248 research outputs found

    "Reasonable adjustments" in relation to disability and social justice for children and young people in an inter-professional context

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    Under the wider policy framework as framed primarily (amongst other documents and acts) by the Every Child Matters agenda (DFES, 2004), the Removing Barriers to Achievement (2004) document, the Disability and Discrimination Act (DFES, 2005), Aiming High for disabled Children (2007) and the Lamb Enquiry (2009) that lead to further publications on parental confidence and involvement, the reasonable adjustments duty has become even more prominent for schools and settings in England. The reasonable adjustments duty has become statutory since 2007 and plethora of supportive material has been available to support settings on the implementation of what could be seen as a far more social orientated model of disability. This poster will communicate the findings of a qualitative, small-scale project under the umbrella of ICCIP (Institute for Child Centred Interprofessional Practice, Kingston University) that investigates those processes in action by exploring discourses and practices relating to ā€˜reasonable adjustmentsā€™ as used and understood by different stakeholders, front line workers (teachers, TAs), multi-agency service providers, school management teams, parents and the children themselves -for whom the adjustments have taken place. Shared values, beliefs and preparedness for inclusion verse exclusion will be explored through the above stakeholdersā€™ voices. Method The study is in line with a qualitative interpretative research paradigm and aims a) to identify issues that will frame the research agenda, b) to explore in-depth the experiences of different stakeholders of reasonable adjustments in an inter-professional context, c) to gain a better understanding of the personal/social outcomes of these adjustments through the voice of the child. In the context of this project three primary school children from one-form entry inner-city primary school in London were selected. Each of the selected children has been part of the schoolā€™s inclusion register for an identified additional educational need or disability and their inclusion has required some kind of reasonable adjustment. One important aspect of the methodology of this project is the focus on service-user involvement and participation. Not only is one of the researchers also a service-user, but participants are invited to influence the direction of research in this and future projects, in line with the many advantages of this process outlined in the recent INVOLVE report (2009). Expected Outcomes The voices and experiences of stakeholders will inform a discussion about the need perhaps for a response along the lines of a ā€˜social pedagogyā€™ found in large parts of Western Europe and Scandinavia were education would be something much more than schools. It is based on a fundamentally holistic concept of children and adults in which the teachers concentrate on teaching but not in isolation (Whitney, 2007). Following this project, there is also scope for creating a network of stakeholders from different settings/boroughs on issues of inter-professional practice to promote positive and innovative examples of successful reasonable adjustments and their sustainability within a social model of disability. Possibilities for parent participation and possible parent forums will be explored, in line with recent government guidelines (Davies, 2010)

    The significance of efficient murder crime scene processing

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    This study sought to explore the significance of efficient murder crime scene processing. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews conducted with investigators who investigate murder cases in the Nyanga South African Police Service (SAPS) cluster in the Western Cape, to stimulate knowledge of the significance of efficient murder scene processing. A literature study relating to aspects of crime scene management and crime scene processing was conducted. From the results of this research, it appears that participants did realise the significance of efficient murder scene processing. It is, however, apparent that they experienced challenges and shortcomings with regard to efficiently processing murder scenes. Reasons for this are inexperienced investigators, overload of murder scenes to investigate, lack of human resources, and lack of cooperation between investigators and crime scene experts. The study makes recommendations that could assist the Nyanga SAPS cluster in improving the processing of murder scenes.Police PracticeM. Tech. (Forensic Investigation

    A Preliminary Investigation into the Stability of Inorganic Arsenic Species in Laboratory Solutions Simulating Sediment Pore Water

