25,890 research outputs found

    Representation of quantum states as points in a probability simplex associated to a SIC-POVM

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    The quantum state of a dd-dimensional system can be represented by the d2d^2 probabilities corresponding to a SIC-POVM, and then this distribution of probability can be represented by a vector of Rd21\R^{d^2-1} in a simplex, we will call this set of vectors Q\mathcal{Q}. Other way of represent a dd-dimensional system is by the corresponding Bloch vector also in Rd21\R^{d^2-1}, we will call this set of vectors B\mathcal{B}. In this paper it is proved that with the adequate scaling B=Q\mathcal{B}=\mathcal{Q}. Also we indicate some features of the shape of Q\mathcal{Q}.Comment: 12 pages. Added journal referenc

    High purith low defect FZ silicon

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    The most common intrinsic defects in dislocation-free float zone (FZ) silicon crystals are the A- and B-type swirl defects. The mechanisms of their formation and annihilation have been extensively studied. Another type of defect in dislocation-free FZ crystals is referred to as a D-type defect. Concentrations of these defects can be minimized by optimizing the growth conditions, and the residual swirls can be reduced by the post-growth extrinsic gettering process. Czochralski (Cz) silicon wafers are known to exhibit higher resistance to slip and warpage due to thermal stress than do FZ wafers. The Cz crystals containing dislocations are more resistant to dislocation movement than dislocated FZ crystals because of the locking of dislocations by oxygen atoms present in the Cz crystals. Recently a transverse magnetic field was applied during the FZ growth of extrinsic silicon. Resultant flow patterns, as revealed by striation etching and spreading resistance in Ga-doped silicon crystals, indicate strong effects of the transverse magnetic field on the circulation within the melt. At fields of 5500 gauss, the fluid flow in the melt volume is so altered as to affect the morphology of the growing crystal

    Magnetic structure of Ba(TiO)Cu4_4(PO4_4)4_4 probed using spherical neutron polarimetry

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    The antiferromagnetic compound Ba(TiO)Cu4_4(PO4_4)4_4 contains square cupola of corner-sharing CuO4_4 plaquettes, which were proposed to form effective quadrupolar order. To identify the magnetic structure, we have performed spherical neutron polarimetry measurements. Based on symmetry analysis and careful measurements we conclude that the orientation of the Cu2+^{2+} spins form a non-collinear in-out structure with spins approximately perpendicular to the CuO4_4 motif. Strong Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction naturally lends itself to explain this phenomenon. The identification of the ground state magnetic structure should serve well for future theoretical and experimental studies into this and closely related compounds.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Chiral Zeromodes on Vortex-type Intersecting Heterotic Five-branes

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    We solve the gaugino Dirac equation on a smeared intersecting five-brane solution in E_8\times E_8 heterotic string theory to search for localized chiral zeromodes on the intersection. The background is chosen to depend on the full two-dimensional overall transverse coordinates to the branes. Under some appropriate boundary conditions, we compute the complete spectrum of zeromodes to find that, among infinite towers of Fourier modes, there exist only three localized normalizable zeromodes, one of which has opposite chirality to the other two. This agrees with the result previously obtained in the domain-wall type solution, supporting the claim that there exists one net chiral zeromode localized on the heterotic five-brane system.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Charged rotating Kaluza-Klein multi-black holes and multi-black strings in five-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell theory

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    We construct exact solutions, which represent regular charged rotating Kaluza-Klein multi-black holes in the five-dimensional pure Einstein-Maxwell theory. Quantization conditions between the mass, the angular momentum, and charges appear from the regularity condition of horizon. We also obtain multi-black string solutions by taking some limits in the solutions. We extend the black hole solutions to the five-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory with an arbitrary Chern-Simons coupling constant.Comment: 14 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1206.481

    Surface Shubnikov-de Hass oscillations and non-zero Berry phases of the topological hole conduction in Tl1x_{1-x}Bi1+x_{1+x}Se2_2

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    We report the observation of two-dimensional Shubnikov-de Hass (SdH) oscillations in the topological insulator Tl1x_{1-x}Bi1+x_{1+x}Se2_2. Hall effect measurements exhibited electron-hole inversion in samples with bulk insulating properties. The SdH oscillations accompanying the hole conduction yielded a large surface carrier density of ns=5.1×1012n_{\rm{s}}=5.1 \times10^{12}/cm2^2, with the Landau-level fan diagram exhibiting the π\pi Berry phase. These results showed the electron-hole reversibility around the in-gap Dirac point and the hole conduction on the surface Dirac cone without involving the bulk metallic conduction.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Lazy states: sufficient and necessary condition for zero quantum entropy rates under any coupling to the environment

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    We find the necessary and sufficient conditions for the entropy rate of the system to be zero under any system-environment Hamiltonian interaction. We call the class of system-environment states that satisfy this condition lazy states. They are a generalization of classically correlated states defined by quantum discord, but based on projective measurements of any rank. The concept of lazy states permits the construction of a protocol for detecting global quantum correlations using only local dynamical information. We show how quantum correlations to the environment provide bounds to the entropy rate, and how to estimate dissipation rates for general non-Markovian open quantum systems.Comment: 4 page

    Elliptical orbits in the Bloch sphere

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    As is well known, when an SU(2) operation acts on a two-level system, its Bloch vector rotates without change of magnitude. Considering a system composed of two two-level systems, it is proven that for a class of nonlocal interactions of the two subsystems including \sigma_i\otimes\sigma_j (with i,j \in {x,y,z}) and the Heisenberg interaction, the geometric description of the motion is particularly simple: each of the two Bloch vectors follows an elliptical orbit within the Bloch sphere. The utility of this result is demonstrated in two applications, the first of which bears on quantum control via quantum interfaces. By employing nonunitary control operations, we extend the idea of controllability to a set of points which are not necessarily connected by unitary transformations. The second application shows how the orbit of the coherence vector can be used to assess the entangling power of Heisenberg exchange interaction.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, few corrections, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 7 (2005) S1-S