4 research outputs found

    Efek Pemberian Pakan Berlebih Berupa Limbah Sayuran Pakcoy terhadap Daya Cerna, Tingkat Penurunan Limbah, dan Kandungan Protein pada Lalat Tentara Hitam (Hermetia Illucens (Linnaeus))

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    One of the recent organic waste management programs actively developed is organic waste bioconversion by using larvae of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus)). However, one major challenge in organic waste management in Indonesia is the limited space to manage the wastes at waste collection centers. This condition increases the number of wastes to be converted (consumed) by larvae of soldier fly. In this study, the condition was imitated in the laboratory where larvae were individually fed with a large number of wastes. Larvae were divided into 4 groups and were fed with 200, 300, 400, and 500 mg/larva/day of rotten vegetable waste (Pakcoy) and were replicated 3 times. Variables observed during the study were the growth rate, consumption capability, level of waste reduction (waste reduction index, WRI), consumption efficiency (efficiency of conversion of digested-feed, ECD), the weight of harvested biomass, and protein content of larvae, pupae, and adults. The results showed that there was no significant correlation between the weight of harvested biomass and the amount of substrate provided to larvae (one-way ANOVA, P > 0.05). The increasing amount of substrate reduced the efficiency of waste reduction and consumption (one-way ANOVA, P < 0.05). This study also showed that the possible upper limit of consumption capability of larvae was 400 mg/larva/day. On the other hand, the increasing amount of substrate increased the protein content of biomass of each developmental stage

    Pola kunjungan serangga liar dan efek penambahan koloni Trigona (Tetragonula) laeviceps Smith pada penyerbukan kabocha (Cucurbita maxima)

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    Insects hold important role in pollination of many crops. However, studies on pollination in Indonesia could be considered rare. This study focussed on obtaining the basic information of wild pollinators and the effect Trigona (Tetragonula) laeviceps Smith innundation release to the production and quality of pumpkin (C. maxima) in traditional farming system. Observations were carried out from 07:00 to 15:00 during flowering period for 3 weeks. Sampling area was divided into three plots : open pollination + T. laeviceps (OPT), open pollination (OP), and hand pollination (HP). Pollination was assessed by three main parameters, which were visitation pattern, plant reproductive success, and fruit quality. Visitation pattern was assessed by measuring frequency and duration of pollinator visits, the plant reproductive success by fruit set and number of seed produced; while fruit quality by diameter, weight, and number of fruit produced/plant. We recorded different visitation pattern in which wild pollinator preferred to visit flowers in the morning while T. laeviceps preferred to visit from noon to afternoon. This pattern could be relate to difference in thermal tolerance among pollinators. There were significant differences among fruit set produced in OPT (80%), OP (65%), and HP (38.3%) (F2,35 = 19,907, P = 0,000). Number of seeds and fruit quality produced in OPT and OP much higher than HP while number of fruits produced in OPT significantly higher that OP and HP. Low pollination success in HP showed pollination process in pumpkin highly depend on pollination time. Thus, pollination by bees in pumpkin hard to be replace by human and variation of visit provided by T. laeviceps produce positive effect to pumpkin

    Toksisitas beberapa jenis fungisida komersial pada serangga penyerbuk, Trigona (Tetragonula) laeviceps Smith

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    Salah satu pestisida yang umum digunakan pada sistem perkebunan adalah fungisida. Walaupun spesifik didesain untuk mengatasi serangan cendawan, beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fungisida memiliki efek neurotoksik terhadap hewan uji. Hal ini memberikan potensi merugikan bagi hewan-hewan non target yang menguntungkan pada sistem pertanian, seperti serangga penyerbuk. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan toksisitas dari fungisida yang beredar di pasaran pada salah satu agen penyerbuk Trigona (Tetrgonula) laeviceps Smith, dengan parameter toksisitas berupa nilai LD50 dan Hazard Quotient (HQ). Fungisida yang diujikan adalah dari golongan triazole (triadimefon dan difenoconazole), golongan propamokarb (propamokarb HCl), dan golongan ditiokarbamat (mankozeb dan propineb). Lebah pencari makanan T. laeviceps dikoleksi dan dianestesi dengan suhu -10 °C selama 1 menit. Sebanyak 1 μl larutan triadimefon, difenoconazole, propamokarb HCl, mankozeb, dan propineb diaplikasikan secara topikal dengan microsyringe di bagian dorsal lebah. Setiap kelompok perlakuan terdiri atas 10 individu lebah yang diulangi sebanyak tiga kali. Pengamatan mortalitas lebah dilakukan 48 jam setelah aplikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai LD50 (48 jam) dan HQ untuk fungisida uji adalah triadimefon 13,43 ±1,78 μg/lebah, HQ = 18,62; difenoconazole 9,25 ± 1,21 μg/lebah, HQ = 27,03; propamokarb HCl 270,45 ±19,48 μg/lebah, HQ = 14,34; mankozeb 3,75±0,47 μg/lebah, HQ = 512; dan propineb 9,71 ±2,20 μg/lebah, HQ = 144,18. Dari kelima fungisida, terdapat dua fungisida yang memiliki toksisitas moderat dan memiliki potensi menyebabkan mortalitas bagi lebah pencari makanan dan merugikan bagi koloni lebah saat aplikasi di lapangan, yaitu mankozeb dan propineb