7 research outputs found

    Health safety on plastic materials that come into contact with food - migration of primary aromatic amines

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    Technological progress in the production of attractive food packing materials results in the introduction to the market of products containing a large variety of chemical substances. The occurrence of potentially toxic compounds in FCM may cause problems to health of consumers. The problem of the occurrence of primary aromatic amines (PAAs), exhibiting high toxicity to humans. Humans can be exposed PAAs by the usage of a variety of synthetic products which come in contact with food and food products. PAAs are suspected to be carcinogens, so inhalation, skin contact and ingestion are considered the main routes entering human organism. PAAs are mainly originated from synthetic azo dyes widely applied as colorants on plastics and also from the use of adhesives based on polyurethanes. The main objective of this work was determination of migration level of PAAs from plastic FCM in model solution of 3% acetic acid. Quantitative determination of sum of PAAs, expressed as aniline was made using spectrophotometric method based on diazotization of PAAs and subsequent coupling of the obtained diazonium salts with N-(1-naphthyl) ethylenediamine dihydrochloride. Detection (DL) and quantification limit (QL) was 0,000715 mg/L and 0,002165 mg/L, respectively. Total tested amines for a period of 09.2011 – 06.2013 (in Laboratory testing for health safety of the items for general use in Institute for Public health of Republic of Macedonia) were 1171 items of which 614 were plastic containers, plastic utensils and plastic items that come in direct contact with food. From tested samples about PAAs expressed as aniline, only 6 sets which coming in contact with food exceed¬ed DL = 0.01 mg/kg. The occurrence of potentially toxic compounds, like PAAs in FCM may cause problems to health of consumers. This is the reason why increased sanitary inspections should be enforced at the market, especially for kitchen utensils that are made in China. Key words: Food-packing materials, Children toys, Primary aromatic amines (PAAs), Migration, Health safety

    Determination of pesticide residues in plant-based foods from the Republic of Macedonia

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    The present study investigates pesticide residues in samples of fresh and processed fruits and vegetables produced in Republic of Macedonia. Investigations were carried out as a part of the National Monitoring Programme under the recommendations of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). From September 2012 to June 2013, a total of 168 samples of different fresh vegetables: tomato, paprika, cucumber, potato, onion, carrot, cabbage; processed vegetables: pasteurized paprika, ketchup; fresh fruits: apple, acid cherry, table grapes and wine grapes; processed fruits: jams and canned fruits were tested on the presence of 33 pesticide residues. The QuEChERS procedure was used for sample preparation, except for dithiocarabamates and gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) techniques were applied for pesticide residues identification and determination. The results of the study showed that cucumber was the crop with the highest number of pesticide residues with the predominant presence of methomyl, (0.015-0.21 mg/kg), metalaxyl (0.04-0.16 mg/kg), and imidacloprid(0.017-0.036 mg/kg). Only two samples (1.19% of the total samples) contained one pesticide residue above the Maximum Residues Levels (MRLs). The results of the current study showed that 98.8% of the tested samples contained residues below the MRLs

    Analysis of the results obtained for proficiency testing schemes in laboratories for food control in Institute of Public Health, Skopje, FYROM

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    Within the period of 9 years (2002 – 2010) in the laboratories for food testing in Institute of Public Health, Skopje, FYROM, 32 different proficiency tests were performed in 23 different matrixes as: coffee cream, cream, powdered milk, yoghurt butter; oily dressing, cola drink, cabbage puree , fresh cheese , orange juice, potable water, water real sample, animal feed cereal based, fish oil, maize flour, corn flakes, minced canned fish, graham flour, synthetic food of vegetable and animal origin, homogenized canned fruit, powdered rice, dietetic product, fish soup and fresh fish. The number of parameters which were analyzed was 73 as: fat content, dry matter, water content, benzoic acid, nitrate content, caffeine, saccharine, K – acesulfame., protein content, pH, citric acid, fructose, glucose, sucrose, total sugars, aflatoxins (B1; B2 G1; G2;), trihalomethanes (chloroform; bromoform; carbon tetrachloride; trichloroethene and tetrachloroethene), organophosphorus insecticides (etrimfos; fenitrothion; malathion; pirimiphos–methyl; azinphos-methyl; dichlorvos; chlorofenvinphos; parathion-ethyl; parathion-methyl; chlorpiryfos; diazinon and mevinphos), organochlorine insecticides (endrin; dieldrin; aldrin; pp’DDT; lindane; endosulfan I; endosulfan II; HCH; heptachlor; heptachlor epoxide; cis chlordane and pp’DDE), herbicides (alachlor; trifluralin; atrazine; propazine and simazine), metals (lead; cadmium; zinc; copper; chromium; iron; manganese; cobalt; nickel; mercury and arsenic), routine components in water (pH; turbidity; colour; conductivity at 200 C; SR phosphate; ammonium; PI; nitrate; nitrite; sulphate; chloride; fluoride; alkalinity; total hardness; calcium; sodium; potassium and magnesium). The number of measurements which were performed was 203. The following results for Z score were obtained: 159 results had Z score Z 3 (13.30%). Analysis of the possible sources of error for Z score 2<Z <3 have shown that it is due to random error during analysis. The highest values of Z scores were obtained for the analysis of fatty food (content of fat and dry matter). The best values of the Z score were obtained for the trace metals analysis and pesticides residues analysis. Providers for chemical testing of food and water were: Muva Kempten Quality Management & Laboratory Services; DRRR Deutsches Referenzbüro für Lebensmittel-Ringversuche und Referenzmaterialien; FAPAS and LEAP (UK) and The Swedish National Food Administration (NFA). Keywords: laboratory, proficiency, Z scor