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    A simple method to preserve arsenic species in simulated pore water was investigated. Synthetic pore water containing highĀ levels of Fe, Mn and S (as sulfide, S2ā€“) were synthesized and spiked with different arsenic species. Arsenite [As(III)], arsenateĀ [As(V)], dimethylarsinate [(CH3)2AsO2ā€“, DMA], monomethylarsonate [(CH3)AsO3Ā 2ā€“, MMA], monothioarsenate(V) speciesĀ (AsO3S3ā€“,MTA) and tetrathioarsenate(v) species (AsS43ā€“, TTA) in different combinations were used. Disodium ethylenediamineĀ tetraacetate (EDTA) and temperature was used to preserve speciation. Solutions were analyzed at intervals of one day, week,Ā month and 2 months after preparation. Samples were analyzed by HPLC-ICP-MS using an ion exchange column and ammoniumĀ carbonate buffer. Samples containing Fe and Mn spiked with As(III), As(V), DMA,MMAshowed adequate species preservationĀ for two months when EDTA was added. The total As in samples containing Fe,Mn and S2ā€“ was preserved over 60 days however,Ā speciation was not preserved. Samples spiked with synthesized mono- and tetra-thioarsenate(V) species showed immediateĀ degradation of the mono- and tetra-thioarsenic species into unidentified As-S species. The results show that while EDTA may beĀ adequate to preserve As species containing high Fe and Mn concentrations, the combination of EDTA and temperature was notĀ successful in preserving As speciation in samples containing sulfides.KEYWORDSĀ Arsenic speciation, EDTA, HPLC-ICP-MS, thioarsenic species

    Using Technology to Enhance Rural Resilience in Pre-hospital Emergencies

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    The research presented in this paper is supported by RCUK dot.rural Digital Economy Research Hub, University of Aberdeen [grant number EP/G066051/1].Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Designing emotional support messages tailored to stressors

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    Acknowledgements This work was funded by the RCUK Digital Economy award to the dot.rural Digital Economy Hub, University of Aberdeen; award reference: EP/G066051/1. The dataset used by this paper can be acquired by emailing the first author. We thank Matt Dennis, Kirsten A. Smith and Michael Gibson for their contributions to the research.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Evaluation of a protocol to control methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in a surgical cardiac intensive care unit.

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    Thesis (M.N.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2008.Introduction. MRSA is a major healthcare problem with particular relevance to morbidity and mortality in ICU (Byers & Decker 2008). Due to the increased infection risks associated with cardiac surgery, MRSA screening and surveillance is widely used as a standard preoperative Investigation In many settings (Teoh, Tsim & Yap, 2008). The results, in conjunction with appropriate hygiene precautions, are used to control and prevent infection with MRSA. Following an outbreak of MRSA in cardiac patients an MRSA protocol (MRSAP) was implemented In the cardiac intensive care unit in this study. Purpose. To evaluate how nurses implement the MRSAP in the surgical cardiac intensive care unit in this study, and to evaluate the change in MRSA infection rates following implementation of the MRSAP. From the results obtained, to identify any areas for improvement in nursing practice with respect to the MRSAP. Methods. Nursing staff knowledge with respect to the MRSAP was assessed using a survey questionnaire. Their compliance with required Infection control practice for control of MRSA was assessed through periods of observation on the unit. Screening compliance and reduction in infection rates were investigated using a retrospective records review. Results. The survey revealed good awareness of the MRSAP (88%, n=23), but knowledge of the detailed content was variable. Most staff were apparently satisfied with the existing standards of infection control in CICU (84.6%, n=22). Observation revealed that, compliance with routine hygiene measures was good (66% correct contacts, n=144) by the standard of other studies, but, given the high risk of postoperative infection for these patients improvements are required. Inadequate data in sampled records prevented meaningful analysis of screening compliance, and hence the systems for handling screening swabs and results need to be reviewed. The change in infection rates between the pre and post MRSAP periods, which incorporated use of infection risk stratification data to demonstrate comparability of the two groups of patients, revealed that despite the high MRSA infection rate in 2005 (1.18%), and subsequent drop post MRSAP (0.35%), the actual number of cases found was too small to test statistically for significant difference. An incidental finding was that female cardiac surgery patients were getting significantly younger (p<0.01). There was a significant decrease in hospital MRSA infection rates for matched periods (p<0.0001 ). Conclusions. Evidence was found to support the efficacy of the MRSAP in the reduction of MRSA infections. Deficits in staff knowledge and infection control practice were identified and feedback has been implemented in order to improve compliance with the MRSAP and maintain the improved infection rates. Further research with respect to implementation of, and compliance with, infection control measures could both improve quality of patient care and decrease the burden of preventable infectious disease such as health care associated infections (HAls) in South Africa
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