433 research outputs found

    Svijet i liturgija

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    Zbornik "Synthesis theologica"

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    Korpusna analiza sintaktičko-semantičkih struktura s pomoću grafova: semantičke domene pojma osjećaj

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    This research exemplifies the corpus-based graph approach to the syntactic-semantic analysis of a concept feeling using the Construction Grammar Conceptual network methodology. by constructing a lexical network from grammatically tagged collocations of the English and the Croatian web corpora, the structure of the semantic domains is revealed as a set of sub-graphs derived from the source lexemeā€™s friend-of-a-friend graph. the subgraph structures, calculated with the community detection algorithm, are interpreted as the semantic domains associated with the source lexemeā€™s conceptual matrix. lexical structures are analyzed using a centrality algorithm that determines the overall rank of the salience and semantic relatedness to the source concept feeling. this empirical approach can be used for developing NLP methods and tasks, such as computing semantic similarity, sense disambiguation, sense structuring, as well as for comparative corpus and cross-cultural studies. ConGraCnet has a web application on the page http://emocnet.uniri.hr/congracnet.Ova studija prikazuje metodu ConGraCnet na primjeru korpusne sintaktičko-semantičke analize s pomoću grafova pojma osjećaj/feeling. analizom mreža leksičkih kolokacija koordinirane konstrukcije iz korpusa enTenTen i hrWac struktura semantičkih domena ishodiÅ”nih pojmova razlučuje se algoritmom prepoznavanja graf-zajednica. leksičke se zajednice sagledavaju kao apstrakcija semantičkih domena povezanih s pojmovnom matricom ishodiÅ”noga leksema. KoriÅ”tenjem algoritmom centralnosti koji prepoznaje istaknuto umrežene lekseme određuje se stupanj povezanosti semantičke domene s izvornim pojmom. ovaj empirijski pristup može se upotrebljavati za razvijanje nlP metoda za prepoznavanje semantičke sličnosti, razlučivanja viÅ”eznačnosti, strukturiranje značenja te za komparativne korpusne i međukulturne studije. Metoda ConGraCnet objavljena je kao mrežna aplikacija na stranici http://emocnet.uniri.hr/congracnet

    Palagruza - The island of Diomedes: Summary excavation report 2002-2008

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    Predgovor Općoj uredbi Rimskog misala

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    Prijevod Predgovora Opće uredbe Rimskog misala
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