events are linked to the underlying cell cycle, we studied the temporal and spatial relationship between the SCWs and previously characterized biochemical markers of cell-cycle progression. We found that the relaxation phase was a response to activated maturation-promoting factor (MPF). In contrast, the contraction phase required inactivation of MPF and was blocked when MPF activity was maintained at elevated levels. We also found that a wave of MPF activity traveled within the cell from the animal to the vegetal hemisphere. Taken together, these experiments suggest that the SCWs are a local response to a wave of MPF activation and inactivation. The egg cytoplasm, therefore, is metachronous in terms of cell-cycle progression; multiple cell-cycle states are present and spatially distinct within the egg at the same time

    Timing of Events in Mitosis

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    AbstractBackground: Regulation of the major transitions in the cell cycle, such as G1/S, G2/M, and metaphase to anaphase, are increasingly well understood. However, we have a poor understanding of the timing of events within each phase of the cell cycle, such as S phase or early mitosis. Two extreme models of regulation are possible. A “regulator-controlled model” in which the order of events is governed by the activation of a series of cytoplasmic regulators, such as kinases, phosphatases, or proteases; or a “substrate-controlled model” in which temporal regulation is determined by the differential responses of the cellular machinery to a common set of activators.Results: We have tried to distinguish between these two models by examining the timing of both biochemical and morphological events in Xenopus egg extracts during mitosis. Several proteins respond with different delays to the activation of Cdc2. We have found that the timing of phosphorylation is largely unchanged when these proteins are exposed to extracts that have been in mitosis for various periods of time. Similarly, when Xenopus interphase nuclei are added to extracts at different times after the G2/M transition, they undergo all the expected morphological changes in the proper sequence and with very similar kinetics.Conclusions: Our results suggest that during early mitosis (from prophase to metaphase) the timing of biochemical events (such as phosphorylation) and morphological events (such as structural changes in the nucleus) is at least partly controlled by the responses of the substrates themselves to a common set of signals

    The incoherent feedforward loop can provide fold-change detection in gene regulation

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    Many sensory systems (e.g., vision and hearing) show a response that is proportional to the fold-change in the stimulus relative to the background, a feature related to Weber's Law. Recent experiments suggest such a fold-change detection feature in signaling systems in cells: a response that depends on the fold-change in the input signal, and not on its absolute level. It is therefore of interest to find molecular mechanisms of gene regulation that can provide such fold-change detection. Here, we demonstrate theoretically that fold-change detection can be generated by one of the most common network motifs in transcription networks, the incoherent feedforward loop (I1-FFL), in which an activator regulates both a gene and a repressor of the gene. The fold-change detection feature of the I1-FFL applies to the entire shape of the response, including its amplitude and duration, and is valid for a wide range of biochemical parameters

    The Roles of APC and Axin Derived from Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of the Wnt Pathway

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    Wnt signaling plays an important role in both oncogenesis and development. Activation of the Wnt pathway results in stabilization of the transcriptional coactivator β-catenin. Recent studies have demonstrated that axin, which coordinates β-catenin degradation, is itself degraded. Although the key molecules required for transducing a Wnt signal have been identified, a quantitative understanding of this pathway has been lacking. We have developed a mathematical model for the canonical Wnt pathway that describes the interactions among the core components: Wnt, Frizzled, Dishevelled, GSK3β, APC, axin, β-catenin, and TCF. Using a system of differential equations, the model incorporates the kinetics of protein–protein interactions, protein synthesis/degradation, and phosphorylation/dephosphorylation. We initially defined a reference state of kinetic, thermodynamic, and flux data from experiments using Xenopus extracts. Predictions based on the analysis of the reference state were used iteratively to develop a more refined model from which we analyzed the effects of prolonged and transient Wnt stimulation on β-catenin and axin turnover. We predict several unusual features of the Wnt pathway, some of which we tested experimentally. An insight from our model, which we confirmed experimentally, is that the two scaffold proteins axin and APC promote the formation of degradation complexes in very different ways. We can also explain the importance of axin degradation in amplifying and sharpening the Wnt signal, and we show that the dependence of axin degradation on APC is an essential part of an unappreciated regulatory loop that prevents the accumulation of β-catenin at decreased APC concentrations. By applying control analysis to our mathematical model, we demonstrate the modular design, sensitivity, and robustness of the Wnt pathway and derive an explicit expression for tumor suppression and oncogenicity
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