    Analysis of the content of PAAs in plastic items and toys

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    Humans can be exposed to PAAS by the usage of synthetic products which come in food. PAAs are expected to be toxic and carcinogens. PAAs are mainly originated from synthetic azo dyes applied as colorants and from adhesives based on polyurethanes (PU). Main objectives of this work were establishing analytical method based on spectrophotometric technique, optimization and validation of the method. This method was applied in investigation of plastic items that come in contact with food, as well as children’s toys on the content of PAAs. Keywords: PAAs, method, plastic items, toy

    Standard for quality of Public Health Laboratories in the Republic of Macedonia

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    Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Macedonia coordinate and work closely with 10 regional centers for public health in relation to the monitoring and detection of hazards to human health arising from environment and food. Quality management in the world experienced major changes, especially in the last decade. These changes primarily relate to the different attitude towards quality requirements of customers. These requirements are based on standards ISO 9001 (QMS), ISO 17025 (QM/QA), ISO 15189 (QM/QA) and other models of standards for quality management (QM), in various industries, as well as models to demonstrate of technical competence. This paper presents public health laboratories, in terms of equipment, facilities and personnel of the models for QM/QA laboratories. It also presents the efforts of managers-doctors and managers-economists for implementation of quality standards, according to the requirements of the latest versions of the standards: • ISO / IEC 17025:2005-General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories (General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories); • ISO 15189:2007-Medical Laboratories-Particular Requirements for Quality and Competence (Medical Laboratories: Particular requirements for quality and competence) and • ISO 9001:2008 - Systems Quality Management. Keywors: Quality management, quality, competenc

    Health safety on plastic materials that come into contact with food and children toys about migration of primary aromatic amines examination in IPH- Skopje in period 01.01.2013 – 31.12.2013

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    Humans can be exposed to primary aromatic amines (PAAs) by the usage of a variety of synthetic products which come in contact with food and plastic children toys. PAAs are mainly originated from synthetic azo dyes widely applied as colorants on plastics and also from the use of adhesives based on polyurethanes (PU) in laminated food packing materials. Legislation introduced in the European Union countries limiting the migration level of PAAs into foodstuffs is 0.01 mg/kg. Aim of the study was establishing method for routine examination of PAAs in items made of plastics that come into direct contact with food and plastic toys. Material and Methods: Quantitative determination of sum of PAAs, expressed as aniline on 727 items of which 363 plastic toys, and 364 plastic containers, plastic utensils and plastic items that come in direct contact with food. Was using spectrophotometric method based on diazotization of PAAs and subsequent coupling of the obtained diazonium salts with N-(1-naphthyl) ethylenediamine dihydrochloride. Calibration was carried out using known amounts of aniline hydrochloride as standard. Detection limit (DL) and quantification limit (QL) evaluated for direct spectrophotometric method amounted to 0,000715 mg/l and 0,002165 mg/l, respectively. Only 6 tested samples were not correct in terms of increased concentration of PAAs in simulant solution. From the faulty samples 4 were toys, and 2 black kitchen sets which coming in contact with food. Conclusion: Requires increased sanitary inspection market, amid frequent occurrence of PAAs in plastic kitchen utensils, especially kitchen utensils in black and children toys made in China. Keywords: Food Contact Materials (FCM), Toys, Primary Aromatic Amines (PAAs), Migration, Safet

    Fitness of public health laboratory in the Republic of Macedonia for the application of standards for quality

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    The main goal of this master’s study is to determine preparedness of public health laboratories concerning the conditions (area, equipment, and staff) and in relation to quality standard application, with identification of the current condition of laboratories in relation to the area, equipment and staff as well as quality standard application in the Institute and the Public Health Centers in the Republic of Macedonia. This research was conducted through a Questionnaire, which was adapted from the ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard and modified for the goals of the study. Total 144 employees completed the Questionnaire which they were given during the survey (face to face method), with the aim of reducing possible errors. Statistic processing was conducted through application of standard descriptive analyses of quality indicators and check of the hypotheses put forward. The study identified that globally, the preparedness of public health laboratories in the Republic of Macedonia in relation to conditions (area, equipment and staff), for quality standard application, is seen as PARTIAL. The current condition of laboratories in relation to the area, equipment and staff, as well as quality standard application in the Institute and the Public Health Centers in the Republic of Macedonia varies and differs significantly between accredited and non-accredited public health laboratories. In the accredited public health laboratories in the RM, interviewed employees in the Public Health Institute of the RM showed best knowledge and dedication for quality system maintenance in testing laboratories. One can distinguish essential differences in the management staff’s view and knowledge in relation to introducing quality systems between managers - health professionals and managers – economists. Testing laboratories in the Institute of Public Health of the RM and few Public Health Centers have adequate and modern equipment, in line with the testing methods, great inadequacy of space in relation to its distribution, non-permitted access, cleanliness and monitoring the ambiance conditions. Professional and competent staffs work in the Institute and in all Public Health Centers, in particular when it comes to testing activities. Motivation of staffs instigated by management teams is what is missing. Both internal and external trainings of staffs are necessary. Keywords: Accreditation, Standards, Testing laboratory, Quality Management System, Technical Requirement