1,320 research outputs found

    Statutory and regulatory requirements in the process of mineral mining in Ukraine. Review and analysis

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    Purpose. Compliance of statutory and regulatory requirements as for mineral mining, made while subsurface using, mines inspectorating, bringing to responsibility, and creating prerequisites for providing legal guarantees of those who mine the deposits, have been studied. Methods. The studies are to make sequential comparative analysis of the current statutory and regulatory requirements, determined by the Subsurface Code of Ukraine, and Mining Law of Ukraine concerning mineral mining and identifying a level of their system harmony. Findings. It has been determined that a complex of the basic requirements for mining of the deposits is formed within corresponding system of subjects of subsoil use at each component of use – inspection – responsibility chain; it is obvious thing that their correspondence has a potential for harmony. New levels of differentiation of the requirements for deposit mining have been determined. It has been mentioned that the requirements for mining involve not only subsoil as a general object; they also concern such objects of the next level as deposits, mine takes, reserves of the minerals, useful components, overburden rocks, mining waste etc. Originality is to substantiate the available disbalance between statutory and regulatory requirements made for deposit miners, orders by mining and subsoil laws; it is proposed to classify the requirements according to their subject-object composition as well as to time (stage) of subsoil use. Practical implications is in the possibility to use the results in the process of lawmaking activities and law-enforcement activities, for studies, connected with further development of a mine law theory, for teaching chapters belonging to legal responsibility in mining, and practices of law enforcement officers and mining enterprises.Мета. Дослідження рівня відповідності нормативно-правових вимог, що висуваються до розробки родовищ корисних копалин, при здійсненні користування надрами, гірничому нагляді та притягненні до відповідальності, а також створення передумов для встановлення юридичних гарантій охорони прав розробників родовищ. Методика. Дослідження полягає у послідовному порівняльному аналізі чинних нормативно-правових вимог, встановлених Кодексом України про надра та Гірничим законом України, до розробки родовищ корисних копалин і виявленні рівня їх системної узгодженості. Результати. Встановлено, що сукупність основних вимог до розробки родовищ трансформується у відповідній системі обов’язків суб’єктів користування надрами на кожній складовій ланки “користування – нагляд – відповідальність”, а їх кореспонденція, очевидно, має потенціал до збалансованості. Встановлені нові рівні диференціації вимог до розробки родовищ. Відзначено, що вимоги до розробки охоплюють не лише надра, як загальний об’єкт, а й об’єкти наступного рівня – родовища, гірничі відводи, запаси корисних копалин, корисні компоненти, розкривні породи, відходи виробництва тощо. Наукова новизна полягає в обґрунтуванні наявного дисбалансу між нормативно-правовими вимогами, що висуваються до розробників родовищ, приписами гірничого та надрового законодавства, а самі вимоги запропоновано класифікувати за суб’єктно-об’єктним складом та часом (стадією) користування надрами. Практична значимість полягає в можливості використання результатів у процесі правотворчої та правозастосовчої діяльності, у наукових дослідженнях, пов’язаних із подальшою розробкою теорії гірничого права, у навчальному процесі, у ході викладання розділів, що відносяться до юридичної відповідальності в гірничій справі, у практичній роботі працівників правоохоронних органів та гірничих підприємств.Цель. Исследование уровня соответствия нормативно-правовых требований, предъявляемых к разработке месторождений полезных ископаемых, при осуществлении пользования недрами, горном надзоре и привлечении к ответственности, а также создание предпосылок для установления юридических гарантий охраны прав разработчиков месторождений. Методика. Исследование заключается в последовательном сравнительном анализе действующих нормативно-правовых требований, установленных Кодексом Украины о недрах и Горным законом Украины, к разработке месторождений полезных ископаемых и выявлении уровня их системной согласованности. Результаты. Установлено, что совокупность основных требований к разработке месторождений трансформируется в соответствующей системе обязанностей субъектов пользования недрами на каждой составляющей звена “пользование – надзор – ответственность”, а их корреспонденция, очевидно, имеет потенциал к сбалансированности. Установлены новые уровни дифференциации требований к разработке месторождений. Отмечено, что требования к разработке охватывают не только недра, как общий объект, но и объекты следующего уровня – месторождения, горные отводы, запасы полезных ископаемых, полезные компоненты, вскрышные породы, отходы производства и т.п. Научная новизна заключается в обосновании имеющегося дисбаланса между нормативно-правовыми требованиями, предъявляемыми к разработчикам месторождений, предписаниями горного и недрового законодательства, а сами требования предложено классифицировать по субъектно-объектному составу и времени (стадией) пользования недрами. Практическая значимость заключается в возможности использования результатов в процессе правотворческой и правоприменительной деятельности, в научных исследованиях, связанных с дальнейшей разработкой теории горного права, в учебном процессе, в ходе изложения разделов, относящихся к юридической ответственности в горном деле, в практической работе сотрудников правоохранительных органов и горных предприятий.The results were obtained with no financing or any project support. I express appreciation to reviewers and editors for their valuable comments and recommendations concerning the paper structure improvement. In addition, I express gratitude to Serhii Vasylovych Kivalov, Doctor of Law, President of National University “Odessa Law Academy”, people’s deputy of Ukraine, a member of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Legal Policy and Justice, Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine, Academician of the Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honorary Professor of the Academic Union Oxford for the creation of favourable conditions to carry out the research

