14,715 research outputs found

    Foreign Direct Investment and Pollution Havens

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    This study empirically investigates the causality relationship between foreign direct investment in the extractive industries and environmental pollution with specific focus on the exploration of natural gas and crude oil. The model of Granger causality tests was used. Two years time-series data for Nigeria covering 2008 and 2009 were used. The study establishes the existence of long-run uni-directional causality relationship flowing from foreign direct investment otherwise, foreign direct investment in minerals extraction to pollution.FDI, Minerals, Pollution, Dependency, Federalism, Gas, Flaring, Development, Africa, Oil, Environment, Governance.

    The Dynamics of Gang Criminality and Corruption in Nigeria Universities: A Time Series Analysis

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    This study contributes to the understanding of the causal relationship between gang culture, criminality and corruption in Nigeria universities where both criminality and corruption are very high complementary variables. Writers on gang culture in Nigeria universities have largely omitted the empirical evaluation of the causal relationship between gang criminality and corruption. This study adopts the time-series models of Granger (1969) to investigate and explain the causality relationship of the variables. Using five years data (2005-2009) from 37 Universities across 36 States of Nigeria and Abuja, the federal capital territory; the results suggest that there is existence of reciprocal relationship between university gang culture, criminality and corruption. The results suggest that there is bi-directional causality relationship flowing between gang criminality and corruption in the universities.Gang, Corruption, University, Nigeria, Education, Time Series, Criminality, Granger, Unit root, Causal link.

    Online Appendix to Efficient Timing of Retirement

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    Post-retirement, the model in the main text (published in the Review of Economic Dynamics) reduces to the Merton (1969) problem, which has of course an exact solution. Pre-retirement, however, the agent holds an American option, namely, retire now or keep working. Problems involving American options are generally difficult to solve exactly. This appendix describes an approximate solution to the agent's pre-retirement problem.retirement, life cycle model, optimal stopping problem

    We Are Who We Are: How Filmmaker and UNH Student Anna Bruning Captured the “Will to Be” Basque

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    The Association Between the Frequency of Wife Assault and Marital Dissolution

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    In this paper, we investigate the source of the positive association between domestic abuse in a first marriage and the probability of that marriage ending using the 1993 Violence Against Women survey (VAWS) data. We find that the association between abuse and the decision to separate remains significant and largely unaffected when all VAWS variables thought to influence the decision to separate are added to the probit. Most of the variables which are not available in the VAWS do not appear to be capable of generating a spurious positive relationship between the frequency of abuse and marital dissolution. We also find no evidence of systematic reporting differences which might generate a spurious association between abuse and dissolution.
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