134 research outputs found

    Cryo-Electron Ptychography: Applications and Potential in Biological Characterisation

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    There is a clear need for developments in characterisation techniques that provide detailed information about structure-function relationships in biology. Using electron microscopy to achieve high resolution while maintaining a broad field of view remains a challenge, particularly for radiation sensitive specimens where the signal-to-noise ratio required to maintain structural integrity is limited by low electron fluence. In this review, we explore the potential of cryogenic electron ptychography as an alternative method for characterisation of biological systems under low fluence conditions. Using this method with increased information content from multiple sampled regions of interest, potentially allows 3D reconstruction with far fewer particles than required in conventional cryo-electron microscopy. This is important for achieving higher resolution for systems where distributions of homogeneous single particles are difficult to obtain. We discuss the progress, limitations and potential areas for future development of this approach for both single particle analysis and in applications to heterogeneous large objects

    Cryo-electron ptychography: applications and potential in biological characterisation

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    There is a clear need for developments in characterisation techniques that provide detailed information about structure–function relationships in biology. Using electron microscopy to achieve high resolution while maintaining a broad field of view remains a challenge, particularly for radiation-sensitive specimens where the signal-to-noise ratio required to maintain structural integrity is limited by low electron fluence. In this review, we explore the potential of cryogenic electron ptychography as an alternative method for characterising biological systems under low-fluence conditions. Using this method with increased information content from multiple sampled regions of interest potentially allows 3D reconstruction with far fewer particles than required in conventional cryo-electron microscopy. This is important for achieving higher resolution in systems where distributions of homogeneous single particles are difficult to obtain. We discuss the progress, limitations, and potential areas for future development of this approach for both single particle analysis and applications to heterogeneous large objects

    Direct detection of electron backscatter diffraction patterns.

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    We report the first use of direct detection for recording electron backscatter diffraction patterns. We demonstrate the following advantages of direct detection: the resolution in the patterns is such that higher order features are visible; patterns can be recorded at beam energies below those at which conventional detectors usefully operate; high precision in cross-correlation based pattern shift measurements needed for high resolution electron backscatter diffraction strain mapping can be obtained. We also show that the physics underlying direct detection is sufficiently well understood at low primary electron energies such that simulated patterns can be generated to verify our experimental data

    Detectors—The ongoing revolution in scanning transmission electron microscopy and why this important to material characterization

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    Detectors are revolutionizing possibilities in scanning transmission electron microscopy because of the advent of direct electron detectors that record at a high quantum efficiency and with a high frame rate. This allows the whole back focal plane to be captured for each pixel in a scan and the dataset to be processed to reveal whichever features are of interest. There are many possible uses for this advance of direct relevance to understanding the nano- and atomic-scale structure of materials and heterostructures. This article gives our perspective of the current state of the field and some of the directions where it is likely to go next. First, a wider overview of the recent work in this area is given before two specific examples of its application are given: one is imaging strain in thin films and the other one is imaging changes in periodicity along the beam direction as a result of the formation of an ordered structure in an epitaxial thin film. This is followed by an outlook that presents future possible directions in this rapidly expanding field

    SIM-STEM Lab: Incorporating Compressed Sensing Theory for Fast STEM Simulation

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    Recently it has been shown that precise dose control and an increase in the overall acquisition speed of atomic resolution scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) images can be achieved by acquiring only a small fraction of the pixels in the image experimentally and then reconstructing the full image using an inpainting algorithm. In this paper, we apply the same inpainting approach (a form of compressed sensing) to simulated, sub-sampled atomic resolution STEM images. We find that it is possible to significantly sub-sample the area that is simulated, the number of g-vectors contributing the image, and the number of frozen phonon configurations contributing to the final image while still producing an acceptable fit to a fully sampled simulation. Here we discuss the parameters that we use and how the resulting simulations can be quantifiably compared to the full simulations. As with any Compressed Sensing methodology, care must be taken to ensure that isolated events are not excluded from the process, but the observed increase in simulation speed provides significant opportunities for real time simulations, image classification and analytics to be performed as a supplement to experiments on a microscope to be developed in the future.Comment: 20 pages (includes 3 supplementary pages), 15 figures (includes 5 supplementary figures), submitted to Ultramicroscop

    Influence of precession electron diffraction parameters and energy filtering on reduced density function analysis of thin amorphous silica films—implications for structural studies

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    We investigated the influence of precession angle, energy filtering and sample thickness on the structural parameters of amorphous SiO2 thin films from the electron reduced density functions obtained by applying precession electron diffraction. The results demonstrate that the peak positions in the electron reduced density functions are generally insensitive to the studied experimental conditions, while both precession angle and energy filtering influence peak heights considerably. It is also shown that introducing precession with small angles of up to 2 degrees and energy filtering results in higher coordination numbers that are closer to the expected theoretical values of 4 and 2 for Si and O, respectively, for data obtained from a thicker sample

    Direct visualisation of the surface atomic active sites of carbon-supported Co3O4 nanocrystals via high-resolution phase restoration

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    The atomic arrangement of the terminating facets on spinel Co3O4 nanocrystals is strongly linked to their catalytic performance. However, the spinel crystal structure offers multiple possible surface terminations depending on the synthesis. Thus, understanding the terminating surface atomic structure is essential in developing high-performance Co3O4 nanocrystals. In this work, we present direct atomic-scale observation of the surface terminations of Co3O4 nanoparticles supported on hollow carbon spheres (HCSs) using exit wavefunction reconstruction from aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy focal-series. The restored high-resolution phases show distinct resolved oxygen and cobalt atomic columns. The data show that the structure of {100}, {110}, and {111} facets of spinel Co3O4 exhibit characteristic active sites for carbon monoxide (CO) adsorption, in agreement with density functional theory calculations. Of these facets, the {100} and {110} surface terminations are better suited for CO adsorption than the {111}. However, the presence of oxygen on the {111} surface termination indicates this facet also plays an essential role in CO adsorption. Our results demonstrate direct evidence of the surface termination atomic structure beyond the assumed stoichiometry of the surface
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