39 research outputs found

    Radiolysis Process Model

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    Assessing the performance of spent (used) nuclear fuel in geological repository requires quantification of time-dependent phenomena that may influence its behavior on a time-scale up to millions of years. A high-level waste repository environment will be a dynamic redox system because of the time-dependent generation of radiolytic oxidants and reductants and the corrosion of Fe-bearing canister materials. One major difference between used fuel and natural analogues, including unirradiated UO2, is the intense radiolytic field. The radiation emitted by used fuel can produce radiolysis products in the presence of water vapor or a thin-film of water (including OH• and H• radicals, O2-, eaq, H2O2, H2, and O2) that may increase the waste form degradation rate and change radionuclide behavior. H2O2 is the dominant oxidant for spent nuclear fuel in an O2 depleted water environment, the most sensitive parameters have been identified with respect to predictions of a radiolysis model under typical conditions. As compared with the full model with about 100 reactions it was found that only 30-40 of the reactions are required to determine [H2O2] to one part in 10–5 and to preserve most of the predictions for major species. This allows a systematic approach for model simplification and offers guidance in designing experiments for validation

    Phytoplankton competition in deep biomass maximum

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    Resource competition in heterogeneous environments is still an unresolved problem of theoretical ecology. In this article I analyze competition between two phytoplankton species in a deep water column, where the distributions of main resources (light and a limiting nutrient) have opposing gradients and co-limitation by both resources causes a deep biomass maximum. Assuming that the species have a trade-off in resource requirements and the water column is weakly mixed, I apply the invasion threshold analysis (Ryabov and Blasius 2011) to determine relations between environmental conditions and phytoplankton composition. Although species deplete resources in the interior of the water column, the resource levels at the bottom and surface remain high. As a result, the slope of resources gradients becomes a new crucial factor which, rather than the local resource values, determines the outcome of competition. The value of resource gradients nonlinearly depend on the density of consumers. This leads to complex relationships between environmental parameters and species composition. In particular, it is shown that an increase of both the incident light intensity or bottom nutrient concentrations favors the best light competitors, while an increase of the turbulent mixing or background turbidity favors the best nutrient competitors. These results might be important for prediction of species composition in deep ocean.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures; Theoretical Ecology 201