    Organizational culture in Serbian companies according to the Denison Model

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    The phenomenon of organisational culture is an important source of competitiveness of today's organisations, and therefore, organisational culture is an important research topic of modern management science. Finding the balance between diametrically opposite requirements, for stability and flexibility, is a challenge in managing organisations in a modern business environment. These requirements are incorporated into Denison's model of organisational culture, applied in this research on companies in Serbia. According to the Denison model, organisational stability factors are its mission and consistency, while factors that characterise its flexibility are the organisation's adaptability and the involvement of employees. A well-formulated mission with which all employees are familiar makes the organisation unique on the path to achieving the desired goal. Consistence that relates to a well-defined system of values and rules facilitates resolving conflicts and other problems in the day-to-day functioning of the organisation. On the other hand, organisations with high participation of employees are more efficient and more likely to implement changes, while the ability to quickly and adequately adapt to challenges from the environment allows organisations to preserve their competitiveness on the market The obtained results of the research showed that there is a balance of the factors of stability and flexibility, which according to the model is a welcomed result, but also that there is a significant place for improvements in the organisational culture. The results presented in this paper may serve as useful information for policymakers to plan changes that improve business efficiency

    Organizational culture in Serbia in relation to the characteristics of organization: Empirical reserch

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    U savremenim uslovima poslovanja organizaciona kultura prepoznata je kao moćno sredstvo za dugoročni opstanak i razvoj organizacije. Svrha ovog rada bila je istražiti da li i na koji način karakteristike organizacija - poput veličine, vlasničke strukture, delatnosti, činjenice da li je vlasništvo domaće ili strano - utiču na organizacionu kulturu. Zbog kontinuiranih i brzih promena i ogromne konkurencije kao odlike savremenog poslovanja, izabran je Denisonov model organizacione kulture jer naglašava potrebu za ravnotežom između zahteva za organizacionom stabilnošću (faktori misije i doslednosti) i zahteva za njenom adaptabilnošću (faktori uključenosti i prilagodljivosti). Istraživanje je obuhvatilo uzorak od 1.000 zaposlenih, a podaci su statistički obrađeni metodom one-way ANOVA. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju uticaj organizacionih karakteristika na njenu sposobnost uravnoteženja unutrašnjeg i spoljašnjeg fokusa organizacije, stabilnost i sposobnost promene. Takođe, uočena je potreba za nekom vrstom organizacione kulturne transformacije kao odgovora na promenu paradigme u širem okruženju.In modern business conditions, organizational culture is recognized as a powerful tool for long-term survival and development of the organization. The purpose of this paper was to research whether and in what way the characteristics of organizations - such as its size, ownership structure, activity, domestic or foreign - influence the organizational culture. Because of continuous and rapid changes and enormous competition, which are features of modern business, the Denison model of organizational culture was chosen because it emphasizes the need for balance between requirements for organizational stability (factors of mission and consistency) and requirements for its adaptability (factors of involvement and adaptability). The survey covered a sample of 1,000 employees and the data was statistically processed using the one-way ANOVA method. The obtained results show the influence of organizational characteristics on its ability to balance the internal and external focus of the organization, its stability, and its ability to change. Likewise, there should be a certain organizational cultural transformation as a response to the paradigm change in wider environment should be a certain organizational cultural transformation as a response to the paradigm change in wider environment

