927 research outputs found

    Examining the Effects of Ethnicity on Transactional Distance in an Online Distance Learning Course

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    Distance learning (DL), commonly referred to as online learning has grown exponentially in the past two decades with at least 85% of institutions of higher education in the US offering DL courses by 2013, serving more than 7 million students in the US. As the number of students taking online courses has increased, the number of ethnic minority students, specifically African Americans enrolled in online courses has also significantly increased. Despite this demonstrated interest in higher education, African Americans have had poorer learning outcomes and higher dropout rates than Caucasians in both online and face to face programs. According to Michael Moore’s transactional distance theory (TDT), the physical separation of the teacher from the learner creates a transactional distance which is defined as a communication gap or a psychological space that potentially causes misunderstandings between the instructors and the learner. The theory infers that a high level of transactional distance in a DL course leads to low levels of learner satisfaction with the course and consequently to poor learning outcomes. This dissertation utilized TDT as a theoretical framework to investigate whether ethnicity has a direct effect on transactional distance in online courses. The study did not find any relationship between ethnicity and transactional distance. Recommendations are made for additional research into this subject incorporating larger, more ethnically diverse study samples

    Giant cell tumour of greater trochanter apophysis: case report

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    Most giant cell tumours of bone occur in the metaphysic of the long bone in the third decade of life. Surgical excision is associated with a high recurrence rate. This case report describes occurrence of a giant cell tumour of bone in the greater trochanter apophysis in a 15 year old male and outlines surgical management strategies employed to reduce the chance of recurrence based on a review of literature.Key words: Giant cell tumor of bone, Greater trochanter apophysis, Intralesion excisio

    Regional and class inequalities in provision of primary education in Kenya 1968-1973: a historical and socio-economic background

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    Vicarious Trauma Among university students: A case study of USIU.

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    No AbstractJournal of Language, Technology and Entrepreneurship in Africa Vol. 1 (1) 2007 pp. 97-10

    The study of education and development in Africa: toward alternative paradigms

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    Education and inequality in Kenya: some research experience and issues

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    Education for rural development in Kenya: a critical note

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    This paper emphasises the subordinate role that education plays in the process of employment creation and national development. Evidence to support this view is drawn from an analysis of the aims, structure and content of the education system both in colonial and independent Kenya. For example, the appearance of the unemployed school leavers in the labour market was seen as an outcome of an education system that inculcates into the minds of pupils values and attitudes which would not make them accept agricultural and other manual pursuits in the rural environment. However, there is overwhelming historical evidence to show that the educational planners have vigorously promoted an educational curriculum that is supposed to cater for the rural needs. The educational changes and programmes such as agriculture and technical education advocated in post-colonial Kenya as measures to deal with educated unemployed are not at all new, as similar programmes were initiated during the colonial period without much success. The failure of these efforts suggests that the problems of the educated unemployed and national development are rooted in the structure of the political - economy of the society and not in the education system. A list of both educational and rural programmes which should receive priority is proposed in a context that demands progressive diversion of national resources from formal education to productive economic investments

    Education and development in Africa: theories, strategies and practical implications

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    The paper attempts to show what kinds of theories have been dominant in the study of education and development in Africa. The paper also attempts to show the educational policies and innovations which emanate from these theoretical frameworks. The theories which are discussed in the paper are categorised into equilibrium and conflict paradigms. Under the broad category of equilibrium paradigm, theories of structural-functionalism, modernisation and human capital are discussed. The influence of these theories in the study of education and their practical implications to education planning and social policy are then explored, under the category of conflict paradigm, Marxist theories and theories of underdevelopment are discussed. The implications of these theories to the study of education are briefly explored utilising examples of work done from this framework. The paper is in many ways exploratory and it is hoped it will lead to discussions on future research priorities in the area of education and development. The paper approaches this question from the underlying theoretical influences as a means uncovering the ideological, economic and political implications of educational policies followed in Africa and Kenya in particular in the last two decades

    Secondary school strikes: the art of blaming the victim

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    In this paper the causes are discussed of the secondary school strikes which took place throughout Kenya in 1974. First, the interpretations are presented which were given to the strikes by the Ministry of Education and the leading newspapers. An attempt is made to show some of the weaknesses of these interpretations by probing into the real causes of student grievances. Four case studies are presented as a basis for discussion of the nature of secondary school strikes. As a conclusion, some changes are recommended in the educational system which should foster a better climate for learning in Kenyan schools
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