12 research outputs found

    Parsimony strict consensus tree of species in <i>Lindsaea</i> with dimidiate pinnules and anastomosing veins based on 22 morphological characters.

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    <p>The bars in right indicate the systematic position (group) of each species inferred by molecular or morphological data. The asterisk indicates the position of the species is not confirmed by molecular data.</p

    Maximum likelihood phylogram of <i>Lindsaea</i> sect. <i>Synaphlebium sensu lato</i> obtained from combined <i>trnL-trnF</i> spacer and <i>trnH-psbA</i> spacer, associated on the right with the information of morphology, habit, and distribution center for the five clades.

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    <p>Numbers at branches are Bayesian posterior probabilities, bootstrap values of maximum likelihood, and that of maximum parsimony, respectively. Only values over 50% for bootstrap and 0.95 for posterior probabilities are shown. Thick branches are highly supported (Bayesian PP > 0.95, MLBS > 70%, and MPBL > 70%). The two new species are in bold.</p

    <i>Lindsaea subobscura</i> S.Y. Dong (from the holotype).

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    <p>A. Habit of a frond. B. A basal pinnule. C. A middle pinnule.</p

    Mean volume for whole fruit, mesocarp and seeds (a) and fleshiness (b) in plant species attacked and not attacked by Lepidoptera.

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    <p>The differences between attacked and non-attacked species are significant (whole fruit: U <sub>106,151</sub> = 5624, Z = 3.064, P = 0.002; mesocarp: U <sub>106,151</sub> = 5828, Z = 2.69, P = 0.007; seeds: U <sub>106,151</sub> = 5346, Z = 3.574, P < 0.0010), (b) Fleshiness (i.e. proportion of mesocarp in whole fruit) did not have significant effect on infestation (U <sub>106,151</sub> = 6839, Z = 0.83, P = 0.401).</p

    Density of all frugivorous Lepidoptera, and both specialist and generalists, per fruit.

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    <p>Host species are ranked from highest to lowest density for 326 plant species with samples of >1 kg and >50 fruits. Note that all plants to the right of each curve exhibited zero density for the herbivore category in question that cannot be shown on the log scale d y axis.</p

    Overlap of Lepidoptera species in frugivorous (this study) and leaf-chewer (different study, [68]) guilds.

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    <p>Overlap of Lepidoptera species in frugivorous (this study) and leaf-chewer (different study, [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0171843#pone.0171843.ref068" target="_blank">68</a>]) guilds.</p