    Organizational culture in Serbia in relation to the characteristics of organization: Empirical reserch

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    U savremenim uslovima poslovanja organizaciona kultura prepoznata je kao moćno sredstvo za dugoročni opstanak i razvoj organizacije. Svrha ovog rada bila je istražiti da li i na koji način karakteristike organizacija - poput veličine, vlasničke strukture, delatnosti, činjenice da li je vlasništvo domaće ili strano - utiču na organizacionu kulturu. Zbog kontinuiranih i brzih promena i ogromne konkurencije kao odlike savremenog poslovanja, izabran je Denisonov model organizacione kulture jer naglašava potrebu za ravnotežom između zahteva za organizacionom stabilnošću (faktori misije i doslednosti) i zahteva za njenom adaptabilnošću (faktori uključenosti i prilagodljivosti). Istraživanje je obuhvatilo uzorak od 1.000 zaposlenih, a podaci su statistički obrađeni metodom one-way ANOVA. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju uticaj organizacionih karakteristika na njenu sposobnost uravnoteženja unutrašnjeg i spoljašnjeg fokusa organizacije, stabilnost i sposobnost promene. Takođe, uočena je potreba za nekom vrstom organizacione kulturne transformacije kao odgovora na promenu paradigme u širem okruženju.In modern business conditions, organizational culture is recognized as a powerful tool for long-term survival and development of the organization. The purpose of this paper was to research whether and in what way the characteristics of organizations - such as its size, ownership structure, activity, domestic or foreign - influence the organizational culture. Because of continuous and rapid changes and enormous competition, which are features of modern business, the Denison model of organizational culture was chosen because it emphasizes the need for balance between requirements for organizational stability (factors of mission and consistency) and requirements for its adaptability (factors of involvement and adaptability). The survey covered a sample of 1,000 employees and the data was statistically processed using the one-way ANOVA method. The obtained results show the influence of organizational characteristics on its ability to balance the internal and external focus of the organization, its stability, and its ability to change. Likewise, there should be a certain organizational cultural transformation as a response to the paradigm change in wider environment should be a certain organizational cultural transformation as a response to the paradigm change in wider environment

    Organizational culture in Serbian companies according to the Denison Model

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    The phenomenon of organisational culture is an important source of competitiveness of today's organisations, and therefore, organisational culture is an important research topic of modern management science. Finding the balance between diametrically opposite requirements, for stability and flexibility, is a challenge in managing organisations in a modern business environment. These requirements are incorporated into Denison's model of organisational culture, applied in this research on companies in Serbia. According to the Denison model, organisational stability factors are its mission and consistency, while factors that characterise its flexibility are the organisation's adaptability and the involvement of employees. A well-formulated mission with which all employees are familiar makes the organisation unique on the path to achieving the desired goal. Consistence that relates to a well-defined system of values and rules facilitates resolving conflicts and other problems in the day-to-day functioning of the organisation. On the other hand, organisations with high participation of employees are more efficient and more likely to implement changes, while the ability to quickly and adequately adapt to challenges from the environment allows organisations to preserve their competitiveness on the market The obtained results of the research showed that there is a balance of the factors of stability and flexibility, which according to the model is a welcomed result, but also that there is a significant place for improvements in the organisational culture. The results presented in this paper may serve as useful information for policymakers to plan changes that improve business efficiency

    Local Boons: The Many Lives of Family Stories

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