103 research outputs found

    “Desterritorialització” a la regió fronterera germanopolonesa i la seva importància per al sòrab com a llengua minoritària (des del punt de vista del paisatge lingüístic)

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    La frontera germanopolonesa actual va ser establerta el 1945 com a frontera lingüística clara sense continuïtat lingüística ni bilingüisme històric. Tanmateix, en els últims anys, especialment després de l’entrada de Polònia a la Unió Europea (2004), s’han incrementat els contactes en les dues direccions. En aquest procés el polonès és cada cop més usat en el costat alemany i l’alemany a la banda polonesa. En aquest article es mostren aquestes tendències des del punt de vista del paisatge lingüístic i es discuteix si es pot parlar de “desterritorialització” de l’alemany i el polonès. A continuació es discuteix quina influència té aquesta desterritorialització en el sòrab, llengua eslava enclavada a Alemanya oriental, per examinar com un procés de desterritorialització influeix en la perspectiva d’una llengua minoritzada. L’anàlisi mostra que des del punt de vista del paisatge lingüístic la frontera germanopolonesa ja no consisteix només en territoris estrictament monolingües. La utilitat pràctica creixent de llengües eslaves veïnes pot empènyer a l’ús transfronterer del sòrab. Aquesta funció de “pont” es pot aplicar en principi a altres llengües minoritzades, que sovint estan situades a la perifèria dels estats.La nuna german-pola landlimo ekestis en 1945 kiel klara lingva limo sen lingva kontinueco kaj historia dulingveco. Sed en la lastaj jaroj, precipe post eniro de Pollando al Eŭropa Unio (2004), rapide evoluis reciprokaj kontaktoj. En tiu procezo la pola lingvo estas pli kaj pli uzata ankaŭ en la germana flanko, kaj la germana en la pola flanko. Ĉi tiu artikolo unue montras tiajn tendencojn el vidpunkto de lingva pejzaĵo kaj diskutas, ĉu eblas paroli pri “deteritoriiĝo” de la germana kaj pola lingvoj. Sekve ĝi pritraktas la implicon de tia ĉelandlima deteritoriiĝo al la soraba lingvo, slava malplimulta lingvo en orienta Germanujo, por ekzameni kiamaniere deteritoriiĝo influas la perspektivon de malplimulta lingvo. La analizo montras, ke el vidpunkto de lingva pejzaĵo la german-pola landlima regiono ne plu konsistas el strikte unulingvaj teritorioj. La pliiĝanta praktika utileco de najbaraj slavaj lingvoj povus instigi al translimcela uzo de la soraba. Tia “ponta” funkcio principe aplikeblas ankaŭ rilate al aliaj malplimultaj lingvoj, kiuj ne malofte situatas ĉe malcentroj de ŝtatoj

    The effect of a summer flood on the density of caddisfly (Trichoptera) in the middle reaches of the Shinano River, Japan

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    We investigated the response of caddisfly species assemblages in the middle reaches of the Shinano River to a flood that occurred in mid July 2006. Prior to the flood (on Day -22) the population density of total benthic caddisflies was 8,266.7 ± 2,392.1 individuals m-2. After the flood, by Day 11, the population density had decreased to 55.6 ± 55.6 individuals m-2. By Day 65, the density of caddis species had recovered to nearly the same level as that recorded before the flood, particularly in the case of Hydropsyche orientalis Martynov, the most abundant benthic species. By Day 65 the larvae of this species had reached pre-flood levels. On Day 40 it was noted that the larval population was dominated by final instars, but by Day 65 early instar larvae were dominant and downstream drift consisted mainly of second instars. Moreover, H. orientalis adults were constantly collected during the study period and the abundance of adults increased after Day 50. These results suggested that drift and reproduction were the main recolonization mechanisms that contributed to the rapid recovery of benthic caddisfly after the flood.ArticleZoosymposia. 5(1):235-243 (2011)journal articl

    Sorbian studies in Japan: trends and perspectives

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    Sorbian studies in Japan: trends and perspectives Summary How does it come that Japanese scholars get interested in Sorbian studies? In this paper we review how Sorbian studies emerged and evolved in Japan, centering on the humanities – especially on linguistics and literature studies. Of course, motivations to work on Sorbian studies vary from scholar to scholar. But characteristic of the situation in Japan is that along with interested Slavists, not a few Japanese researchers on Sorbian studies have begun their study with a German studies background. This fact suggests that a joint approach from the German and Slavistic viewpoints may enrich Sorbian studies in Japan. At the end of this paper, the actual list of works on Sorbian themes by Japanese researchers written in languages other than Japanese is added as an appendix

    Adult caddisfly (Trichoptera) attached to artificial lights in the middle reaches of the Shinano River from 2005 to 2007

