115 research outputs found

    Steering between Bloch oscillation and dipole oscillation in parabolic optical waveguide arrays

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    We study the optical oscillations of supermodes in planar optical waveguide arrays with parabolically graded propagation constant in individual waveguide interacting through nearest neighbor couplings. In these arrays, we have identified a transition between a symmetric dipole oscillation (DO) and a symmetry-breaking Bloch oscillation (BO) under appropriate conditions. There exist obvious correspondences between gradon localization and various optical oscillations. By virtue of an analogue between the oscillation of optical system and that of a plane pendulum, we propose a shift of the graded profile to cause a transition from BO to DO. We confirm the optical transition by means of Hamiltonian optics, as well as by the field evolution of the supermodes. The results offer great potential applications in optical switching, which can be applied to design suitable optical devices.Comment: Submitted to JOSA B for publication

    Recurrent Meningeal Hemangiopericytoma with Multiple Metastasis and Hypoglycemia: A Case Report

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    Aims. We report on the unusual case of a 43-year-old man who developed recurrent meningeal hemangiopericytoma and presented with hypoglycemia 6 years after excision of the tumor. Methods and Results. We utilized computed tomography to assure multiple tumor metastasis and cranial recurrence of previous meningeal hemangiopericytoma and clinical laboratory tests and immunohistochemical staining to characterize this case. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography showed the recurrent tumor at original torcular site was increased in size. Abnormal low levels of growth hormone, insulin, and insulin-like growth factor-I except insulin-like growth factor-II were detected in the serum. By immunohistochemistry, the neoplastic cells characteristically express diffusely CD99, bcl2, and variable CD34. After radio- and chemotherapy, serum glucose level of the patient returned to normal. Conclusions. Comparing other brain tumors, meningeal hemangiopericytoma has a higher recurrent and metastatic rate, but this tumor with hypoglycemia is very rare

    Harmonic oscillations and their switching in elliptical optical waveguide arrays

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    We have studied harmonic oscillations in an elliptical optical waveguide array in which the coupling between neighboring waveguides is varied in accord with a Kac matrix so that the propagation constant eigenvalues can take equally spaced values. As a result, long-living Bloch oscillation (BO) and dipole oscillation (DO) are obtained when a linear gradient in the propagation constant is applied. Moreover, we achieve a switching from DO to BO or vice versa by ramping up the gradient profile. The various optical oscillations as well as their switching are investigated by field evolution analysis and confirmed by Hamiltonian optics. The equally spaced eigenvalues in the propagation constant allow viable applications in transmitting images, switching and routing of optical signals.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Photonic Bloch-dipole-Zener Oscillations in Binary Parabolic Optical Waveguide Arrays

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    We have studied the propagation and Zener tunneling of light in the binary parabolic optical waveguide array (BPOWA), which consists of two evanescently coupled dissimilar optical waveguides. Due to Bragg reflections, BPOWA attains two minibands separated by a minigap at the zone boundary. Various coherent superpositions of optical oscillations and Zener tunneling occur for different parameters on the phase diagram. In particular, Bloch-Zener oscillation and a different type of Bloch-dipole-Zener oscillation are obtained by the field-evolution analysis. The results may have potential applications in optical splitting and waveguiding devices and shed light on the coherent phenomena in optical lattices.Comment: Submitted to JOSA

    PLASER: Pronunciation Learning via Automatic Speech Recognition

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    PLASER is a multimedia tool with instant feedback designed to teach English pronunciation for high-school students of Hong Kong whose mother tongue is Cantonese Chinese. The objective is to teach correct pronunciation and not to assess a student's overall pronunciation quality. Major challenges related to speech recognition technology include: allowance for non-native accent, reliable and corrective feedbacks, and visualization of errors

    Efficacy, safety and immunogenicity of a human rotavirus vaccine (RIX4414) in Hong Kong children up to three years of age: A randomized, controlled trial

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    AbstractBackgroundA phase III, double-blind, randomized, controlled trial was conducted in Hong Kong to evaluate the efficacy, safety and immunogenicity of a human rotavirus vaccine, RIX4414 (Rotarix™) against severe rotavirus gastroenteritis in children up to three years of age.MethodsHealthy infants aged 6–12 weeks were enrolled between 08-December-2003 and 31-August-2005 and received two oral doses of either RIX4414 vaccine (N=1513) or placebo (N=1512) given 2 months apart. Vaccine efficacy was assessed from two weeks post-Dose 2 until the children were two and three years of age. Anti-rotavirus IgA seroconversion rate was calculated pre-vaccination and 1–2 months post-Dose 2 using ELISA (cut-off=20U/mL) for 100 infants. Safety was assessed until the children were two years of age; serious adverse events (SAEs) were recorded throughout the study period.ResultsIn children aged two and three years of life, vaccine efficacy against severe rotavirus gastroenteritis was 95.6% (95% CI: 73.1%–99.9%) and 96.1% (95% CI: 76.5%–99.9%), respectively. The seroconversion rate 1–2 months after the second dose of RIX4414 was 97.5% (95% CI: 86.8%–99.9%). At least one SAE was recorded in 439 and 477 infants who were administered RIX4414 and placebo, respectively (p-value=0.130). Six intussusception cases were reported (RIX4414=4; placebo=2) and none was assessed to be vaccine-related.ConclusionRIX4414 was efficacious, immunogenic and safe in the prevention of rotavirus gastroenteritis for at least two years post-vaccination in Hong Kong children

