1,444 research outputs found

    Spatial Evolution of Resonant Harmonic Mode Triads in a Blasius Boundary Layer

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    Blasius boundary layer evolution is studies by means of bicoherence calculations. The layer is acoustically excited at the T-S frequency to provide a controlled transition. Measurements are made using a smooth surface as well as various roughness patterns. The bicoherence calculations are used to determine the extent to which frequency resonant velocity fluctuation waves can participate in energy exchange. The emphasis is on downstream variation of the individual interactions among harmonic modes. A limited picture of the role of quadratic wave interactions is revealed

    Turbulent Wing-Leading-Edge Correlation Assessment for the Shuttle Orbiter

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    This study was conducted in support of the Orbiter damage assessment activity that takes place for each Shuttle mission since STS-107 (STS - Space Transportation System). As part of the damage assessment activity, the state of boundary layer (laminar or turbulent) during reentry needs to be estimated in order to define the aerothermal environment on the Orbiter. Premature turbulence on the wing leading edge (WLE) is possible if a surface irregularity promotes early transition and the resulting turbulent wedge flow contaminates the WLE flow. The objective of this analysis is to develop a criterion to determine if and when the flow along the WLE experiences turbulent heating given an incoming turbulent boundary layer that contaminates the attachment line. The data to be analyzed were all obtained as part of the MH-13 Space Shuttle Orbiter Aerothermodynamic Test conducted on a 1.8%-scale Orbiter model at Calspan/University of Buffalo Research Center in the Large Energy National Shock Tunnels facility. A rational framework was used to develop a means to assess the state of the WLE flow on the Orbiter during reentry given a contaminated attachment-line flow. Evidence of turbulent flow on the WLE has been recently documented for a few STS missions during the Orbiter s flight history, albeit late in the reentry trajectory. The criterion developed herein will be compared to these flight results

    High-Speed Boundary-Layer Transition Induced by an Isolated Roughness Element

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    Progress on an experimental effort to quantify the instability mechanisms associated with roughness-induced transition in a high-speed boundary layer is reported in this paper. To simulate the low-disturbance environment encountered during high-altitude flight, the experimental study was performed in the NASA-Langley Mach 3.5 Supersonic Low-Disturbance Tunnel. A flat plate trip sizing study was performed first to identify the roughness height required to force transition. That study, which included transition onset measurements under both quiet and noisy freestream conditions, confirmed the sensitivity of roughness-induced transition to freestream disturbance levels. Surveys of the laminar boundary layer on a 7deg half-angle sharp-tipped cone were performed via hot-wire anemometry and pitot-pressure measurements. The measured mean mass-flux and Mach-number profiles agreed very well with computed mean-flow profiles. Finally, surveys of the boundary layer developing downstream of an isolated roughness element on the cone were performed. The measurements revealed an instability in the far wake of the roughness element that grows exponentially and has peak frequencies in the 150 to 250 kHz range

    Transition Induced by Tandem Rectangular Roughness Elements on a Supersonic Flat Plate

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    The flow behind two rectangular roughness elements with a height approximately 38-41 percent of the boundary layer thickness was examined with a hot-wire probe. The rectangular roughness elements are oriented so that one element was at a plus 45-degree angle relative to the leading edge of the plate. A second roughness element was placed 7.16 millimeters downstream of the first one with either the same orientation relative to the leading edge of the plate, or an opposing orientation of minus 45 degrees from the leading edge. Mean mass-flux and total-temperature profiles of the flow field downstream of the tandem roughness elements were examined for mean-flow distortion. Using streak strength as a measure of mean-flow distortion, the tandem roughness elements had approximately the same amount of distortion, regardless of their relative orientation. Mass-flux fluctuation profiles show that the dominant mode downstream of the tandem roughness elements with the same orientation was similar to that of a single roughness element and centered at a frequency of approximately 55 kilohertz (kHz). The dominant instability downstream of the tandem roughness elements with opposing orientation was centered at a frequency of 65 kHz and grew more slowly than the instabilities behind the single roughness element

    Effect of Protuberance Shape and Orientation on Space Shuttle Orbiter Boundary-Layer Transition

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    This document describes an experimental study conducted to examine the effects of protuberances on hypersonic boundary-layer transition. The experiment was conducted in the Langley 20-Inch Mach 6 Tunnel on a series of 0.9%-scale Shuttle Orbiter models. The data were acquired to complement the existing ground-based boundary-layer transition database that was used to develop Version 1.0 of the boundary-layer transition RTF (return-to-flight) tool. The existing ground-based data were all acquired on 0.75%-scale Orbiter models using diamond-shaped ( pizza-box ) trips. The larger model scale facilitated in manufacturing higher fidelity protuberances. The end use of this experimental database will be to develop a technical basis (in the form of a boundary-layer transition correlation) to assess representative protrusion shapes, e.g., gap fillers and protrusions resulting from possible tile repair concepts. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the effects of protuberance-trip location and geometry on Shuttle Orbiter boundary-layer transition. Secondary goals are to assess the effects of gap-filler orientation and other protrusion shapes on boundary-layer transition. Global heat-transfer images using phosphor thermography of the Orbiter windward surface and the corresponding streamwise and spanwise heating distributions were used to infer the state of the boundary layer, i.e., laminar, transitional, or turbulent

