25 research outputs found
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Modeling the Transport and Chemical Evolution of Onshore and Offshore Emissions and their Impact on Local and Regional Air Quality Using a Variable-Grid-Resolution Air Quality Model
This second annual report summarizes the research performed from 17 April 2004 through 16 April 2005. Major portions of the research in several of the project's current eight tasks have been completed. We have successfully developed the meteorological inputs using the best possible modeling configurations, resulting in improved representation of atmospheric processes. The development of the variable-grid-resolution emissions model, SMOKE-VGR, is also completed. The development of the MAQSIP-VGR has been completed and a test run was performed to ensure the functionality of this air quality model. Thus, the project is on schedule as planned. During the upcoming reporting period, we expect to perform the first MAQSIP-VGR simulations over the Houston-Galveston region to study the roles of the meteorology, offshore emissions, and chemistry-transport interactions that determine the temporal and spatial evolution of ozone and its precursors
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Modeling the Transport and Chemical Evolution of Onshore and Offshore Emissions and their Impact on Local and Regional Air Quality Using a Variable-Grid-Resolution Air Quality Model
This research project has two primary objectives: (1) to further develop and refine the Multiscale Air Quality Simulation Platform-Variable Grid Resolution (MAQSIP-VGR) model, an advanced variable-grid-resolution air quality model, to provide detailed, accurate representation of the dynamical and chemical processes governing the fate of anthropogenic emissions in coastal environments; and (2) to improve current understanding of the potential impact of onshore and offshore oil and gas exploration and production (E&P) emissions on O{sub 3} and particulate matter nonattainment in the Gulf of Mexico and surrounding states
Suppression of convective precipitation by elevated man-made aerosols is responsible for large-scale droughts in north China
It has been proposed that the summer “South Flood–North Drought” (SFND) pattern observed in China over recent decades is caused by the relative impacts of global warming, aerosol loading, and natural variability on regional rainfall (1⇓–3). This conclusion is supported by a recent study by Day et al. (4) in which the SFND is attributed to the changes in the frequency of frontal rain events. Using a technique called the Frontal Rain Event Detection Algorithm for the observations during 1951–2007, decadal changes in the amount and distribution of rainfall in eastern China were found to be overwhelmingly due to changes in frontal rainfall (4). Day et al. conclude that frontal rainfall was envisioned as the product of large-scale frontal convergence and the nonfrontal rainfall was because of local convection, orographic rainfall, and typhoon rainfall. The authors further imply that the shifts in frequency and latitude of frontal rainfall over the recent decades in eastern China reflect changes in large-scale atmospheric circulation
Suppression of convective precipitation by elevated man-made aerosols is responsible for large-scale droughts in north China
It has been proposed that the summer “South Flood–North Drought” (SFND) pattern observed in China over recent decades is caused by the relative impacts of global warming, aerosol loading, and natural variability on regional rainfall (1⇓–3). This conclusion is supported by a recent study by Day et al. (4) in which the SFND is attributed to the changes in the frequency of frontal rain events. Using a technique called the Frontal Rain Event Detection Algorithm for the observations during 1951–2007, decadal changes in the amount and distribution of rainfall in eastern China were found to be overwhelmingly due to changes in frontal rainfall (4). Day et al. conclude that frontal rainfall was envisioned as the product of large-scale frontal convergence and the nonfrontal rainfall was because of local convection, orographic rainfall, and typhoon rainfall. The authors further imply that the shifts in frequency and latitude of frontal rainfall over the recent decades in eastern China reflect changes in large-scale atmospheric circulation
High reduction of ozone and particulate matter during the 2016 G-20 summit in Hangzhou by forced emission controls of industry and traffic
Many regions in China experience air pollution episodes because of the rapid urbanization and industrialization over the past decades. Here we analyzed the effect of emission controls implemented during the G-20 2016 Hangzhou summit on air quality. Emission controls included a forced closure of highly polluting industries, and limiting traffic and construction emissions in the cities and surroundings. Particles with aerodynamic diameter lower than 2.5 μm (PM_(2.5)) and ozone (O_3) were measured. We also simulated air quality using a forecast system consisting of the two-way coupled Weather Research and Forecast and Community Multi-scale Air Quality (WRF-CMAQ) model. Results show PM_(2.5) and ozone levels in Hangzhou during the G-20 Summit were considerably lower than previous to the G-20 Summit. The predicted concentrations of ozone were reduced by 25.4%, whereas the predicted concentrations of PM_(2.5) were reduced by 56%
