1,745 research outputs found

    The impact-generated hydrothermal system of the East Clearwater Lake impact structure, Quebec, Canada

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    Alteration mineralization at impact craters gives insight into the hydrothermal system generated post-impact. This is the first work to document the alteration mineralization to characterize the East Clearwater impact-generated hydrothermal system. The East Clearwater hydrothermal system in the impact melt rocks and melt-bearing breccias transitions from zeolite-smectite assemblages to chlorite-dominant assemblages with depth. pH evolution of the East Clearwater impact-generated hydrothermal system reflects magmatic-driven hydrothermal systems in granitic rocks. West Clearwater has a different alteration style. Given an impact forms a hydrothermal system, the style of alteration will not only vary dependent on target lithologies (i.e., crystalline, sedimentary, mixed target), but also due to paleogeographic setting (i.e., costal, shallow marine, intracontinental). The impact-generated hydrothermal system of East Clearwater contains millerite, vaesite-pyrite, and galena due to a percentage of impactor imparted into the melt. Given ideal impact velocities do not completely vapourize an impactor, alteration products, especially metals, can influence secondary mineralization

    Non-adherence to medication in schizophrenia: the impact on service use and costs

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    Schizophrenia is a chronic illness which has severe consequences for the lives of patients and their families. The costs associated with treating individuals with schizophrenia are considerable. This thesis examined the relationship between non-adherence to medication, patient-, environmental- and medication-related factors and the costs associated with health and social care services used and the wider societal costs in treating individuals with schizophrenia. Analysis was undertaken of data from the 1993-4 and 2000 Psychiatric Morbidity Surveys and the Quality of Life following Adherence Therapy for People Disabled by Schizophrenia and their Carers study. An individual’s level of education, having had a recent inpatient stay and alcohol abuse were found to be associated with a greater likelihood of non-adherence in individuals taking antipsychotics. These results were not observed in analyses of individuals taking antidepressants. Common factors associated with non-adherence across individuals taking antipsychotics and antidepressants included experiencing side-effects and severity of illness. Community-based services were found to be used more by individuals with interruptions in their antipsychotic medication. In this group there may also be additional costs in hospitalisations and overall health and social care services attributable to non-adherence. Benefits to patients may be accrued by enabling health and social care professionals, particularly those working in the community, to encourage medication adherence in individuals with schizophrenia and to provide information on new interventions that are cost-effective in improving adherence. National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines for treating individuals with schizophrenia, revised in 2009, address some key findings in my analyses, such as emphasising the role of carers and family members in successful management of the illness, the potentially adverse impact that illicit drug use can have on therapeutic effects and issues around service provision to individuals from ethnic minorities. Further analysis of data from long-term studies is required to determine the clinical, economic and personal consequences of non-adherence

    How to tell Jerusalem from Athens: How a faith-methodology distinguishes theology from philosophy

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    Recent developments in both philosophy and theology have blurred the line between the two disciplines: philosophers of religion have sought to use philosophical methodology to answer explicitly theological questions, while at the same time the rise of analytic theology has led to philosophical tools increasingly being used for the thelological task. This paper sets out to demonstrate that the most useful way to distinquish theology from philosophy of religion is to adopt a faith-methodology and goes on to outline what this would look like in practice

    Seeing the Face of Christ

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    The problem of the hiddenness of God has at least two kinds: an experiential and an intellectual problem. Despite differences, a solution to either would require some account of how God is personally known. Yet for the Christian tradition, God is known in the man Jesus Christ. I suggest, then, a Christological reformulation of the hiddenness argument, and proceed to offer an account of how Christ is known. With special attention to the ecclesiology of Gregory of Nyssa, I offer an account of knowing Christ in the church. I then explore this as a response to the problems of divine hiddenness, and anticipate a considerable objection to my response

