22 research outputs found

    The power of the chemical potential – Beyond textbook wisdom

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    The effect of high current densities on iron-carbon alloy thin films

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    The recently discovered flash sintering method for preparing high quality oxide materials can be applied to the preparation of high performance nanocrystalline metals as well. Just as for the oxide materials, it is possible to use electric fields and currents to enhance densification of metal powders while limiting grain growth, however, the exact mechanism is still under discussion. The goal of our study is to understand how electric currents effect impurity redistribution and grain growth in fine grained metals. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    In-Situ TEM study of the effect of hydrogen on crack propagation in steel

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    Chemical Composition of Advanced Materials as Obtained by the 3-Dimensional Atom Probe

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    The 3-dimensional atom probe is based on field ion microscopy where the screen is replaced by a 2-dimensional, position sensitive detector. Atoms were removed from a conducting sample by a high voltage pulse. The time of flight reveals their chemical nature, and continuous stripping allows lateral and in-depth analysis. The spatial resolution permits a chemical analysis on the sub-nanometer scale. Results of this new technique are presented for (i) the initial stages of interdiffusion at the boundary between two metals, (ii) P-segregation at grain boundaries in nanocrystalline Ni-P alloys, (iii) initial stages of nucleation and growth in various alloys, (iv) composition of thin oxide films in TMR-structures, and (v) distribution of hydrogen in metallic multilayers. It will be also shown that the new technique not only allowed a characterization on the atomic scale but verified and/or falsified existing models for the examples given before

    Chemical Composition of Advanced Materials as Obtained by the 3-Dimensional Atom Probe

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    Relevance of Elastic Energies during Sorption of CO 2

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    Mechanical Spectroscopy of PVCN with Increasing Cross-Linking Degree

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