66 research outputs found

    Modelling of ambient noise created by a shipping lane to prepare passive inversion: application to Ushant

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    The Ushant thermal front is a seasonal phenomenon which occurs from May to October in a shallow water environment (100m) of the Iroise Sea (off the coast of the north-western France). It corresponds to the boundary separating a well mixed inner shelf water from an open sea stratified water. To determine the dynamic of the front -or more basically the presence of a stratified or homogeneous water column- the possibility to use a shipping lane as a continuous acoustic source is studied. The originality of this work is to use a single receiver. Simulation results of sounds radiated by a shipping lane in a shallow water environment are presented, both for stratified and homogeneous water column. The corresponding pressure fields show a mean level difference in the frequency band 50-300 Hz. This feature will be used in the future as an observable to differentiate both environments, and thus passively detect the Ushant thermal front. One of the issue to get the mean level offset is to record the shipping lane noise without isolated ship interferences. As a consequence, an optimum mooring position to track the thermal front is suggested by the analysis of the vessel traffic from AIS data (Automatic Identification System)

    Using antenatal care as a platform for malaria surveillance data collection: study protocol

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    BACKGROUND: While many malaria-endemic countries have health management information systems that can measure and report malaria trends in a timely manner, these routine systems have limitations. Periodic community cross-sectional household surveys are used to estimate malaria prevalence and intervention coverage but lack geographic granularity and are resource intensive. Incorporating malaria testing for all women at their first antenatal care (ANC) visit (i.e., ANC1) could provide a more timely and granular source of data for monitoring trends in malaria burden and intervention coverage. This article describes a protocol designed to assess if ANC-based surveillance could be a pragmatic tool to monitor malaria. METHODS: This is an observational, cross-sectional study conducted in Benin, Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Zambia. Pregnant women attending ANC1 in selected health facilities will be tested for malaria infection by rapid diagnostic test and administered a brief questionnaire to capture key indicators of malaria control intervention coverage and care-seeking behaviour. In each location, contemporaneous cross-sectional household surveys will be leveraged to assess correlations between estimates obtained using each method, and the use of ANC data as a tool to track trends in malaria burden and intervention coverage will be validated. RESULTS: This study will assess malaria prevalence at ANC1 aggregated at health facility and district levels, and by gravidity relative to current pregnancy (i.e., gravida 1, gravida 2, and gravida 3 +). ANC1 malaria prevalence will be presented as monthly trends. Additionally, correlation between ANC1 and household survey-derived estimates of malaria prevalence, bed net ownership and use, and care-seeking will be assessed. CONCLUSION: ANC1-based surveillance has the potential to provide a cost-effective, localized measure of malaria prevalence that is representative of the general population and useful for tracking monthly changes in parasite prevalence, as well as providing population-representative estimates of intervention coverage and care-seeking behavior. This study will evaluate the representativeness of these measures and collect information on operational feasibility, usefulness for programmatic decision-making, and potential for scale-up of malaria ANC1 surveillance

    The Genetic Basis of Hepatosplenic T-cell Lymphoma

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    Hepatosplenic T cell lymphoma (HSTL) is a rare and lethal lymphoma; the genetic drivers of this disease are unknown. Through whole exome sequencing of 68 HSTLs, we define recurrently mutated driver genes and copy number alterations in the disease. Chromatin modifying genes including SETD2, INO80 and ARID1B were commonly mutated in HSTL, affecting 62% of cases. HSTLs manifest frequent mutations in STAT5B (31%), STAT3 (9%), and PIK3CD (9%) for which there currently exist potential targeted therapies. In addition, we noted less frequent events in EZH2, KRAS and TP53. SETD2 was the most frequently silenced gene in HSTL. We experimentally demonstrated that SETD2 acts as a tumor suppressor gene. In addition, we found that mutations in STAT5B and PIK3CD activate critical signaling pathways important to cell survival in HSTL. Our work thus defines the genetic landscape of HSTL and implicates novel gene mutations linked to HSTL pathogenesis and potential treatment targets

    Trajet de soins des personnes âgées à Bobo-Dioulasso, au Burkina Faso: Une enquête transversale

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    Introduction: en Afrique, il y n'a pas encore une maitrise du trajet de soins des personnes âgées pour construire des modèles de soins adaptés afin d'améliorer leur prise en charge. L'objectif de cette étude était de décrire le trajet de soins des personnes âgées à Bobo-Dioulasso. Méthodes: nous avons réalisé une étude transversale à prédominance qualitative avec des personnes âgées vivant dans les ménages dans la ville de Bobo-Dioulasso de septembre à novembre 2012. Nous avons sélectionné 30 personnes âgées de manière raisonnée dans 22 secteurs. Des entretiens qualitatifs ont été réalisés. Le recours aux soins formels, informels et mixtes a été analysé. Résultats: le trajet de soins des personnes âgées à Bobo-Dioulasso était à prédominance mixte: elles utilisaient à la fois pour le même épisode de maladie les services publics et privés l'automédication à domicile, la médecine traditionnelle, l'utilisation des médicaments du marche informel de la rue. Les premiers recours aux soins étaient à l'initiative des personnes âgées elles-mêmes. Les recours aux soins formels étaient largement utilisés par les personnes âgées qui avaient un revenu de pension. Conclusion: devant la complexité de la prise en charge des personnes âgées présentant plusieurs pathologies et ayant différents recours des soins il y a une nécessité d'orienter le système d'offre de soins vers une coordination dite « collective »
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