    Effects of Forward- and Backward-Facing Steps on the Crossflow Receptivity and Stability in Supersonic Boundary Layers

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    The effects of forward- and backward-facing steps on the receptivity and stability of three-dimensional supersonic boundary layers over a swept wing with a blunt leading edge are numerically investigated for a freestream Mach number of 3 and a sweep angle of 30 degrees. The flow fields are obtained by solving the full Navier-Stokes equations. The evolution of instability waves generated by surface roughness is simulated with and without the forward- and backward-facing steps. The separation bubble lengths are about 5-10 step heights for the forward-facing step and are about 10 for the backward-facing step. The linear stability calculations show very strong instability in the separated region with a large frequency domain. The simulation results show that the presence of backward-facing steps decreases the amplitude of the stationary crossflow vortices with longer spanwise wavelengths by about fifty percent and the presence of forward-facing steps does not modify the amplitudes noticeably across the steps. The waves with the shorter wavelengths grow substantially downstream of the step in agreement with the linear stability prediction

    Two-Point Focused Laser Differential Interferometry Second-Mode Measurements at Mach 6

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    A two-point focused laser differential interferometer (FLDI) is used to make measurements of density fluctuations on a 7 degree half-angle cone in a Mach 6 flow. The system was first characterized in the laboratory using laser induced breakdown to provide a well defined density fluctuation. The speed of the shock wave generated by the breakdown is verified using simultaneous high-speed schlieren. The FLDI system is then installed at the NASA Langley 20-Inch Mach 6 air tunnel to make measurements in the boundary layer of the 7 degree half-angle cone model and in the tunnel freestream for a unit Reynolds number range of 3.0 to 8.22 x 10(exp 6)/ft. Second-mode packets are visible in the spectra, with peak frequencies increasing linearly and peak amplitude increasing as a function of unit Reynolds number. The two-point measurement allows for the calculation of the second-mode wavepacket speeds, which propagate between 88% and 92% of the freestream velocity of the tunnel for all Reynolds numbers. The FLDI measurements are compared to surface-mounted fast-response pressure transducer measurements, where second-mode frequencies and wavepacket speeds are in good agreement

    Supersonic Crossflow Transition Control in Ground and Flight Tests

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    This paper describes the use of distributed-roughness-element (DRE) patterns along a Mach 2 design swept-wing leading edge to increase the laminar flow extent and thereby reduce drag. One swept-wing model was tested in a supersonic wind tunnel as well as beneath a supersonic flight vehicle. Wing model surface data acquired during these tests included pressures, temperatures, and boundary-layer transition locations. Similarities and differences in experimental results are discussed. While wind tunnel and flight results show some differences, the wind tunnel results still provide key insights necessary for understanding how to design effective DRE patterns for use in flight applications. Experimental results demonstrate a DRE flow control effect observed in flight similar to that observed in the wind tunnel. Finally, a different perspective is discussed concerning what flow control role RE patterns might perform in any future swept-wing laminar flow control applications

    An Experimental Study of Roughness-Induced Instabilities in a Supersonic Boundary Layer

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    Progress on an experimental study of laminar-to-turbulent transition induced by an isolated roughness element in a supersonic laminar boundary layer is reported in this paper. Here, the primary focus is on the effects of roughness planform shape on the instability and transition characteristics. Four different roughness planform shapes were considered (a diamond, a circle, a right triangle, and a 45 degree fence) and the height and width of each one was held fixed so that a consistent frontal area was presented to the oncoming boundary layer. The nominal roughness Reynolds number was 462 and the ratio of the roughness height to the boundary layer thickness was 0.48. Detailed flow- field surveys in the wake of each geometry were performed via hot-wire anemometry. High- and low-speed streaks were observed in the wake of each roughness geometry, and the modified mean flow associated with these streak structures was found to support a single dominant convective instability mode. For the symmetric planform shapes - the diamond and circular planforms - the instability characteristics (mode shapes, growth rates, and frequencies) were found to be similar. For the asymmetric planform shapes - the right-triangle and 45 degree fence planforms - the mode shapes were asymmetrically distributed about the roughness-wake centerline. The instability growth rates for the asymmetric planforms were lower than those for the symmetric planforms and therefore, transition onset was delayed relative to the symmetric planforms

    Spatial Evolution of Resonant Harmonic Mode Triads in a Blasius Boundary Layer

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    Blasius boundary layer evolution is studied by means of bicoherence calculations. The layer is acoustically excited at the T-S frequency to provide a controlled transition. Measurements are made using a smooth surface as well as various roughness patterns
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