15 research outputs found

    The Effectivity of Ethanolic Extract of Binahong Leaves (Anredera Cordifolia (Tenore) Steen) Gel in the Management of Diabetic Wound Healing in Aloxan-induced Rat Models

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    Background : Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease that can be known by increasing a blood glucose level and caused many kinds of complications if it don\u27t properly treatment, one of those complications is a diabetic ulcer. There are many types of treatments created to overcome the diabetic ulcer, but there are not effective yet. Therefore, ethanolic extract gel of binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Tenore) Steen) leaves is used to make a new innovation of diabetic ulcer treatment Objective : The objective of this research wasto know the concentration of antibacterial and anti-infection activity from ethanolic extract of binahong leaves as wound healing on diabetic ulcer and also to know the changeover of wound diameter. Methods : Binahong leaves were extracted with 96% ethanol by maceration. Then the extract was formulated to be gel product with the concentration of 10% and 30%. The gel product was administrated to diabetic rats which had been made ulcer wound by excision. The result of wound diameter and the percentage of wound healing were analyzed by One Way Anova and then continue analyzed by LSD (Least Significant Different) with significant level of 95%. Results : The result showed that binahong gel with concentration variation of 10% and 30% only affected the organoleptic and doesn\u27t affect the homogeneity, pH, irritation, spreadability and consistency. The result of the effectiveness test of binahong leaves gel is 10% more effective to changeover of wound diameter but there is not significantlydifferent if compared with 30% gel of binahong leaves. Therefore, gel of binahong leavesof 10% is able to provide slightly effective than chloramphenicolTM. Conclusion : The concentration of 10% and 30% of binahong gel were effectively USAge for wound healing diabetic ulcer in rats

    Pengaruh Gaya Hidup Terhadap Perilaku Merokok Pada Mahasiswi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Harapan (Stie-harapan) Medan Tahun 2012

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    Health development began to face a new disease patterns, the rise in non-communicable diseases are triggered changes in people's lifestyles such as diet low in fiber and high in fat and salt and excessive sugar consumption, lack of physical activity (sports) and the prevalence of cigarette consumption continues to increase. Smoking is harmful to the health of a student, it is necessary to do research on how to Influence Lifestyle Against Smoking Behavior At School of Economics Student Expectations (STIE-Hope) Medan in 2012. Type of research is cross sectional study to investigate the effect of lifestyle on student smoking behavior. Sampling using purposive sampling criteria that students who smoked active on campus as many as 31 people. The results of this study indicate that the independent variables are the three components of lifestyle (Activities, Interests, Opinion) had a p value <0.05 so that the three independent variables had a significant influence on student smoking behavior. Of the three components of the lifestyle, the most influential variable is subjective variable with a value B of 69.610. Therefore, the Hope School of Economics (STIE-Hope) field should be more Akif for attaching banners, posters, and provide information about the dangers of smoking and enforce a no-smoking on campu

    Associations of Contact History, Smoking Status, Nutrition Status, and Arv Treatment, with Tb-Hiv Co-Infection among People with Hiv/Aids

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) and HIV co-infection causes a heavy burden on health care systems and poses particular diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. Studies into predictors of TB-HIV co-infection is lacking in Indonesia. This study aimed to examine the associations of contact history, smoking status, nutrition status, and ARV treatment, with TB-HIV co-infection among people with HIV/AIDS. Subjects and Method: This was a cross sectional study conducted in Balige, North Sumatera. A sample of 82 people living with HIV/AIDS were selected for this study, comprising 41 cases with and 41 controls without TB-HIV co-infection. The dependent variable was TB-HIV co-infection. The independent variables were contact history, smoking status, nutrition status, and ARV treatment. The data on HIV/AIDS co-infection were taken from the medical record at HKBP Committee HIV/AIDS service in Balige. Other variables were measured by questionnaire. Data were analyzed by multiple logistic regression. Results: 82.9% of sample had no contact history, 56.1% had poor nutrition status, 78% were smokers, and 58.5% had irregular ARV treatment. TB-HIV coinfection increased with poor nutrition status (OR= 3.48; p= 0.014), smoking status (OR= 3.39; p= 0.021), and irregular ARV treatment (OR= 10.16; p<0.001). Conclusion: TB-HIV co-infection increases with poor nutrition status, smoking status, and irregular ARV treatment. Keywords: TB-HIV co-infection, nutrition status, smoking status, ARV treatment

    Factors Associated with Housewife Participation in Prevention of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Mosquito Breeding Place in Lhokseumawe, Aceh

