3 research outputs found

    トウニョウビョウ ケア ノ リスク マネージメント

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    The number of diabetics has been increasing in recent years. The diabetics are under varioustreatments, including the improvement of life habit and the medication for diabetes with insulin.Our hospital set a team of diabetic care, which is composed of a diabetic specialist, certified diabeteseducators(CDEs), nurses, dietricians and pharmacists. This team takes great care of the diabetics.For medical safety measures, the department of risk management was organized in our hospital.The department investigated the cases of Hiyari-Hatto within 1 year and 3 months, from 2005to 2006, and found that 3% of them was the diabetic case, which was caused by the nurses exceptCDEs. Therefore the department made the manual of diabetic therapy in cooperation with theCDEs. All the staffs in our hospital were educated by the seminars according to the manual. Theknowledge about the diabetic therapy proved to be mostly accurate one year after the last seminar.For the improvement of medical safety, the department of risk management helps the CDEswith holding the educational seminars by giving the informations after analyzing the cases of Hiyari-Hatto and the questionnaires following the seminars

    トクシマシ イシカイ ノ トウニョウビョウ タイサク

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    Tokushima City Medical Association has founded the committee for the means to prevent diabetesmellitus, because the mortality rate by diabetes mellitus in Tokushima Prefecture remainedranked first for 14 years from 1993 to 2006. It has enlightened a large number of people, such asdiabetic patients and candidates for diabetes, and also healthy citizens in Tokushima for preventingdiabetes mellitus. For this aim, Tokushima City Medical Association has made the home pagenamed Tokushima City Diabetic Network to show clearly the means to prevent diabetes mellitusfor the citizens. By this Web site, the citizens can get a correct knowledge about diabetes mellitus,a useful information about the treatments including exercises, diets and medications, and an informationabout medical institutions by utilizing the search page to receive a proper diabetic treatment.Tokushima City Medical Association held several events, such as Tokushima citizens’extension courses and diabetes forums for the citizens to understand diabetes mellitus clearly.Fortunately, in 2007, Tokushima got out of the first rank of diabetic mortality rate. TokushimaCity Medical Association will continue efforts to prevent diabetes mellitus by approaching the citizensof all ages from various aspects