8 research outputs found

    Direct modeling of the crude probability of cancer death and the number of life years lost due to cancer without the need of cause of death: a pseudo-observation approach in the relative survival setting.

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    In population-based cancer studies, net survival is a crucial measure for population comparison purposes. However, alternative measures, namely the crude probability of death (CPr) and the number of life years lost (LYL) due to death according to different causes, are useful as complementary measures for reflecting different dimensions in terms of prognosis, treatment choice, or development of a control strategy. When the cause of death (COD) information is available, both measures can be estimated in competing risks setting using either cause-specific or subdistribution hazard regression models or with the pseudo-observation approach through direct modeling. We extended the pseudo-observation approach in order to model the CPr and the LYL due to different causes when information on COD is unavailable or unreliable (i.e., in relative survival setting). In a simulation study, we assessed the performance of the proposed approach in estimating regression parameters and examined models with different link functions that can provide an easier interpretation of the parameters. We showed that the pseudo-observation approach performs well for both measures and we illustrated their use on cervical cancer data from the England population-based cancer registry. A tutorial showing how to implement the method in R software is also provided

    Estimation of the adjusted cause-specific cumulative probability using flexible regression models for the cause-specific hazards.

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    In competing risks setting, we account for death according to a specific cause and the quantities of interest are usually the cause-specific hazards (CSHs) and the cause-specific cumulative probabilities. A cause-specific cumulative probability can be obtained with a combination of the CSHs or via the subdistribution hazard. Here, we modeled the CSH with flexible hazard-based regression models using B-splines for the baseline hazard and time-dependent (TD) effects. We derived the variance of the cause-specific cumulative probabilities at the population level using the multivariate delta method and showed how we could easily quantify the impact of a covariate on the cumulative probability scale using covariate-adjusted cause-specific cumulative probabilities and their difference. We conducted a simulation study to evaluate the performance of this approach in its ability to estimate the cumulative probabilities using different functions for the cause-specific log baseline hazard and with or without a TD effect. In the scenario with TD effect, we tested both well-specified and misspecified models. We showed that the flexible regression models perform nearly as well as the nonparametric method, if we allow enough flexibility for the baseline hazards. Moreover, neglecting the TD effect hardly affects the cumulative probabilities estimates of the whole population but impacts them in the various subgroups. We illustrated our approach using data from people diagnosed with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and provided the R-code to derive those quantities, as an extension of the R-package mexhaz

    Summarizing and communicating on survival data according to the audience: a tutorial on different measures illustrated with population-based cancer registry data.

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    Survival data analysis results are usually communicated through the overall survival probability. Alternative measures provide additional insights and may help in communicating the results to a wider audience. We describe these alternative measures in two data settings, the overall survival setting and the relative survival setting, the latter corresponding to the particular competing risk setting in which the cause of death is unavailable or unreliable. In the overall survival setting, we describe the overall survival probability, the conditional survival probability and the restricted mean survival time (restricted to a prespecified time window). In the relative survival setting, we describe the net survival probability, the conditional net survival probability, the restricted mean net survival time, the crude probability of death due to each cause and the number of life years lost due to each cause over a prespecified time window. These measures describe survival data either on a probability scale or on a timescale. The clinical or population health purpose of each measure is detailed, and their advantages and drawbacks are discussed. We then illustrate their use analyzing England population-based registry data of men 15-80 years old diagnosed with colon cancer in 2001-2003, aiming to describe the deprivation disparities in survival. We believe that both the provision of a detailed example of the interpretation of each measure and the software implementation will help in generalizing their use

    Probabilities of ICU admission and hospital discharge according to patient characteristics in the designated COVID-19 hospital of Kuwait.

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    BACKGROUND: Subsequent epidemic waves have already emerged in many countries and in the absence of highly effective preventive and curative options, the role of patient characteristics on the development of outcomes needs to be thoroughly examined, especially in middle-east countries where such epidemiological studies are lacking. There is a huge pressure on the hospital services and in particular, on the Intensive Care Units (ICU). Describing the need for critical care as well as the chance of being discharged from hospital according to patient characteristics, is essential for a more efficient hospital management. The objective of this study is to describe the probabilities of admission to the ICU and the probabilities of hospital discharge among positive COVID-19 patients according to demographics and comorbidities recorded at hospital admission. METHODS: A prospective cohort study of all patients with COVID-19 found in the Electronic Medical Records of Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Hospital in Kuwait was conducted. The study included 3995 individuals (symptomatic and asymptomatic) of all ages who tested positive from February 24th to May 27th, 2020, out of which 315 were treated in the ICU and 3619 were discharged including those who were transferred to a different healthcare unit without having previously entered the ICU. A competing risk analysis considering two events, namely, ICU admission and hospital discharge using flexible hazard models was performed to describe the association between event-specific probabilities and patient characteristics. RESULTS: Results showed that being male, increasing age and comorbidities such as chronic kidney disease (CKD), asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and weakened immune system increased the risk of ICU admission within 10 days of entering the hospital. CKD and weakened immune system decreased the probabilities of discharge in both females and males however, the age-related pattern differed by gender. Diabetes, which was the most prevalent comorbid condition, had only a moderate impact on both probabilities (18% overall) in contrast to CKD which had the largest effect, but presented only in 7% of those admitted to ICU and in 1% of those who got discharged. For instance, within 5 days a 50-year-old male had 19% (95% C.I.: [15,23]) probability of entering the ICU if he had none of these comorbidities, yet this risk jumped to 31% (95% C.I.: [20,46]) if he had also CKD, and to 27% in the presence of asthma/COPD (95% C.I.: [19,36]) or of weakened immune system (95% C.I.: [16,42]). CONCLUSIONS: This study provides useful insight in describing the probabilities of ICU admission and hospital discharge according to age, gender, and comorbidities among confirmed COVID-19 cases in Kuwait. A web-tool is also provided to allow the user to estimate these probabilities for any combination of these covariates. These probabilities enable deeper understanding of the hospital demand according to patient characteristics which is essential to hospital management and useful for developing a vaccination strategy

