5 research outputs found

    Human-Connectedness in Technology-Caring

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    The dominant issue of high-tech and high-touch has popularized the supposed dichotomy between technology and caring in health care. In today's highly technological world, the notion of the “lost touch” in human connectedness is clearly within the realm of human caring. Fostered by different technologies facilitating health care work, the process of caring in the human health experience creates unique individual identities as professional practitioners of human care. The argument is centered on technologies as essential in shaping professionalization by redefining practice boundaries and expanding societal roles and contributions. Consequently, the concept of caring is shared as the hallmark of health care professions. An assertion is made that although technology facilitates caring and competency in the human experience, the idea of human-connectedness can seem “lost” - missing in the discourse and practice within the technological world. Human-connectedness is presented as a concept, positioning its role and relevance in the continued dialogical engagement of technology and caring. A contemporary appreciation of reconciling human connectedness as integral to the process of knowing in a technological world bridging the seemingly paradoxical nature of technology and caring is proposed

    Analiza budowy zdań u pacjentów z udarem niedokrwiennym mózgu

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    Introduction. The definition of brain health and the best method of promoting optimal brain health is an American Heart Association/American Stroke Association initiative. Intact cognitive function is important following an ischemic stroke for successful rehabilitation. Therefore having a simple metric of cognitive function would be optimal for all health professionals.Aim. The aim of this study was to investigate if using Developmental Sentence Scoring (DSS) on sentences written by patients on a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) could provide a simple metric of cognitive function.Material and Methods. This secondary analysis reports on sentences written by patients after an ischemic stroke using quantitative and conventional content analysis methods.Results. A mean score of 24.38 (SD±13, range 9–30) was found in the 76 patients who had written something in the course of the Folstein MMSE. The number of words ranged from 1 to 16 with the greatest number (21) averaging 5 words. The DSS ranged from 0–11 with a mean of 4. The mean Folstein MMSE (N=30), was 27.53 (SD±2.74, range 18–30) in patients who consented to a home visit 3 years after their stroke. Twenty seven of the 30 patients had written something and the number of words ranged from 1 to 12 with the greatest number (10) averaging 5 words. The DSS ranged from 0–12 with a mean of 4. Conventional content analysis revealed an overarching pattern articulated in two ways: (1) Awareness of recent space and time and remote memories of people and place (2) Expression of the self as person.Conclusions. This secondary analysis provides normative data and a rich description of cognitive function in a group of individuals describing the DSS at baseline and again at 3 years after stroke but the sample was too small to be able to provide a simple metric of cognitive function. (JNNN 2018;7(4):140–144)Wstęp. Definicja zdrowia mózgu i najlepsza metoda jego optymalnego promowania jest inicjatywą American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Niezaburzona funkcja poznawcza po udarze niedokrwiennym jest istotna dla pomyślnej rehabilitacji. Dlatego dysponowanie prostą metryką funkcji poznawczych byłoby optymalnym rozwiązaniem dla wszystkich pracowników służby zdrowia.Cel. Celem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie, czy wykorzystanie Rozwojowej Oceny Zdania (ang. Developmental Sentence Scoring — DSS), w napisanych frazach przez pacjentów w badaniu Mini-Mental (MMSE), mogłoby dać prosty wskaźnik funkcji poznawczych.Materiał i metody. Niniejsza analiza wtórna przedstawia zdania napisane przez pacjentów po udarze niedokrwiennym za pomocą ilościowych i konwencjonalnych metod analizy treści.Wyniki. Średni wynik 24,38 (SD±13, zakres 9–30) stwierdzono u 76 pacjentów, którzy napisali coś w trakcie badania Folstein MMSE. Liczba słów mieściła się w przedziale od 1 do 16, przy czym największa ich liczba (21) zawierała średnio 5 wyrazów. DSS mieścił się w przedziale od 0–11 ze średnią wynoszącą 4. Średni poziom MMSE Folstein (N=30) wyniósł 27,53 (SD±2,74, zakres 18–30) u pacjentów, którzy zgodzili się na wizytę domową 3 lata po przebytym udarze. Dwudziestu siedmiu z trzydziestu pacjentów napisało coś, a ilość wyrazów mieściła się w przedziale od 1 do 12, przy czym największa ich liczba (10) zawierała średnio 5 wyrazów. DSS wahał się w przedziale od 0 do 12 ze średnią 4. Konwencjonalna analiza treści ujawniła nadrzędny wzorzec wyartykułowany na dwa sposoby: świadomość nieodległej przestrzeni i czasu oraz odległe wspomnienia ludzi i miejsc, jak również wyrażanie siebie jako osoby.Wnioski. Niniejsza analiza wtórna jest źródłem danych normatywnych oraz bogatego opisu funkcji poznawczych w grupie osób opisujących DSS na początku i ponownie w 3 lata po przebytym udarze, jednakże próbka była zbyt mała, aby móc określić prostą metrykę funkcji poznawczych. (PNN 2018;7(4):140–144

    Philosophies of the mind and body

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    This paper presents an analysis of Descartes and Ricouer’s philosophies which explores the nature and connection of the mind and body, in terms of their tenets, similarities, differences as well as their implication to the understanding of the metaparadigm in nursing. The first part of the paper gives a brief background on the philosophers and their philosophies focusing on Descartes' Dualism then comparing it to Ricouer's concept of “Selfhood”. Meanwhile, the second part of this paper deals with how these two philosophies affect our understanding of the metaparadigm in nursing (Fawcett, 1984) specifically, the concept of person, health, environment, and nursing

    “Lost Touch” : Situating Human-Connectedness in Technology-Caring in the Health Sciences

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    Background: Over the years, a few tools and instruments have been developed to assist in the assessment within a palliative care setting. However, many of these tools and instruments do not reflect a person-centered palliative care model. Objective: This study aims to develop a Person-centered Palliative Care Nursing Instrument (PPCNI) in the Philippines. Methods: An exhaustive search of the literature was conducted to develop a pool of items for the instrument. The validity of the instrument was evaluated using the content validity index (CVI), while the factor structure was assessed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA)using maximum likelihood estimation with Promax rotation. Also, the internal reliability was evaluated using Cronbach’s alpha. Results: EFA yielded three factors: 1) Caring as maintaining person’s dignity (13 items), 2) caring as empowerment of person’s autonomy (14 items), and 3) caring as understanding person’s momentary concerns (10 items). Whereas the internal consistency reliability of these subscales appeared excellent (i.e., 0.95, 0.96, and 0.93, respectively), the Cronbach’s alpha for the overall scale was 0.98. The item-total correlation coefficients were >0.30 for all items, ranging from 0.310 to 0.726. Conclusion: Findings support a three-factor, 37-item PPCNI that can be used in clinical practice to ensure that nurses provide palliative care based on patient needs and preferences