    Academic Support Systems and College Readiness for Black Male Student Athletes

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    High school athletics is a major aspect of today’s educational landscape. Sports generate revenue, galvanize communities, and provide opportunities for widespread exposure. For the black athlete, sports generally represent an opportunity to go to college. With the pressure of academic accountability, increased athletic competitiveness, and the impact of future prospects, high schools have to be innovative in order to optimize the academic experience, particularly for Black male athletes. The impact of high school academic support systems, particularly their capacity to increase the college readiness of Black male athletes, has not been adequately examined. College GPA, college persistence rate, and college graduation rate are all significantly lower for Black males. Leaders have to engage in pragmatic, intentional restructuring at the high school level so Black males can have a greater chance to experience postsecondary success beyond the field and court. High school principals have the ability to leverage their impact to create comprehensive learning pathways which prepare students for postsecondary experiences. If Black students are overall less ready for college and black men graduate college at a lower rate than any other demographic, then it is incumbent upon high schools to develop effective support systems to enhance Black male athletes’ college readiness. Do academic support systems improve college readiness of Black male student athletes? How do academically successful Black male athletes rate the level of academic support provided by each of these support systems? Is there a certain combination of academic support systems which increases college readiness for Black male student athletes? The conceptual model for this research study focuses precollege factors and provides analysis for the impact of a faculty mentor, exposure to positive narratives, academic and athletic balance, self and social identity lessons, and participation in activities outside of sports. This cross-sectional study examines perceptions of the effectiveness of academic support systems in order to influence practice at the high school level. The survey will utilize questions which specifically focus on former high school athletes’ perceptions of academic support systems during their high school career

    Fusion welding of diboride-carbide ceramic composites

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    Plasma and pulsed plasma arc welding (PAW and PPAW) processes were used to fusion weld ZrB2 containing 20 vol% ZrC. Varying welding parameters resulted in changes in weld pool shape and size, and the size of ZrB2 grains within the fusion zone. For PAW processes that resulted in a keyhole fusion zone (full penetration), the arc to workpiece power transfer efficiency was estimated to be 2 grain lengths were observed to decrease between binary PAW FZs (~1 mm in length), and binary PPAW FZs (~0.8 mm in length), and an increasing aspect ratio for ZrB2 grains in PPAW welds (up to 40:1) compared to PAW ZrB2 grain aspect ratios (up to 25:1) revealed that growth of ZrB2 was hindered in PPAW FZs. Grain growth was also observed to decrease with decreasing arc power. A high arc power resulted in high growth rates of ZrB2 and a textured FZ, lower arc power FZs did not exhibit texture. A high current plasma arc (222 A) was used to increase the temperature of the weld pool, such that ZrB2 growth would follow the arc thermal gradient. ZrB2 growth occurred in the basal plane, giving grains a plate-like structure, where grain thickness increased by ledge growth. ZrB2 grain sizes within the FZ were observed to affect the strength of weldments. PM flexure strengths were measured to be ~660 MPa and strengths were observed to drop to ~140 MPa for PAW weldments and ~170 MPa for PPAW weldments. Diffusion of C into the melt pool was observed to hinder ZrB2 grain growth significantly (~150 µm maximum ZrB2 grain size), and the average flexure strength of a ZrB2-ZrC-C weldments was ~250 MPa. --Abstract, page iv

    Microstructure and mechanical properties of silicon carbide-titanium diboride ceramic composites

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    The microstructure, hardness, fracture toughness, Young\u27s modulus, strength and Weibull modulus of silicon carbide-titanium diboride (SiC-TiB₂) ceramics were studied. First, SiC-TiB₂ ceramics with 15 vol.% TiB₂ particles were processed using two green processing methods, spray drying (ST) and ball milling (SiC-15TiB₂). In addition, SiC-TiB2 ceramics with TiB₂ contents ranging from 0 to 100 vol.% were produced to determine a TiB₂ content that produced the best combination of mechanical properties. From spray drying, segregation of the TiB₂ particles in ST led to a granule-like microstructure and spontaneous microcracking in the final ceramic. In ceramics containing 20 and 40 vol.% TiB₂, the TiB₂ particle sizes were also large enough to allow for spontaneous microcracking. Spontaneous microcracking decreased the hardness from 28 GPa for SiC to 24 GPa for SiC-TiB₂ with TiB₂ contents of 80 vol.% or higher. In contrast, fracture toughness increased from 2 MPa·m1/2 for SiC to ~6 MPa·m1/2 for SiC containing 40 vol.% TiB₂ or more. Using a two-parameter Weibull analysis, SiC with 20 vol.% TiB₂ had the highest average strength (522 MPa), followed by SiC-15TiB₂ (500 MPa), then SiC with 40 vol.% TiB₂ (420 MPa), and ST (380 MPa). While microcracking in ST lowered the strength, hardness, and elastic modulus compared to SiC-15TiB₂, the granule-like microstructure combined with microcracking, narrowed the flaw size distribution of ST and boosted the Weibull modulus of ST to 21 compared to 12 for SiC-15TiB₂, which had a uniform distribution of TiB₂ particles. The Weibull moduli of SiC containing 20 and 40 vol.% TiB₂ was also boosted to 17, compared to 12 for a TiB₂ content of 15 vol.%. To maximize each property, TiB₂ particle sizes should be kept just below the spontaneous microcracking threshold to prevent spontaneous flaw formation --Abstract, page iv