    Identifying adults at high-risk for change in weight and BMI in England: a longitudinal, large-scale, population-based cohort study using electronic health records.

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    Funder: Department of HealthFunder: Medical Research CouncilBackgroundTargeted obesity prevention policies would benefit from the identification of population groups with the highest risk of weight gain. The relative importance of adult age, sex, ethnicity, geographical region, and degree of social deprivation on weight gain is not known. We aimed to identify high-risk groups for changes in weight and BMI using electronic health records (EHR).MethodsIn this longitudinal, population-based cohort study we used linked EHR data from 400 primary care practices (via the Clinical Practice Research Datalink) in England, accessed via the CALIBER programme. Eligible participants were aged 18-74 years, were registered at a general practice clinic, and had BMI and weight measurements recorded between Jan 1, 1998, and June 30, 2016, during the period when they had eligible linked data with at least 1 year of follow-up time. We calculated longitudinal changes in BMI over 1, 5, and 10 years, and investigated the absolute risk and odds ratios (ORs) of transitioning between BMI categories (underweight, normal weight, overweight, obesity class 1 and 2, and severe obesity [class 3]), as defined by WHO. The associations of demographic factors with BMI transitions were estimated by use of logistic regression analysis, adjusting for baseline BMI, family history of cardiovascular disease, use of diuretics, and prevalent chronic conditions.FindingsWe included 2 092 260 eligible individuals with more than 9 million BMI measurements in our study. Young adult age was the strongest risk factor for weight gain at 1, 5, and 10 years of follow-up. Compared with the oldest age group (65-74 years), adults in the youngest age group (18-24 years) had the highest OR (4路22 [95% CI 3路86-4路62]) and greatest absolute risk (37% vs 24%) of transitioning from normal weight to overweight or obesity at 10 years. Likewise, adults in the youngest age group with overweight or obesity at baseline were also at highest risk to transition to a higher BMI category; OR 4路60 (4路06-5路22) and absolute risk (42% vs 18%) of transitioning from overweight to class 1 and 2 obesity, and OR 5路87 (5路23-6路59) and absolute risk (22% vs 5%) of transitioning from class 1 and 2 obesity to class 3 obesity. Other demographic factors were consistently less strongly associated with these transitions; for example, the OR of transitioning from normal weight to overweight or obesity in people living in the most socially deprived versus least deprived areas was 1路23 (1路18-1路27), for men versus women was 1路12 (1路08-1路16), and for Black individuals versus White individuals was 1路13 (1路04-1路24). We provide an open access online risk calculator, and present high-resolution obesity risk charts over a 1-year, 5-year, and 10-year follow-up period.InterpretationA radical shift in policy is required to focus on individuals at the highest risk of weight gain (ie, young adults aged 18-24 years) for individual-level and population-level prevention of obesity and its long-term consequences for health and health care.FundingThe British Hearth Foundation, Health Data Research UK, the UK Medical Research Council, and the National Institute for Health Research

    Socio-economic inequalities in cancer survival: how do they translate into Number of Life-Years Lost?

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    BACKGROUND: We aimed to investigate the impact of socio-economic inequalities in cancer survival in England on the Number of Life-Years Lost (NLYL) due to cancer. METHODS: We analysed 1.2 million patients diagnosed with one of the 23 most common cancers (92.3% of all incident cancers in England) between 2010 and 2014. Socio-economic deprivation of patients was based on the income domain of the English Index of Deprivation. We estimated the NLYL due to cancer within 3 years since diagnosis for each cancer and聽stratified by sex, age and deprivation, using a non-parametric approach. The relative survival framework enables us to disentangle death from cancer and death from other causes without the information on the cause of death. RESULTS: The largest socio-economic inequalities were seen mostly in adults <45 years with poor-prognosis cancers. In this age group, the most deprived patients with lung, pancreatic and oesophageal cancer lost up to 6 additional months within 3 years since diagnosis than the least deprived. For most moderate/good prognosis cancers, the socio-economic inequalities widened with age. CONCLUSIONS: More deprived patients and particularly the young with more lethal cancers, lose systematically more life-years than the less deprived. To reduce these inequalities, cancer policies should systematically encompass the inequities component