579 research outputs found

    Sustained pupillary constrictions mediated by an L- and M-cone opponent process

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    AbstractWe show that irradiance-coding alone cannot explain the sustained pupillary constrictions evoked by chromatic and luminance variations in a stimulus. For example, stimulus modulations that decremented the contrasts in L- and M-cones as well as rods and melanopsin photoreceptors produced sustained constrictions rather than the predicted dilations. Although the sustained responses are unidirectional, we confirm that they are at least partially mediated by an L- and M-cone opponent interaction. We discuss the implications of sustained unidirectional chromatic responses in view of the function of the pupil to improve the clarity of vision

    Pupillary correlates of light-evoked melanopsin activity in humans

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    AbstractWe investigated whether cones are the only photosensitive process mediating the photopic pupillary light reflex. New analyses were performed on previously published recordings, focusing on those evoked by the onset of photopically equated short- and long-wavelength stimuli. Comparisons between responses revealed contraction differences that slowly grew to a peak and gradually declined. The late contraction was associated with short wavelengths and appeared mostly at the higher stimulus intensities. We conclude that cones are not the only photoreception process mediating the photopic ON-reflex and infer that melanopsin is another. Melanopsin contributes to the steady-state pupil size in daylight illumination

    Triaxial superdeformation in 40^{40}Ar

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    Superdeformed (SD) states in 40^{40}Ar have been studied using the deformed-basis antisymmetrized molecular dynamics. Low energy states were calculated by the parity and angular momentum projection (AMP) and the generator coordinate method (GCM). Basis wave functions were obtained by the energy variation with a constraint on the quadrupole deformation parameter β\beta, while other quantities such as triaxiality γ\gamma were optimized by the energy variation. By the GCM calculation, an SD band was obtained just above the ground state (GS) band. The SD band involves a Kπ=2+K^\pi = 2^+ side band due to the triaxiality. The calculated electric quadrupole transition strengths of the SD band reproduce the experimental values appropriately. Triaxiality is significant for understanding low-lying states.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    A pupillometric correlate of scotopic visual acuity

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    AbstractWhile not easily fit into the classic descriptions of the pupillary light reflex, previous studies reported that changes in the spatial composition of the retinal image can evoke a pupillary response. The present study extends this observation by showing that the pupil constricts in response to scotopic as well as photopic spatial patterns. Moreover, the amplitude of the scotopic response decreases with increasing spatial frequencies suggesting a pupillary spatial acuity of about 3 c/deg. The scotopic pupil acuity is similar to the scotopic perceptual visual acuity measured in the same observers

    Petrography of Yamato 984028 lherzolitic shergottite and its melt vein: Implications for its shock metamorphism and origin of the vein

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    AbstractYamato 984028 (Y984028) is a newly identified lherzolitic shergottite, recovered from the Yamato Mountains, Antarctica, in 1999. As part of a consortium study, we conducted petrographic observations of Y984028 and its melt vein in order to investigate its shock metamorphism. The rock displays the typical non-poikilitic texture of lherzolitic shergottite, characterized by a framework of olivine, minor pyroxene (pigeonite and augite), and interstitial maskelynite. Shock metamorphic features include irregular fractures in olivine and pyroxene, shock-induced twin-lamellae in pyroxene, and the complete conversion of plagioclase to maskelynite, features consistent with those found in other lherzolitic shergottites. The melt vein is composed of coarse mineral fragments (mainly olivine) entrained in a matrix of fine-grained euhedral olivine (with several modes of compositional zoning) and interstitial glassy material. Some coarse olivine fragments consist of an assemblage of fine-grained euhedral to subhedral olivine crystals, suggesting shock-induced fragmentation, recrystallization, and/or a process of sintering. The implication is that the fine-grained olivine crystals in the matrix of the melt vein represent complicated crystallization environments and histories

    Social studies in elementary and junior high consistency type to foster international qualities (2): The point of view of legal literacy

