5 research outputs found

    Geophysikalische Methoden zur Bewertung potenzieller Standorte fĂĽr die Grundwassergewinnung

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    Complex geology in glacial terrain makes groundwater exploration challenging for water supply companies. Abrupt lateral changes of geological conditions, for example, raise the risk of unsuccessful exploration drilling. At some locations, local water supply companies experience a large number of dry wells, raising the need for better exploration approaches. The use of geophysical techniques enables the detection and characterization of subsurface structures in terms of aquifers and aquitards. We present two examples in which seismic and resistivity methods are combined for subsurface characterization. A thrust structure is detected in the Varde study area in Denmark and a channel structure is mapped in the Hamburg-Sülldorf study area in Germany. The different imaging characteristics of seismic P‑ and S‑waves are demonstrated. The combination of seismic and resistivity methods enables delineating groundwater-bearing and groundwater-barrier layers down to a depth of 150 m.Interreg North Sea Region ProgrammeLeibniz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik (3464

    Geophysical methods help to assess potential groundwater extraction sites

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    Complex geology in glacial terrain makes groundwater exploration challenging for water supply companies. Abrupt lateral changes of geological conditions, for example, raise the risk of unsuccessful exploration drilling. At some locations, local water supply companies experience a large number of dry wells, raising the need for better exploration approaches. The use of geophysical techniques enables the detection and characterization of subsurface structures in terms of aquifers and aquitards.We present two examples in which seismic and resistivity methods are combined for subsurface characterization. A thrust structure is detected in the Varde study area in Denmark and a channel structure is mapped in the Hamburg-Sülldorf study area in Germany. The different imaging characteristics of seismic P‑ and S‑waves are demonstrated. The combination of seismic and resistivity methods enables delineating groundwater-bearing and groundwater-barrier layers down to a depth of 150 m