19 research outputs found

    Werktuigbouwkunde en duurzame ontwikkeling : duurzame ontwikkeling in opleidingen werktuigbouwkunde : een verkenning

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    Werktuigbouwkunde en duurzame ontwikkeling hebben veel met elkaar te maken. In deze publicatie wordt de stand van zaken in het bedrijfsleven en het universitair onderwijs beschreven. De vakreview De auteur ir. A. Kirkels (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven) heeft met dit boekje een eerste aanzet willen geven voor mensen die aan de slag willen met de integratie van duurzame ontwikkeling in opleidingen Werktuigbouwkunde. Het boekje schetst de raakvlakken en knelpunten hiertussen. Na een korte inleiding richt Kirkels zich op de vakinhoudelijke mogelijkheden voor de integratie van duurzame ontwikkeling. Dit is concreet uitgewerkt voor drie deelgebieden, te weten energietechnologie, materiaalkunde en technologisch ontwerpen. Vervolgens gaat de auteur in op het Werktuigbouwkunde onderwijs; waarom is het zinvol om aandacht aan duurzame ontwikkeling te besteden en hoe hebben een aantal opleidingen dit thema opgepakt? Tenslotte biedt het boekje een eerste aanzet voor de praktische, organisatorische aspecten van duurzaam Werktuigbouwkunde onderwijs

    Gehandicapten en ouderen deur-tot-deur vervoer

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    Discursive shifts in energy from biomass : a 30 year European overview

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    This study aims to provide a long term overview of developments in energy from biomass in Western Europe by analyzing the discourse in RD&D and related policy. To this end, the discourse in Western Europe between 1980 and 2010 has been studied by the literature study of open literature and articles of the European Biomass Conference. In addition, a quantitative content analysis of titles of the conference has been performed. This shows the dynamics with respect to considered feedstock, conversion technology, application as well as supporting arguments for this – a dynamics that will not show in a technology or country oriented study. We distinguish four different discourses based on differentiation to scale and knowledge intensity – but that also relates to feedstock and conversion technology. This way, the complex developments can be structured and understood as shift between and within discourses. This is especially relevant as each discourse involves a different policy arena and different actors. With a still growing interest in energy from biomass, the multiple discourses seem to keep co-existing. Emphasis continues to be given to large scale and knowledge intensive processes, which will further increase the importance of the supra-national level for future developments

    Biomass gasification : still promising? : a 30 year global overview

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    Over the past decades biomass gasification has been regarded as a very promising technology, because of the large potential and the option of advanced applications. In this paper a 30-year overview is presented of the worldwide development of biomass gasification as part of the more general field of gasification, based on both literature and science and technology indicators. The first period of development until the mid-80s is characterized by large interest in coal gasification and domination by the USA. The second period relates more to biomass gasification. It starts in the mid-1990s and is dominated by Europe, although China and Japan are coming up strongly. The technology has been successful in a few niche markets, but largely remains confined to RD&D niches. High-end applications like IGCC and transport fuels have received major interest in research and development. However, biomass gasification is not yet mature enough to be widely applied in the market. It is still in a stage of variation and there has been no dominant design yet. In most markets it is unable to compete with other technologies. We do not expect a breakthrough on the short term, a gradual niche development seems much more likely

    Biomass gasifiers in developing countries

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    Development paths of biomass gasification

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