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    本研究を実践することで,他者の異なる意見に耳を傾け,具体的な根拠を挙げて議論できるようになり,同時に自由や平等,公正といった基本的価値に留意しつつ,関連する法制度や具体的な問題を理解・評価できるようになると考える。本研究は,小中それぞれの授業実践を通して,社会生活の中で生じる様々な考え方の違いをどのように調整することで,よりよい社会を形成することができるのか,事実に基づき,憲法や法律も参考にしつつ,効率・公正の視点から考えさせるものである。この経験は,グローバル社会の中でも希望を持って生き抜くことのできる国際的な資質を育成する上で求められるリーガルリテラシーの視点から見ても,意義あることだと考える。成果としては,具体的な事象を通して考えることで,事実をつかみ,他の意見も考慮に入れながら思考・判断することで,自分の考えを構築し,より望ましい市民社会を形成していくことの重要性を理解することができた。今後は,実践の更なる積み重ねを通じて,児童・生徒がより効果的にリーガルマインドを育てることのできるカリキュラム開発を行っていきたい。Through this research, we can listen to different opinion of others and discuss them with specific grounds to discuss basic values such as freedom, equality, fairness and related legal systems and specific problems it will be able to understand and evaluate. This research, through the practice of elementary and junior high school classes, by adjusting the differences in various ways of thinking arising in social life, it is possible to create a better society by referring to the Constitution and the law, It makes us think from a fair perspective. This experience is also significant from the viewpoint of legal literacy required for nurturing international qualities. As a result, the importance of forming a more desirable civil society by grasping facts by thinking through concrete events, building thoughts while considering and judging while considering the opinions of others, I was able to understand

    Plasma L-Cystine/L-Glutamate Imbalance Increases Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha from CD14+ Circulating Monocytes in Patients with Advanced Cirrhosis

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The innate immune cells can not normally respond to the pathogen in patients with decompensated cirrhosis. Previous studies reported that antigen-presenting cells take up L-Cystine (L-Cys) and secrete substantial amounts of L-Glutamate (L-Glu) via the transport system Xc- (4F2hc+xCT), and that this exchange influences the immune responses. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of the plasma L-Cys/L-Glu imbalance observed in patients with advanced cirrhosis on the function of circulating monocytes. METHODS: We used a serum-free culture medium consistent with the average concentrations of plasma amino acids from patients with advanced cirrhosis (ACM), and examined the function of CD14+ monocytes or THP-1 under ACM that contained 0-300 nmol/mL L-Cys with LPS. In patients with advanced cirrhosis, we actually determined the TNF-alpha and xCT mRNA of monocytes, and evaluated the correlation between the plasma L-Cys/L-Glu ratio and TNF-alpha. RESULTS: The addition of L-Cys significantly increased the production of TNF alpha from monocytes under ACM. Monocytes with LPS and THP-1 expressed xCT and a high level of extracellular L-Cys enhanced L-Cys/L-Glu antiport, and the intracellular GSH/GSSG ratio was decreased. The L-Cys transport was inhibited by excess L-Glu. In patients with advanced cirrhosis (n = 19), the TNF-alpha and xCT mRNA of monocytes were increased according to the Child-Pugh grade. The TNF-alpha mRNA of monocytes was significantly higher in the high L-Cys/L-Glu ratio group than in the low ratio group, and the plasma TNF-alpha was significantly correlated with the L-Cys/L-Glu ratio. CONCLUSIONS: A plasma L-Cys/L-Glu imbalance, which appears in patients with advanced cirrhosis, increased the TNF-alpha from circulating monocytes via increasing the intracellular oxidative stress. These results may reflect the immune abnormality that appears in patients with decompensated cirrhosis

    Laparoscopic Gastrectomy for Gastric Cancer with Peritoneal Dissemination after Induction Chemotherapy

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    Gastric cancer with peritoneal dissemination may be diagnosed as unresectable. More recently, as a result of progress in chemotherapy, some patients with peritoneal dissemination have exhibited extended survival. We report on our experience with three patients in whom induction chemotherapy allowed for totally laparoscopic total gastrectomy (TLTG). All three patients were diagnosed as having advanced gastric cancer with peritoneal dissemination using staging laparoscopy. As induction chemotherapy, S-1 combined with cisplatin was administered to two patients and trastuzumab plus capecitabine combined with cisplatin to one patient. TLTG was performed in all patients and there were no postoperative complications. Adjuvant chemotherapy was initiated within 3 weeks after surgery in all three patients. Laparoscopic gastrectomy undertaken after induction chemotherapy was found to be effective and safe; this treatment has the potential to achieve good treatment outcomes in patients with stage IV gastric cancer