70 research outputs found


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    Abstract The low energy beam transport system and the inflector of the 88-Inch Cyclotron have been improved to provide more intense heavy-ion beams, especially for experiments requiring 48 Ca beams. In addition to a new spiral inflector [1] and increased injection voltage, the injection line beam transport and beam orbit dynamics in the cyclotron have been analyzed, new diagnostics have been developed, and extensive measurements have been performed to improve the transmission efficiency. By coupling diagnostics, such as emittance scanners in the injection line and a radially-adjustable beam viewing scintillator within the cyclotron, with computer simulations we have been able to identify loss mechanisms. The diagnostics used and their findings will be presented. We will discuss the solutions we have employed to address losses, such as changing our approach to tuning VENUS and running the cyclotron's central trim coil asymmetrically

    Self-Consistent 3D Modeling of Electron Cloud Dynamics and Beam Response

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    We present recent advances in the modeling of beam electron-cloud dynamics, including surface effects such as secondary electron emission, gas desorption, etc, and volumetric effects such as ionization of residual gas and charge-exchange reactions. Simulations for the HCX facility with the code WARP/POSINST will be described and their validity demonstrated by benchmarks against measurements. The code models a wide range of physical processes and uses a number of novel techniques, including a large-timestep electron mover that smoothly interpolates between direct orbit calculation and guiding-center drift equations, and a new computational technique, based on a Lorentz transformation to a moving frame, that allows the cost of a fully 3D simulation to be reduced to that of a quasi-static approximation
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