    Service learning and school community partnership

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    Background Service learning offered university students the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills in social care context while strengthening community health. This paper aimed at highlighting the essential features of the program in achieving sustainable outcomes. Project design and methods Students from different faculty, worked as a team to address the health issues of a less resourceful school. The students were required to plan and develop the related resources and products for matching the learning needs. Through the implementation, students shifted from following an instructive guide to acting on a more self-directed learning process at different stages of service. The health promotion programs could include nutritious breakfast, adequate exercises, healthy beverages and interpersonal communication. Efficacy of the service learning was assessed by the pre and post service survey on the attainment of generic skills of interpersonal effectiveness, problem solving, social responsibility and teamwork. Impact of the service was evaluated by the pre and post program testing. Individual learning experience was collected by the reflective journal writing. Significance and implication School community plays a major role in providing a healthy learning environment for children and adolescents. With the input of subject knowledge and field practice, faculty students attained improvement in generic skills. The school participants increased health knowledge and the importance of healthier lifestyle was reinforced. Both parties owned the program materials for the continuity of practice. The partnership creates initiatives of applying health-promoting school concepts. This project work also built up the ground work for a feasible framework of school health service and practice

    Speak-up culture in an intensive care unit in Hong Kong: a cross-sectional survey exploring the communication openness perceptions of Chinese doctors and nurses

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    Objectives Despite growing recognition of the importance of speaking up to protect patient safety in critical care, little research has been performed in this area in an intensive care unit (ICU) context. This study explored the communication openness perceptions of Chinese doctors and nurses and identified their perceptions of issues in ICU communication, their reasons for speaking up and the possible factors and strategies involved in promoting the practice of speaking up. Design A mixed-methods design with quantitative and sequential qualitative components was used. Setting and participants Eighty ICU staff members from a large public hospital in Hong Kong completed a questionnaire regarding their perceptions of communication openness. Ten clinicians whose survey responses indicated support for open communication were then interviewed about their speak-up practices. Results The participating ICU staff members had similar perceptions of their openness to communication. However, the doctors responded more positively than the nurses to many aspects of communication openness. The two groups also had different perceptions of speaking up. The interviewed ICU staff members who indicated a high level of communication openness reported that their primary reasons for speaking up were to seek and clarify information, which was achieved by asking questions. Other factors perceived to influence the motivation to speak up included seniority, relationships and familiarity with patient cases. Conclusions Creating an atmosphere of safety and equality in which team members feel confident in expressing their personal views without fear of reprisal or embarrassment is necessary to encourage ICU staff members, regardless of their position, to speak up. Because harmony and saving face is valued in Chinese culture, training nurses and doctors to speak up by focusing on human factors and values rather than simply addressing conflict management is desirable in this context.This work was supported by funding from the Hospital Authority’s Kowloon Central Cluster Research Grant (grant number: KCC/RC/G/1516-B03)

    Large-scale evolutionary surveillance of the 2009 H1N1 influenza A virus using resequencing arrays

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    In April 2009, a new influenza A (H1N1 2009) virus emerged that rapidly spread around the world. While current variants of this virus have caused widespread disease, particularly in vulnerable groups, there remains the possibility that future variants may cause increased virulence, drug resistance or vaccine escape. Early detection of these virus variants may offer the chance for increased containment and potentially prevention of the virus spread. We have developed and field-tested a resequencing kit that is capable of interrogating all eight segments of the 2009 influenza A(H1N1) virus genome and its variants, with added focus on critical regions such as drug-binding sites, structural components and mutation hotspots. The accompanying base-calling software (EvolSTAR) introduces novel methods that utilize neighbourhood hybridization intensity profiles and substitution bias of probes on the microarray for mutation confirmation and recovery of ambiguous base queries. Our results demonstrate that EvolSTAR is highly accurate and has a much improved call rate. The high throughput and short turn-around time from sample to sequence and analysis results (30 h for 24 samples) makes this kit an efficient large-scale evolutionary biosurveillance tool