Mitigation of severe urban haze pollution by a precision air pollution control approach
Severe and persistent haze pollution involving fine particulate matter (PM_(2.5)) concentrations reaching unprecedentedly high levels across many cities in China poses a serious threat to human health. Although mandatory temporary cessation of most urban and surrounding emission sources is an effective, but costly, short-term measure to abate air pollution, development of long-term crisis response measures remains a challenge, especially for curbing severe urban haze events on a regular basis. Here we introduce and evaluate a novel precision air pollution control approach (PAPCA) to mitigate severe urban haze events. The approach involves combining predictions of high PM_(2.5) concentrations, with a hybrid trajectory-receptor model and a comprehensive 3-D atmospheric model, to pinpoint the origins of emissions leading to such events and to optimize emission controls. Results of the PAPCA application to five severe haze episodes in major urban areas in China suggest that this strategy has the potential to significantly mitigate severe urban haze by decreasing PM_(2.5) peak concentrations by more than 60% from above 300 μg m^(−3) to below 100 μg m^(−3), while requiring ~30% to 70% less emission controls as compared to complete emission reductions. The PAPCA strategy has the potential to tackle effectively severe urban haze pollution events with economic efficiency
Evaluating the calculated dry deposition velocities of reactive nitrogen oxides and ozone from two community models over a temperate deciduous forest
Hourly measurements of O3, NO, NO2, PAN, HNO3 and NOy concentrations, and eddy-covariance fluxes of O3 and NOy over a temperate deciduous forest from June to November, 2000 were used to evaluate the dry deposition velocities (Vd) estimated by the WRF-Chem dry deposition module (WDDM), which adopted Wesely (1989) scheme for surface resistance (Rc), and the Noah land surface model coupled with a photosynthesis-based Gas-exchange Evapotranspiration Model (Noah-GEM). Noah-GEM produced better Vd(O3) variations due to its more realistically simulated stomatal resistance (Rs) than WDDM. Vd(O3) is very sensitive to the minimum canopy stomatal resistance (Ri) which is specified for each seasonal category assigned in WDDM. Treating Sep-Oct as autumn in WDDM for this deciduous forest site caused a large underprediction of Vd(O3) due to the leafless assumption in 'autumn' seasonal category for which an infinite Ri was assigned. Reducing Ri to a value of 70sm-1, the same as the default value for the summer season category, the modeled and measured Vd(O3) agreed reasonably well. HNO3 was found to dominate the NOy flux during the measurement period; thus the modeled Vd(NOy) was mainly controlled by the aerodynamic and quasi-laminar sublayer resistances (Ra and Rb), both being sensitive to the surface roughness length (z0). Using an appropriate value for z0 (10% of canopy height), WDDM and Noah-GEM agreed well with the observed daytime Vd(NOy). The differences in Vd(HNO3) between WDDM and Noah-GEM were small due to the small differences in the calculated Ra and Rb between the two models; however, the differences in Rc of NO2 and PAN between the two models reached a factor of 1.1-1.5, which in turn caused a factor of 1.1-1.3 differences for Vd. Combining the measured concentrations and modeled Vd, NOx, PAN and HNO3 accounted for 19%, 4%, and 70% of the measured NOy fluxes, respectively. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd
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This document, the project's first semiannual report, summarizes the research performed from 04/17/2003 through 10/16/2003. Portions of the research in several of the project's eight tasks were completed, and results obtained are briefly presented. We have tested the applicability of two different atmospheric boundary layer schemes for use in air quality model simulations. Preliminary analysis indicates that a scheme that uses sophisticated atmospheric boundary physics resulted in better simulation of atmospheric circulations. We have further developed and tested a new surface data assimilation technique to improve meteorological simulations, which will also result in improved air quality model simulations. Preliminary analysis of results indicates that using the new data assimilation technique results in reduced modeling errors in temperature and moisture. Ingestion of satellite-derived sea surface temperatures into the mesoscale meteorological model led to significant improvements in simulated clouds and precipitation compared to that obtained using traditional analyzed sea surface temperatures. To enhance the capabilities of an emissions processing system so that it can be used with our variable-grid-resolution air quality model, we have identified potential areas for improvements. Also for use in the variable-grid-resolution air quality model, we have tested a cloud module offline for its functionality, and have implemented and tested an efficient horizontal diffusion algorithm within the model