    Data on adult social care

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    Despite the importance of adult social care in promoting the well-being of several million people in England, data on adult social care is considerably more limited than data on other welfare state services such as health or social security. This report reviewed the range of available quantitative data on adult social care in England, concentrating on 14 main datasets, ranging from the Adult Social Care Survey to the Understanding Society – UK Household Longitudinal Study. Its purpose was to highlight the available quantitative data on adult social care and the scope for making more use of these data in addressing research questions. The review provides a focused commentary on the broad coverage and quality of the data and practical details about how to access them, as well as plans for future data collections or changes to current collections. Examples are included of how the data have been used in existing studies with a summary of key findings derived from the data. Suggestions are also made about how the data could be used in future research studies. This review also includes some discussion of the issue of linking social care and other data and some of the challenges and opportunities this would present. It covers national data sources which include information on, for example, need for care, in terms of severe disability; provision of unpaid care from family and friends; numbers of users of care services and volumes of care received and indexes these topics to data collections, and vice versa. Other topics include: characteristics of recipients of unpaid, publicly funded and privately funded care services; expenditure on adult social care; unit costs and payments for care; outcomes of adult social care; numbers and characteristics of providers of formal social care services; and the social care workforce. The intention is that this review will be updated periodically

    The future incidence, prevalence and costs of stroke in the UK

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    BACKGROUND: we project incidence and prevalence of stroke in the UK and associated costs to society to 2035. We include future costs of health care, social care, unpaid care and lost productivity, drawing on recent estimates that there are almost 1 million people living with stroke and the current cost of their care is £26 billion. METHODS: we developed a model to produce projections, building on earlier work to estimate the costs of stroke care by age, gender and other characteristics. Our cell-based simulation model uses the 2014-based Office for National Statistics population projections; future trends in incidence and prevalence rates of stroke derived from an expert consultation exercise; and data from the Office for Budget Responsibility on expected future changes in productivity and average earnings. RESULTS: between 2015 and 2035, the number of strokes in the UK per year is projected to increase by 60% and the number of stroke survivors is projected to more than double. Under current patterns of care, the societal cost is projected to almost treble in constant prices over the period. The greatest increase is projected to be in social care costs-both public and private-which we anticipate will rise by as much as 250% between 2015 and 2035. CONCLUSION: the costs of stroke care in the UK are expected to rise rapidly over the next two decades unless measures to prevent strokes and to reduce the disabling effects of strokes can be successfully developed and implemented

    Future demand for long-term care, 2002 to 2041: projections of demand for long-term care for older people in England

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    The financing of long-term care raises a great many questions. How many older people are likely to require long-term care services in the coming decades? How much are these services likely to cost? Will the cost to public funds prove affordable? Who should pay? How should costs be divided between public expenditure and private sources of finance? In order to address these issues, reliable projections are needed of future demand for long-term care and future long-term care expenditure. This paper presents projections of demand for long-term care for older people in England to 2041 and associated future expenditure. The projections were produced using an updated and expanded version of the Personal Social Services Research Unit’s (PSSRU) long-term care projections model. The version of the model used here has a base year of 2002 and incorporates the 2004-based official population projections. The first part of the paper describes the PSSRU long-term care finance research programme and recent associated projects. The second part of the paper describes the updated and expanded PSSRU long-term care projections model, including details of the data used in this updated version. The third part presents a set of base case assumptions and the projections obtained using those assumptions. The fourth part investigates the sensitivity of the projections to changes in those assumptions. Section five discusses the findings. A final section sets out some conclusions
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