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    The species composition and abundance of adult caddisflies attracted to the illuminated showcase of a vending machine set along the middle reaches of the Shinano River were investigated every Sunday night from April to November in 2005 to 2007. A total of 1,405 adult caddisflies was collected during the investigation periods. We identified a total of 13 species belonging to 11 genera of 8 families. The most abundant species was Psychomyia acutipennis (Ulmer 1908) each year. Psychomyia acutipennis adults were collected from mid-May to the beginning of October (the range of mean air temperature was 13.8 to 27.7°C), with its seasonal abundance divided into several peaks, i.e., the end of May, the beginning of June, and the end of August to the beginning of September in both 2006 and 2007. On the other hand, in 2005 when there was no large-scale summer flood and there were no marked abundance peaks. The present study suggests that the mean air temperature and summer floods impacted the seasonal abundance of P. acutipennis adults.ArticleZoosymposia. 5(1):143-146 (2011)journal articl

    Species composition and abundance of craneflies (Diptera: Tipulidae) in the highland lakes of Japan

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    We evaluated the relative abundance of tipulids in the Nishina Three Lakes and Lake Suwa, Japan, by capturing adult flies with light traps set around the shores of the lakes. Of the 149 individuals collected, 49 species were identified, and we described 19 newly recorded genera around these lakes. We collected seven species of adults at Lake Suwa, 27 species at Lake Aoki, 19 species at Lake Nakatsuna, and 16 species at Lake Kizaki. The most abundant species were Antocha bifida, Gonomyia (Leiponeura) incompleta, and Gonomyia sp. However, the most abundant species of each lake differed. Only A. bifida was collected from all the lakes. We calculated the Shannon-Wiener diversity index to compare the tipulid fauna among the lakes. The diversity index was the highest at 4.24 in Lake Aoki (an oligotrophic lake) and the lowest at 2.81 in Lake Suwa (a hypereutrophic lake). These results suggest that the diversity and relative abundance of adult tipulid species may be useful biological indicators for water quality assessment.ArticleJOURNAL OF FRESHWATER ECOLOGY. 26(1):91-97 (2011)journal articl

    Distribution of benthic insects in a riffle/pool section of the middle reaches of the Shinano River, Japan, with emphasis on Trichoptera

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    We investigated the density and taxonomic composition of benthic insects in a 300 m section of riffle / pool habitat in the Shinano River, Japan. The most abundant taxa were Chironomidae, followed by Trichoptera. The total density of caddisflies and their contribution to the total density of benthic insects ranged from 56 to 21,744 (mean 11,644) ind. m-2 and from 2.6 to 44.6 (mean 29.4) %, respectively. We conducted a canonical correspondence analysis using current velocity, depth, and the ash-free dry mass of epilithon as the main factors. Benthic insect assemblages were significantly associated with the longitudinal gradient of the riffle/ pool structure. Stenopsyche marmorata and hydropsychid species were abundant in the riffles whereas Psychomyia acutipennis were abundant in the pools.Article環動昆.22(1):17-22(2011)journal articl

    Emergencetime and period of chironomid midges occurrlng from an indoor drainage

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    Mass emergence ofchironomidmidges often leads to severe nuisance conditions in food industries. We tried to clarifythe seasonal abundance and the emergence time of chironomids caught by a light traps in this industry. A total of38,708 chironomids was collected duringthe study period, andthe largest number of adult was recorded in fall. In addition, some chironomids were collected even in thewinter. These results suggest that air temperate in winter at this industry is highenough for emergence of chironomids.Asfbr emergence time,the number of chironomids increased around dawn and dusk,and decreased in the day and night. The results of the present study would be useful information for drafting planto prevent outbreaks of nuisancemidges from indoor sewage drain.Article信州大学山地水環境教育研究センター研究報告 6: 109-114(2010)departmental bulletin pape

    Prediction of emergence period of overwintering Chironomid larvae (Diptera: Chironomidae) at lower reaches of the Kiso River, Central Japan.

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    Species composition and period of emergence were investigated for overwintering Chironomidae at the lower reaches of the Kiso River by rearing larvae to obtain fundamental information for drafting a plan to prevent outbreaks of nuisance midges. Adults of 9 species emerged from the substrate samples in February 2006. The four most abundant species, Stictochironomus akizukii, Hydrobaenus kondoi, Tanytarsus takahashii and Einfeldia dissidens, occupied 88.0% of the total abundance. Using effective accumulative temperature for emergence and in situ water temperatures, the in situ emergence periods of the overwintering generation in 2006 were predicted as until early March for H. kondoi, from the end of March to early May for S. akizukii and T. takahashii, and late April to mid-June for E. dissidens.Article衛生動物.58(3):183-190(2007)journal articl

    Effect of Bt toxin on net-spinning caddisfly Stenopsyche marmorata (Trichoptera, Stenopsychidae)

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    The Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxin targets lepidopteran, dipteran and coleopteran pests. Despite their close taxonomic relationship to Lepidoptera, few studies have examined the hazard of Bt toxins on Trichoptera. We performed laboratory exposure tests to examine the effects of Bt var. aizawai on filter-feeding caddisflies, particularly Stenopsyche marmorata. In the continuous exposure test, the mortalities ranged from 0% at 1 mg/l to 100% at 20 mg/l 24 hours after exposure to Bta. The mortality at each concentration increased from 24 to 48 hours. In limited contact, mortality increased with contact time. Acclimatisation and water quality also affected larval mortality. Our results suggest that higher concentration and longer exposure to Bta affect or affect the increase of larval mortality