2 research outputs found

    Características lexicas dos subdialectos cristãos do tatar

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    This article is devoted to lexical peculiarity study of baptized Tatar (Kryashens) dialects, an ethnoconfessional group of Tatars in the Volga and Ural regions living in the Republic of Tatarstan and neighboring republics and regions. Within the framework of lexical features, they analyzed the Turkic words that were outdated for the modern Tatar language, as well as the borrowings that took place in the dialects. The vocabulary of Kryashen dialects basically coincides with the common Tatar vocabulary, however there are specific features that distinguish these dialects from the Tatar literary language and its dialects. The presence of these features is conditioned by the relatively isolated development of the Kryashens from other ethnographic groups of the Tatar people. A rather large place in the dialects is occupied by words that occur in ancient Turkic language and in a number of modern Turkic and Finno-Ugric languages, for example: arıw / aru - 'saint; good; clean', ardaqlı - 'esteemed', küz - 'burning coal, fire', pıçu/peçü - 'to cut', etc. The work also examines the borrowings, most of which are Russian words, and Arab-Persian, Chuvash and Udmurt borrowings are used less. Examples are given for each group and the features of their application are determined.Este artículo está dedicado al estudio de la peculiaridad léxica de los dialectos tártaros bautizados (Kryashens), un grupo etnoconfesional de tártaros en las regiones del Volga y los Urales que viven en la República de Tatarstán y en las repúblicas y regiones vecinas. En el marco de las características léxicas, se analizaron las palabras turcas que estaban desactualizadas para la lengua tártara moderna, así como los préstamos que tuvieron lugar en los dialectos. El vocabulario de los dialectos de Kryashen básicamente coincide con el vocabulario tártaro común, sin embargo, hay características específicas que distinguen a estos dialectos del lenguaje literario tártaro y sus dialectos. La presencia de estas características está condicionada por el desarrollo relativamente aislado de los Kryashens de otros grupos etnográficos del pueblo tártaro. Un lugar bastante grande en los dialectos está ocupado por palabras que ocurren en la lengua turca antigua y en varias lenguas turcas y finouguras modernas, por ejemplo: arıw / aru - 'saint; bueno; clean ', ardaqlı -' estimado ', küz -' quema de carbón, fuego', pıçu / peçü -' cortar', etc. El trabajo ademas examina los préstamos, la mayoría de los cuales son palabras rusas, y árabepersa, Chuvash y los préstamos Udmurt se usan menos. Se dan ejemplos para cada grupo y se determinan las características de su aplicación.Este artigo é dedicado ao estudo da peculiaridade lexical dos tártaros dialetos batizados (Kryashens), um grupo étnico-confessional de tártaros em regiões do Volga e dos Urais que vivem na República do Tartaristão e repúblicas e regiões vizinhas. No marco das características lexicais, analisaram as palavras turcas que estavam desatualizadas para a moderna língua tártara, bem como os empréstimos que ocorriam nos dialetos. O vocabulário dos dialetos de Kryashen basicamente corresponde ao vocabulário comum Tartar, no entanto, existem características específicas que distinguem estes dialetos de Tatar língua literária e seus dialetos. A presença dessas características é condicionada pelo desenvolvimento relativamente isolado dos Kryashens de outros grupos etnográficos do povo tártaro. Um lugar bastante grande nos dialetos é ocupado por palavras que ocorrem na antiga língua turca e em várias línguas e finuras turcas modernas, por exemplo: arıw / aru - 'saint; bom clean ', ardaqlı -' caro ', küz -' queima de carvão, fogo ', pıçu / peçü -' corte ', etc. O trabalho também examina os empréstimos, a maioria dos quais são palavras russas, e os empréstimos árabe-persa, chuvache e udmurto são usados menos. Exemplos são dados para cada grupo e as características de sua aplicação são determinadas


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    Purposes: This article is devoted to the study of realityн translation, the identification of the main types and difficulties of translation based on the material of literary works translated from Russian into Tatar. Implication/Application: Among the objective difficulties of the works of Russian writer translation into the Tatar language, one can note the mismatch of Russian and Tatar words or phrases expressing realities. It is especially difficult to translate those words and expressions that are close in meaning, but differ in “volume”. Results: The authors show the dependence of translation strategy choice on external sociocultural and pragmatic factors. The study also found out what problems may arise during the transfer of realities in translation, and the main difficulties are highlighted that arise during the translation of realities, in particular, during the absence of an equivalent, correspondence or analogue in the translated language, the need to convey not only the meaning of reality but also its color. Novelty: In our work, the essence of the realities was determined, the main aspects of reality transfer during translation were analyzed, the types of correspondences by a value between the realities, which can be grouped into three main ones, are considered: full, partial correspondence and its absence