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    Background: Dengue fever is the most important tropical infectious disease after malaria, with an estimated 100 million cases of dengue fever, 500,000 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), and 25,000 deaths annually. This study aimed to determine factors associated with housewife participation in prevention of DHF mosquito breeding place in Lhokseumawe, Aceh. Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at Muara Dua, Lhokseumawe, Aceh. A sample of 72 housewives was selected for this study. The dependent variable was prevention of DHF breeding place. The independent variables were maternal knowledge, attitude, and education. The data were collected by questionnaire. The data were describe in percent and tested by chi square. Results: Seventy five percent of the sample resided in endemic areas. Sixty eight per¬cent of the sample knew that DHF is transmitted by mosquito. Fifty percent of the sample knew that DHF can be prevented by mosquito bleeding source reduction, closing, and modification (RCM). However, only 37.5% of the sample did RCM. As much as 12.5% of the sample had low participation, 69.4% moderate participation, and 18.1% good participation in the prevention of DHF. Housewife participation in DHF prevention was affected by knowledge, attitude, and education. Conclusion: Only around 18% of housewives under study in the endemic area participated in DHF prevention. Participation in DHF prevention is affected by maternal knowledge, attitude, and education. Keywords: dengue hemorrhagic fever, breeding place, prevention, maternal know¬ledge, attitude, education

    Work Performance of The Family Planning Field Workers in The Reduction of Total Fertility Rate in Sibolga, North Sumatera

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    Background: Over the past 40 years, family planning has reduced fertility rates in developing countries, from six births per woman to about three per woman. Lower birth rates contribute to slower population growth, which enables economic development and environmental sustainability. Despite these successes, the family planning agenda remains unfinished. This study aimed to asses the work performance of the family planning field workers in the reduction of total fertility rate in Sibolga, North Sumatera. Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study conducted in Sibolga, North Sumatera. The study subjects were family planning field workers. The variable under study was work performance. The data were colected by indepth interview, direct observation, and document review. Results: The work performance of family planning field workers remained suboptimal. Work performance was monitored indirectly by social media such as group chat. There was no direct monitoring. There was discrepancy between data reported and the actual conditions. For examples, the number of family planning participants in the field was different from those reported at the family planning office. There was often a lag time of reporting. The TFR target was not achieved despite the sufficient number of personnel. The family planning field workers had low skill in family planning promotion and had a lack of discipline. They often violated the order and came late at the office. Conclusion: The work performance of the family planning field workers is still sub¬optimal. There is a need to implement regular monitoring, provide skill training especially in family planning promotion, provide reward to subdistricts that achieve low TFR, and schedule family planning promotion, in order to reduce TFR. Keywords: job performance, family planning, field worker, Total Fertility Rate

    Gambaran Pengetahuan Wanita Pekerja Seks (Wps) Tentang Penyakit Hiv/aids Dilokalisasi Bukit Maraja Desa Marihat Bukit Kecamatan Gunung Malela Kabupaten Simalungun 2014

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    Human Immuno defiency Virus ( HIV ) is a virus that attacks the human immune system and weakens the body's ability to fight disease came. The discovery of cases of HIV / AIDS on Women Sex Workers (WSW) in Localization Bukit Maraja Desa Marihat Bukit Kecamatan Gunung Malela Kabupaten Simalungun may be influenced by the level of knowledge of Women Sex Workers (WSW) on sexually transmitted diseases ( STDS). This research aims to describe the knowledge Women Sex Workers ( WSW ) of the Human Immuno Deficiency Virus disease / Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome ( HIV / AIDS ) in Bukit Maraja Desa Marihat Bukit Kecamatan Gunung Malela Kabupaten Simalungun in the year of 2014 . This research was a descriptive study with cross design sectional . Research was all Women Sex Workers ( WSW ) in Localization Bukit Maraja Desa Marihat Bukit Kecamatan Gunung Malela Kabupaten Simalungun In the year of 2014 was 135 people research of this study was 56 people, for sampling method using by simple random sampling . The data of Primary was performed by direct interviews with patients using questionnaires to Women Sex Workers ( WSW ) and secondary data obtained from Bukit Maraja Health Center .The results of this research showed that the respondents' knowledge based on good category of either the 42 people ( 75 % ) level of knowledge sufficient was 13 people ( 23.2 % ) and level of poor knowledge was 1 people ( 1.8 % ) . In generally , the respondents' attitudes based on high category was 54 people ( 96.4 % ) and then followed by the category of less attitude was 2 people ( 3.6 % ) . And also, category of respondents' attitudes was in good category by 49 people ( 87.5 % ) and then followed by suffient behavior of 7 people ( 12.5 % ) . Based on respondents resources on HIV / AIDS at the most sourced from friends that amounted all of people ( 32.1 % ) . Suggested to the health department can utilize methods that will take advantage of the peer educater WPS to be able to provide information about HIV / AIDS to the other people