11 research outputs found

    Model of the influence of an external magnetic field on the gain of terahertz radiation from semiconductor superlattices

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    We theoretically analyze the influence of magnetic field on small-signal absorption and gain in a superlattice. We predict a very large and tunable THz gain due to nonlinear cyclotron oscillations in crossed electric and magnetic fields. In contrast to Bloch gain, here the superlattice is in an electrically stable state. We also find that THz Bloch gain can be significantly enhanced with a perpendicular magnetic field. If the magnetic field is tilted with respect to the superlattice axis, the usually unstable Bloch gain profile becomes stable in the vicinity of Stark-cyclotron resonances

    Bloch gain in dc-ac-driven semiconductor superlattices in the absence of electric domains

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    We theoretically study the feasibility of amplification and generation of terahertz radiation in dc-ac-driven semiconductor superlattices in the absence of electric domains. We find that if in addition to a dc bias a strong terahertz pump field is applied, a Bloch gain profile for a small terahertz signal can be achieved under the conditions of a positive static differential conductivity. Here, the positive differential conductivity arises, similarly to the case of a large-signal amplification scheme [H. Kroemer, arXiv:cond-mat/0009311 (unpublished)], due to modifications in dc current density caused by the application of a high-frequency ac field [ K. Unterrainer et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 2973 (1996)]. Whereas the sign of absorption at low and zero frequencies is sensitive to the ac fields, the gain profile in the vicinity of the gain maximum is robust. We suggest to use this ac-induced effect in a starter for a terahertz Bloch oscillator. Our analysis demonstrates that the application of a short terahertz pulse to a superlattice allows the suppression of the undesirable formation of electric domains and the achievement of a sustained large-amplitude operation of the dc-biased Bloch oscillator

    Direct current generation due to wave mixing in semiconductors

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    We describe a novel effect of the generation of direct current which may arise in semiconductors or semiconductor microstructures due to a mixing of coherent electromagnetic radiations of commensurate frequencies. The effect is, in essence, due to a nonparabolicity of the electron energy bands and is stronger in systems where this nonparabolicity is greater. We have made exact calculations in the framework of the Kane model, applicable to narrow gap semiconductors and the tight-binding model which we employ for a description of a semiconductor superlattice

    Absolute negative conductivity and spontaneous current generation in semiconductor superlattices with hot electrons

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    We study electron transport through a semiconductor superlattice subject to an electric field parallel to and a magnetic field perpendicular to the growth axis. Using a single miniband, semiclassical balance equation model with both elastic and inelastic scattering, we find that (1) the current-voltage characteristic becomes multistable in a large magnetic field; and (2) "hot" electrons display novel features in their current-voltage characteristics, including absolute negative conductivity (ANC) and, for sufficiently strong magnetic fields, a spontaneous dc current at zero bias. We discuss possible experimental situations providing the necessary hot electrons to observe the predicted ANC and spontaneous dc current generation

    Amplification of electromagnetic radiation in a superlattice placed in a tilted magnetic field

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    The interaction of electrons in a superlattice with electromagnetic radiation in presence of static electric and magnetic fields is investigated. The electric field is directed along the superlattice axis while the magnetic field is inclined at an arbitrary angle to the axis of superlattice. It is shown that the dependence of current in the superlattice on electric field in the general case can have several maxima. In some regions of electric and magnetic field values, the absorption coefficient for high frequency electromagnetic radiation can be negative that means the electromagnetic wave will be amplified. We note that negative absorption in the system is possible at some conditions at the region of positive differential conductivity in contrast to classical Bloch oscillator in which amplification takes place in case of negative differential conductivity only. This phenomenon can be used for the design of a teraherz amplifier and generator based on the superlattice

    Lyapunov stability of charge transport in miniband semiconductor superlattices

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    We discuss a numerical method for the calculation of the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents for spatially extended systems described by coupled Poisson and continuity equations. This approach was applied to the model of collective charge transport in semiconductor superlattices operating in the miniband transport regime. The method is in very good agreement with analytical results obtained for the steady state. As an illustrative example, we consider the collective electron dynamics in the superlattice subjected to an ac voltage and a tilted magnetic field, and conclusively show that, depending on the field parameters, the dynamics can exhibit periodic, quasiperiodic, or chaotic behavior

    Effect of temperature on resonant electron transport through stochastic conduction channels in superlattices

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    We show that resonant electron transport in semiconductor superlattices with an applied electric and tilted magnetic field can, surprisingly, become more pronounced as the lattice and conduction electron temperature increases from 4.2 K to room temperature and beyond. It has previously been demonstrated that at certain critical field parameters, the semiclassical trajectories of electrons in the lowest miniband of the superlattice change abruptly from fully localized to completely unbounded. The unbounded electron orbits propagate through intricate web patterns, known as stochastic webs, in phase space, which act as conduction channels for the electrons and produce a series of resonant peaks in the electron drift velocity versus electric-field curves. Here, we show that increasing the lattice temperature strengthens these resonant peaks due to a subtle interplay between the thermal population of the conduction channels and transport along them. This enhances both the electron drift velocity and the influence of the stochastic webs on the current-voltage characteristics, which we calculate by making self-consistent solutions of the coupled electron transport and Poisson equations throughout the superlattice. These solutions reveal that increasing the temperature also transforms the collective electron dynamics by changing both the threshold voltage required for the onset of self-sustained current oscillations, produced by propagating charge domains, and the oscillation frequency

    Fractional and unquantized dc voltage generation in THz-driven semiconductor superlattices

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    We consider the spontaneous creation of a dc voltage across a strongly coupled semiconductor superlattice subjected to THz radiation. We show that the dc voltage may be approximately proportional either to an integer or to a half- integer multiple of the frequency of the applied ac field, depending on the ratio of the characteristic scattering rates of conducting electrons. For the case of an ac field frequency less than the characteristic scattering rates, we demonstrate the generation of an unquantized dc voltage

    The effect of collector doping on the high-frequency generation in strongly coupled semiconductor superlattice

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    This letter focuses on the analysis of the spatio-temporal dynamics of charge domains in strongly coupled semiconductor superlattices with the Ohmic emitter and collector contacts. Our numerical simulations, based on the semiclassical approximation of the electron transport, show that the collector doping can dramatically affect the charge dynamics in the semiconductor structure and, therefore, the output AC power. We demonstrate that the appropriately chosen doping of the collector contacts can considerably increase the power of the generated signal