693 research outputs found

    Multiplicity with a Thrust Cut

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    We evaluate the multiplicity of hadrons in the e+ee^+e^--annihilation at a given thrust TT in the modified leading-log approximation, including O(αs)O(\sqrt{\alpha_s}) corrections. The calculation is done at a large value of τ=1T\tau =1-T by the use of the factorisation which takes place in the one-particle-inclusive cross section at a given τ\tau. At a small τ\tau, a different type of factorisation takes place, which also enable us to evaluate the multiplicity. Two approaches are compared numerically. Measuring this quantity near τ=1/3\tau =1/3, we can determine the multiplicity ratio between a gluon-jet and a quark-jet.Comment: OCHA-PP-32, LATEX FILE, 21

    Elastic Differential Cross Sctions for Electron Collisions with Polyatomic Molecules

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    Experimental data for electron-polyatomic molecule collisions are reviewed in connection with fusion and processing plasmas, as well as with the associated environmental issues. The electron scattering experiments for differential cross section (DCS) measurements for various processes, such as elastic scattering, have been performed across a broad range of energies (1-100 eV), mainly, at Sophia University since 1978, and some done under the collaborations with the Australian National University, Flinders University, and the Chungnam National University. As a benchmark cross section, elastic DCS are essential for the absolute scale conversion of inelastic DCS, as well as for testing computational methods. The need for cross-section data for a wide variety of molecular 2 species is also discussed, because there is an urgent need to develop an international program to provide the scientific and technological communities with authoritative cross sections for electron-molecule interactions. Note that the detailed comparison with other data available is not given here. Ruther, other available data can be found in the references we cite. This course of action was adopted to keep this report to a sensible length, so that only our numerical data is provided here

    Fluctuating Fuzzy Funnels

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    It is well known that a D-string ending on a D3, D5 or D7 brane is described in terms of a non-commutative fuzzy funnel geometry. In this article, we give a numerical study of the fluctuations about this leading geometry. This allows us to investigate issues related to the stability and moduli space of these solutions. We comment on the comparison to the linearized fluctuations in supergravity.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures; v2 references added and correcte

    Cross Sections for Electron-induced Resonant Vibrational Excitations in Polyatomic Molecules

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    We continue our review of experimental data for electron-polyatomic molecule collisions in connection with fusion and processing plasmas, as well as with the associated environmental issues. In this case we focus on vibrational excitation processes, in particular what vibrational modes can be identified in electron energy loss experiments and which of these modes are resonantly enhanced due to the temporary capture of the incident electron by the species in question. In this latter respect we report indicative excitation function data, all of which were originally measured at Sophia University and for which the differential cross section, for excitation of the relevant mode, are studied as a function of the incident electron energy at a fixed scattered electron angle. Unlike our previous compilation (NIFS?DATA?101) for elastic scattering, which was conducted over a broad range of energies (1?100 eV), vibrational excitation cross sections usually only become significant when the resonance enhancement process occurs. As a consequence, this survey encompasses incident electron energies between 1?30 eV. Consistent with our first report, no detailed comparison is made here with any other data that might be available in the literature. This course of action was once again adopted in order to keep this report to a sensible length

    Parameter Degeneracies in Neutrino Oscillation Measurement of Leptonic CP and T Violation

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    The measurement of the mixing angle \theta_{13}, sign of \Delta m^2_{13} and the CP or T violating phase \delta is fraught with ambiguities in neutrino oscillation. In this paper we give an analytic treatment of the paramater degeneracies associated with measuring the \nu_\mu -> \nu_e probability and its CP and/or T conjugates. For CP violation, we give explicit solutions to allow us to obtain the regions where there exist two-fold and four-fold degeneracies. We calculate the fractional differences, \Delta \theta / \bar{\theta}, between the allowed solutions which may be used to compare with the expected sensitivities of the experiments. For T violation we show that there is always a complete degeneracy between solutions with positive and negative \Delta m^2_{13} which arises due to a symmetry and cannot be removed by observing one neutrino oscillation probability and its T conjugate. Thus, there is always a four fold parameter degeneracy apart from exceptional points. Explicit solutions are also given and the fractional differences are computed. The bi-probability CP/T trajectory diagrams are extensively used to illuminate the nature of the degeneracies.Comment: 35 pages, Latex, 11 postscript figures, minor correction

    Exact Formulas and Simple CP dependence of Neutrino Oscillation Probabilities in Matter with Constant Density

