890 research outputs found

    A I-V analysis of irradiated Gallium Arsenide solar cells

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    A computer program was used to analyze the illuminated I-V characteristics of four sets of gallium arsenide (GaAs) solar cells irradiated with 1-MeV electrons and 10-MeV protons. It was concluded that junction regions (J sub r) dominate nearly all GaAs cells tested, except for irradiated Mitsubishi cells, which appear to have a different doping profile. Irradiation maintains or increases the dominance by J sub r. Proton irradiation increases J sub r more than does electron irradiation. The U.S. cells were optimized for beginning of life (BOL) and the Japanese for end of life (EOL). I-V analysis indicates ways of improving both the BOL and EOL performance of GaAs solar cells

    Gallium Arsenide solar cell radiation damage experiment

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    Gallium arsenide (GaAs) solar cells for space applications from three different manufactures were irradiated with 10 MeV protons or 1 MeV electrons. The electrical performance of the cells was measured at several fluence levels and compared. Silicon cells were included for reference and comparison. All the GaAs cell types performed similarly throughout the testing and showed a 36 to 56 percent power areal density advantage over the silicon cells. Thinner (8-mil versus 12-mil) GaAs cells provide a significant weight reduction. The use of germanium (Ge) substrates to improve mechanical integrity can be implemented with little impact on end of life performance in a radiation environment

    Conflict Between Direct Experience and Research-Based Evidence Is a Key Challenge to Evidence-Based Respiratory Medicine on British Racing Yards

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    Inflammatory airway disease (IAD) is a commonly diagnosed but variably defined syndrome of equine lower airway inflammation. The most recent American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) consensus statement, informed by research evidence, recommends a case definition based on clinical signs (poor performance or occasional coughing of at least 3 weeks duration), increased endoscopically-visible tracheal mucus, and bronchoalveolar lavage cytology, and proposes that the condition should be termed ‘mild-moderate equine asthma’ (mEA). In British Thoroughbred racehorses, research to date has focused on airway inflammation defined by increased tracheal mucus and inflammatory tracheal wash sample cytology. It has been unclear whether or to what extent the ACVIM consensus statement has influenced the practice of British racing veterinarians. The aim of this qualitative study was to characterise and understand rationales for current practices relating to diagnosing and managing airway inflammation in British racehorses. Audio-recorded focus group discussions were conducted with 25 participants from four veterinary practices in England. Practices were purposively selected to represent those responsible for different types of racehorse, in different geographical regions. Thematic analysis of transcripts identified (i) an over-arching theme of serving the racing industry within which two further themes (ii) disregarding of the consensus and (iii) the pragmatic clinician were nested. The requirement to serve the racing industry was a key driver of clinical approaches, strongly influenced in particular by the trainer. Participants widely disregarded the consensus case definition of IAD/mEA for British racehorses because of perceived differences in aetiology, perceived lack of practicability, particularly of BAL sampling, and perceived lack of understanding of the British racing context by consensus authors. Participants shared a strong professional identity as pragmatic clinicians providing an individualised clinical approach based on direct experience, which was often prioritised as the most valuable evidence with which to inform clinical decision-making. Lack of alignment with international consensus presents a barrier to practising and furthering evidence-based medicine. Improved dialogue and partnership in research would be valuable and further research tailored for this population, including continuing development of contextually acceptable diagnostic methods, may be required

    Impact of supersonic and subsonic aircraft on ozone: Including heterogeneous chemical reaction mechanisms

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    Preliminary calculations suggest that heterogeneous reactions are important in calculating the impact on ozone from emissions of trace gases from aircraft fleets. In this study, three heterogeneous chemical processes that occur on background sulfuric acid aerosols are included and their effects on O3, NO(x), Cl(x), HCl, N2O5, ClONO2 are calculated

    Reflection and our professional lives

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    Investigation of factors affecting recruitment and retention in the UK veterinary profession

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    Background Recruitment and retention is currently of major concern and resulted in the veterinary profession being returned to the UK’s Shortage Occupation List in 2019. Methods An online questionnaire of veterinary employees and employers investigating factors contributing to leaving/staying in current employment and the profession. The questionnaire was distributed via specialist veterinary associations’ email lists and social media from September to October 2018. Results Respondents had few job changes (median 3), however, 43.7% (n=2390) reported that they were likely or very likely to leave their employment within two years. Vets who were recently qualified, on lower salaries and female were more likely to plan to leave. Most frequently chosen reasons to stay in a position were: team, location and family. Most commonly cited reasons to leave were: work-life balance, management and salary. Respondents most disliked dealing with people, work-life balance and the physical/emotional impacts of the job. They would most like to change the hours worked, team aspects and management. Employers suggested that it was difficult to employ a veterinary surgeon, especially an experienced individual. Conclusion The current retention crisis is due in part to the differing requirements between modern-day veterinary employees, their employers, the public and the profession

    Ozone Response to Aircraft Emissions: Sensitivity Studies with Two-dimensional Models

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    Our first intercomparison/assessment of the effects of a proposed high-speed civil transport (HSCT) fleet on the stratosphere is presented. These model calculations should be considered more as sensitivity studies, primarily designed to serve the following purposes: (1) to allow for intercomparison of model predictions; (2) to focus on the range of fleet operations and engine specifications giving minimal environmental impact; and (3) to provide the basis for future assessment studies. The basic scenarios were chosen to be as realistic as possible, using the information available on anticipated developments in technology. They are not to be interpreted as a commitment or goal for environmental acceptability

    Emergence of healing in the Antarctic ozone layer

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    Industrial chlorofluorocarbons that cause ozone depletion have been phased out under the Montreal Protocol. A chemically driven increase in polar ozone (or “healing”) is expected in response to this historic agreement. Observations and model calculations together indicate that healing of the Antarctic ozone layer has now begun to occur during the month of September. Fingerprints of September healing since 2000 include (i) increases in ozone column amounts, (ii) changes in the vertical profile of ozone concentration, and (iii) decreases in the areal extent of the ozone hole. Along with chemistry, dynamical and temperature changes have contributed to the healing but could represent feedbacks to chemistry. Volcanic eruptions have episodically interfered with healing, particularly during 2015, when a record October ozone hole occurred after the Calbuco eruption.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (FESD Grant OCE-1338814)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Atmospheric Chemistry Program (Grant 1539972