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    We investigate neutrino oscillations in constant matter within the context of the standard three neutrino scenario. We derive an exact and simple formula for the oscillation probability applicable to all channels. In the standard parametrization, the probability for νe\nu_e \to νμ\nu_{\mu} transition can be written in the form P(νeνμ)=Aeμcosδ+Beμsinδ+CeμP(\nu_e \to \nu_{\mu})=A_{e\mu}\cos\delta+B_{e\mu}\sin\delta+C_{e\mu} without any approximation using CP phase δ\delta. For νμ\nu_{\mu} \to ντ\nu_{\tau} transition, the linear term of cos2δ\cos 2\delta is added and the probability can be written in the form P(νμντ)=Aμτcosδ+Bμτsinδ+Cμτ+Dμτcos2δP(\nu_{\mu} \to \nu_{\tau})=A_{\mu\tau}\cos\delta+B_{\mu\tau} \sin\delta+C_{\mu\tau}+D_{\mu\tau}\cos 2\delta. We give the CP dependences of the probability for other channels. We show that the probability for each channel in matter has the same form with respect to δ\delta as in vacuum. It means that matter effects just modify the coefficients AA, BB, CC and DD. We also give the exact expression of the coefficients for each channel. Furthermore, we show that our results with respect to CP dependences are reproduced from the effective mixing angles and the effective CP phase calculated by Zaglauer and Schwarzer. Through the calculation, a new identity is obtained by dividing the Naumov-Harrison-Scott identity by the Toshev identity.Comment: 12 pages, RevTeX4 style, changed title, minor correction

    Half-metallicity and Slater-Pauling behavior in the ferromagnetic Heusler alloys

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    Introductory chapter for the book "Halfmetallic Alloys - Fundamentals and Applications" to be published in the series Springer Lecture Notes on Physics, P. H. Dederichs and I. Galanakis (eds). It contains a review of the theoretical work on the half-metallic Heusler alloys.Comment: Introductory chapter for the book "Halfmetallic Alloys - Fundamentals and Applications" to be published in the series Springer Lecture Notes on Physics, P. H. Dederichs and I. Galanakis (eds

    Origin and Properties of the Gap in the Half-Ferromagnetic Heusler Alloys

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    We study the origin of the gap and the role of chemical composition in the half-ferromagnetic Heusler alloys using the full-potential screened KKR method. In the paramagnetic phase the C1_b compounds, like NiMnSb, present a gap. Systems with 18 valence electrons, Z_t, per unit cell, like CoTiSb, are semiconductors, but when Z_t > 18 antibonding states are also populated, thus the paramagnetic phase becomes unstable and the half-ferromagnetic one is stabilized. The minority occupied bands accommodate a total of nine electrons and the total magnetic moment per unit cell in mu_B is just the difference between Z_t and 2×92 \times 9. While the substitution of the transition metal atoms may preserve the half-ferromagnetic character, substituting the spsp atom results in a practically rigid shift of the bands and the loss of half-metallicity. Finally we show that expanding or contracting the lattice parameter by 2% preserves the minority-spin gap.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures New figures, revised tex

    A Real Space Description of Magnetic Field Induced Melting in the Charge Ordered Manganites: I. The Clean Limit

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    We study the melting of charge order in the half doped manganites using a model that incorporates double exchange, antiferromagnetic superexchange, and Jahn-Teller coupling between electrons and phonons. We primarily use a real space Monte Carlo technique to study the phase diagram in terms of applied field (h)(h) and temperature (T)(T), exploring the melting of charge order with increasing hh and its recovery on decreasing hh. We observe hysteresis in this response, and discover that the `field melted' high conductance state can be spatially inhomogeneous even without extrinsic disorder. The hysteretic response plays out in the background of field driven equilibrium phase separation. Our results, exploring hh, TT, and the electronic parameter space, are backed up by analysis of simpler limiting cases and a Landau framework for the field response. This paper focuses on our results in the `clean' systems, a companion paper studies the effect of cation disorder on the melting phenomena.Comment: 16 pages, pdflatex, 11 png fig

    The Matter Power Spectrum of Dark Energy Models and the Harrison-Zel'dovich Prescription

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    According to the Harrison-Zel'dovich prescription, the amplitude of matter density perturbations at horizon crossing is the same at all scales. Based on this prescription, we show how to construct the matter power spectrum of generic dark energy models from the power spectrum of a Λ\LambdaCDM model without the need of solving in full the dynamical equations describing the evolution of all energy density perturbations. Our approach allows to make model predictions of observables that can be expressed in terms of the matter power spectrum alone, such as the amplitude of matter fluctuations, peculiar velocities, cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropies on large angular scales or the weak lensing convergence spectrum. Then, models that have been tested only at the background level using the rate of the expansion of the Universe can now be tested using data on gravitational clustering and on large scale structure. This method can save a lot of effort in checking the validity of dark energy models. As an example of the accurateness of the approximation used, we compute the power spectrum of different dark energy models with constant equation of state parameter (wDE=0.1w_{DE}=-0.1, -0.5 and -0.8, ruled out by observations but easy to compare to numerical solutions) using our methodology and discuss the constraints imposed by the low multipoles of the cosmic microwave background.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Key words: Physical cosmology, cosmological perturbations, matter power spectrum, dark energy. Further text, figures, and references added to emphasize the usefulness of the method. Publshed in JCAP (April 2012